This is a desolate and uninhabited mountain area. The mountains are rolling. It may be because the climate is too hot. There are only sparse vegetation on the mountains, giving people a sense of lethargy.

"According to elder Xue canglan, the magic eye people live in an independent space named 'Tongtian demon world' by them. The entrance to 'Tongtian demon world' is somewhere in this mountain range. However, it's not so easy to find the entrance by themselves."

Lin Chen appeared on the hillside of a mountain thousands of meters high. Looking around, he didn't find any special place. He was a little helpless. It had been a day since he came here, but he still couldn't find the entrance to the "magic world".

"The entrance to the 'Tongtian demon world' must be very hidden. It's not so easy to find it by myself. It's a big deal. I can't wait until the people of the magic eye clan come out. As long as I'm patient, I can't believe I can't wait!"

Although the people of the "magic eye clan" have little contact with the outside world, it is certainly impossible for all the people to stay in the "magic world" forever. Lin Chen believes that as long as he is patient, he can always wait for the people of the "magic eye clan" to appear.

Another day passed. Lin Chen didn't wait for the people of the magic eye clan to come out of the "all sky demon world". Instead, he saw the people of the magic eye clan coming here from a distance.

This is a team escorting slaves on their way.

There were hundreds of slaves, most of whom were human beings. In addition, there were monsters in human form and some ethnic creatures with similar shapes to human beings.

These slaves, both men and women, looked very good with their hands tied. But at this time, they were all depressed, looked hopeless and lifeless. They looked like a group of driven lambs.

The people who escorted these slaves were about a dozen people of the demon eye clan. They were holding a black whip with barbs. They were all evil spirits!

"Hurry up! Let's hurry up. If anyone dares to stop here, I'll beat him to death. If you don't obey me, you've seen it before. Don't think I won't kill you!"

A big man with a national character face shook his whip and snapped it on a tall male slave. He directly beat the male slave with a scream, fell to the ground, covered his chest and kept rolling!

At his chest, there was a ferocious wound, the flesh and blood rolled back, and white bones could be seen.

"Hiss! Isn't it arrogant to look at me with hatred? Why is it so miserable now? Get up quickly, or I'll whip you around the neck!"

The big man with the national character face sneered repeatedly, and the eyes of the other members of the magic eye clan were full of sarcasm.

The slaves who had been knocked over on the ground struggled to get up. They dared not say a word and walked forward honestly.

"Hum! It's just a bunch of cheap bones. If you don't fight, you won't be honest!"

The Chinese faced man was elated. He caught a glimpse of a human coming this way from the corner of his eye. He was stunned. He rubbed his eyes and immediately laughed grimly:

"Damn it! We used to catch human slaves, but we had to run outside to meet them. Now someone has brought them to the door?"

The rest of the people of the magic eye clan saw Lin Chen coming this way, and his face also showed a strange smile. His expression was like a group of wolves watching a silly chick coming towards him and others.

The slaves cast a sympathetic look at Lin Chen.

They were not slaves auctioned by the magic eye clan from the auction house, but were directly taken away by the people of the magic eye clan after they saw them.

When the young man appeared in front of the magic eye clan, he would naturally end up as a slave like himself and others.

Seeing the young man coming, he looked at himself and others with some doubt, and then he was about to pass by them. The Chinese faced man shouted: "boy, stop!"

Lin Chen was cold at the bottom of his eyes. He was puzzled and said, "are you a caravan escorting slaves? I don't know you. What's the matter with you?"

The people of the magic eye clan looked at each other, with an undisguised sneer on their faces. The boy didn't know that his own disaster was imminent?

"What's the matter? Of course, this mountain is the territory of our magic eye clan. Who let you come here without our permission! Since you're here, you can't go.

From today on, you and these guys are slaves of our magic eye clan. Go to the 'Tongtian demon world' with us obediently. As long as you help our people in the future, at least you can survive! "

The whip in the hand of the Chinese character face man pointed to Lin Chen, and his tone was high.

"Why?" Lin Chen seemed to be a green headed man, and his face was not satisfied. "Are you still reasonable?"

The big man with a national character face laughed at the speech. Is this idiot trying to reason with himself?

Even some of the captured slaves looked at Lin Chen with speechless eyes. Someone looked at Lin Chen, shook his head and sighed, with an expression of "this guy is hopeless".

"Be reasonable? I'll tell you about your arrival!"

The big man with the national character face shouted violently, and the whip in his hand, without any sign, pulled it out towards Lin Chen, with a snap, and a quick sound broke the air.


The next second, the big man with a national character face saw that the other party was so scared that he turned pale and sat down on the ground. As a result, he just avoided his whip.

He said with a dumbfounded smile, "I'm lucky. I want to see if you can avoid the next whip! I told you in advance that if I go on with this whip, you'll lose half your life!"

He tried to whip it out again. The young man before the meeting was so scared that he asked for mercy: "don't... don't beat me! I'll just go with you. Spare my life!"


Guozimian put his hand down and said with a sneer, "human beings are really cheap bones. It's good to be honest and obedient at first. I have to force me to deal with you!"

He said to another demon eye clan: "go and tie this boy up!"

Soon, Lin Chen's hands were tied with some kind of leather rope and joined the slave team.

A quarter of an hour later, I came to the front of a thousand meter high barren mountain.

The people of the demon eye clan blindfolded all the slaves, and then they were behind them, like driving ducks, urging them to go.

Lin Chen estimated that about half an hour later, someone finally took off the leather cover that covered his eyes.

The scene in front of him is completely different from that before!

"This is the 'heaven bound demon world' where the magic eye people live. Is xuescar imprisoned somewhere here?" Thinking of this, Lin Chen only felt that the heart beat faster.

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