Lin Chen suddenly got up and stretched out his hand to break Li Tong's neck. The action was done in one go. People couldn't react at all. Black flames burst out of his hands and instantly burned Li Tong's body to ashes.

The prison guards, who had been watching coldly, were shocked to death for a moment. Before they could make any response, they fell down to the ground.

The pressure of terror enveloped them. They just felt that their bodies were about to burst, let alone move, and they could not even speak.

When Lin Chen looked around, he saw that all the more than 100 slaves were looking at him in disbelief. Hope was kindled in those dead gray eyes.

"My Lord, please -"

The woman beside Lin Chen came back to her senses and immediately wanted to kneel down for Lin Chen.

As a result, he was shrouded in an invisible force and could not kneel down at all.

"Don't worry, I'll take you away."

Lin Chen was calm and knew what the other party wanted to say.

For him, it was only a small effort to take these people away from the God prison tower.

He went to the nearest jailer and said, "tell me, who is in charge here?"

The jailer found that he could speak and said in a trembling voice, "the person in charge of the slave shop is... Elder Li Kong."

"Elder." Lin Chen smiled. "Is he right here now?"


In the elegantly decorated room, an old man of the magic eye clan was sitting on a chair. The middle-aged man of the magic eye clan in front of him reported:

"Recently, the number of slaves who die every day is increasing. Those guys in the clan are becoming more and more excessive. They don't take the lives of slaves seriously at all. If they feel a little uncomfortable, they take it out on the slaves.

According to this trend, the number of slaves who die every day in the clan will exceed two figures in just a short time. "

Li Kong smiled at the speech. "Isn't this a good thing?"

"Good thing?" The middle-aged man was stunned.

After taking a long sip of tea, Li Kong explained, "if the old ones don't go, the new ones don't come. If they all cherish their slaves, then they don't need to buy new slaves. What business do we do? The sooner their slaves die, the better our business will be. Don't you understand this simple truth?"

"Hahaha! That's what I said! I didn't think of such a simple thing before. Elder, that's true. It's really a good thing for our auction house."

The fat middle-aged man laughed and was secretly proud. His flattering skills were becoming more and more proficient. He pretended to be stupid and asked the elder to point out the things he had long thought of. It was another wave of goodwill.


At this time, the door was pushed open, and a middle-aged man of the magic eye clan came in from the door.

The faces of the two people in the room sank at the same time!

The fat middle-aged man frowned at the man who came in and scolded him, "you unruly dog! Who let you in? Even if it's urgent, you have to knock at the door first. You don't understand such a simple rule?"

The middle-aged man with the national character face shut them up. Instead of paying attention to the fat middle-aged man, he looked at Li Kong and asked, "are you the person in charge here, Li Kong, the elder of the magic eye clan?"

"Who are you?" Li Kong stood up from his chair and stared at the other side. He had realized that most of the people were evil, but he was still very calm.

This is our base camp. There is nothing to be afraid of.

"My name is Linchen." While Lin Chen answered, there was a sound of bone fragmentation and reorganization in his body. The skin and flesh moved, and the eyes on his forehead disappeared. He soon changed back to his own appearance.

Li Kong's face changed wildly!

The ordinary people of the magic eye clan are not clear, but as an elder of the magic eye clan, he knows that one of the four Supreme masters of the clan has been killed and another has been severely injured. These two things are related to a young man of the clan, and that man is called "Lin Chen"!

After hearing Lin Chen's name and seeing that Lin Chen has changed into a human, he can no longer calm down. He is sweating all over. He just feels as if someone has put a knife on his neck.

The fat middle-aged never heard of the name "Lin Chen". Seeing that the other person had changed into a human, he sneered:

"It's a human being! Are you a slave who escaped from the underground prison? You dare to come to us. Damn it!"

He turned into a dark shadow and jumped at Lin Chen.

"Stop!" Li Kong's heart beat wildly and he shouted hurriedly.

The fat middle-aged man did stop, but it was not he who stopped, but Lin Chen suddenly appeared in front of him, grabbed his throat and lifted him in the air!


Black flames burst out of Lin Chen's palm, and the fat middle-aged man instantly turned into ashes.

"Gollum!" Li Kong swallowed his saliva and looked at Lin Chen with sweat. He wanted to ask for help, so he listened to Lin Chen coldly:

"You'd better be quiet. Otherwise, I can kill you before you make a sound. I ask you, do you know where Xueji, the daughter of xuekuangtian, the last generation of Tianren people, is being held?"

Li Kong was silent for a few seconds. Seeing Lin Chen's eyes getting more and more gloomy, he nodded honestly after all.


In the dark and damp secret room, snow scar was wearing heavy handcuffs. Her feet were tied with two chains, and the other end of the chain was directly embedded into the metal wall behind her.

There are strange patterns on the ground, which make the chamber of Secrets feel very gloomy.

Snow scar curled up in the corner. A girl of the magic eye clan with bright clothes and heavy makeup walked around in front of the snow scar with her hands wrapped around her. Her eyes seemed to be looking at the goods.

"Why are you so ungrateful?"

The girl sighed, with a sarcasm in her voice, "so many Tianjiao in our family have a crush on you and are willing to marry you. Our ancestors promised that they would not kill you. As long as you combine with the men of the magic eye family, they will even help you rebuild the Tianren family!

It's been almost two years. What are you still stubborn about? You're not afraid. One day our ancestors lost patience and slapped you to death. "

"He didn't kill me, not because he was so kind, but because he couldn't find anyone else who could use the scepter of the goddess."

Snow scar looked coldly at the girl. Although he was a prisoner, his tone was not timid. "As for helping me rebuild the Tianren family? In the final analysis, he just wanted to make our Tianren family become a vassal of the magic eye family. You are dreaming!"

The girl, with a gloomy face, stopped and said in a shrill voice:

"Do you know how much I hate your attitude that seems not afraid of anything? If you dare to talk to me with this attitude again, believe it or not, I will break your teeth and cut your tongue!"

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