"Well, is there any good news?"

Lichang stood by the window with his hands on his back, looking at the people coming and going in the street below. Behind him stood a woman with a graceful temperament.

Li Miaoling lowered her head slightly. She was the only female among the supreme members of the magic eye clan. In terms of status, she was undoubtedly the highest among the female members of the magic eye clan.

But when facing Lichang, she felt awed from the bottom of her heart. She knew very well that the gap between herself and the patriarch seemed to be only a small level, but in fact, the gap was so large that the other party could kill herself in an instant.

"This time, we specially found a hundred beautiful Terran women with similar temperament, but still no one can use the scepter of 'Goddess' support."

Seeing Li Chang frown, she hurriedly said: "is there anything that the Terran women hid that day, and they need some special means to recognize the Lord 'Goddess' Scepter?"

Lichang turned around. His face looked like a middle-aged man in his thirties. He was very young, but his temples were gray. His eyes seemed to have read all the vicissitudes of the world. It seemed that nothing in the world could escape his control, nor could it make his mind ripple.

"I controlled her consciousness before asking. How could she lie in front of me? Do you think she can hide something from me?" His eyes fell on Li Miaoling's face.

Feeling great pressure, Li Miaoling hurriedly said, "that's not what I mean! I think it's really necessary to recognize the Lord in some special way, but she doesn't know it?"

Lichang was silent. He thought about it.

Snow trace was in the "destiny stone gate" and could use the "goddess's embrace" Scepter when she came back to her senses. Even if there was a process of recognizing the Lord, she didn't know how to say it.

Li Miaoling hesitated and said, "is it necessary to kill her, and then others can recognize the scepter of 'goddess's embrace'?"

"I have also considered this. The problem is that if no one can use the scepter of 'Goddess' after killing her, it will be a huge loss. With the help of the scepter of' Goddess' even in the later stage of the supreme realm, it will not be enough for me!"

Lichang's tone was flat and his voice was somewhat helpless.

He tried to control snow scar's consciousness and let her do things for him. However, once snow scar was controlled and had no self-consciousness, he could not use the scepter of "goddess's embrace", which made him helpless.

He wanted to use the scepter of "Goddess' embrace" for himself. There were only two ways. The first was to let xuescar take the initiative to work for him. The second was to find another person who could use the scepter of "Goddess' embrace".

He has tried many demon eye and human races, and even other races. Even he and Li Miaoling in front of him have tried, but no one can use the scepter of "goddess's embrace", which makes him helpless.

"In a word, the importance of the supreme artifact to me and the magic eye clan is immeasurable. I'm glad that xuekuang Tian won the 'meteor saint mountain and river map' in those days, but he didn't directly inherit it like his daughter.

Otherwise, if he had been able to make full use of the 'meteor saint mountain and river map' and exerted all his strength, it would be really hard to say whether the Tianren clan or the magic eye clan would have been destroyed. "

Lichang's voice gave people an irrefutable feeling, saying in a deep voice:

"Go and find more people to try. It's no use finding a hundred, then find a thousand, tenthousand to try. Once you have good news, report it to me immediately."

Li Miaoling nodded in response. She was about to leave when she saw Li Chang's face smiling, and she couldn't help but wonder:

"Patriarch, what good has happened?"

Lichang smiled with an inscrutable smile: "over the years, the 'meteor saint mountain and river map' has been in my hands, which really makes the best use of everything. In those years, this treasure was buried in the hands of xuekuangtian. It is also because of the 'meteor saint mountain and river map', any disturbance in the 'Tongtian demon world' can not escape my perception.

Even if an insignificant bug comes in, as long as it makes a little noise, I can find it right away! "

The bug came in?

Li Miaoling heard the fog all over her head. Before she asked again, Li Chang, who was before the meeting, turned into wisps of black smoke and disappeared out of thin air.


In the dark and damp secret room, only footsteps were heard.

Li Qianqian walked towards the snow mark step by step, his face was angry, and he angrily scolded with his sharp voice:

"You are now a prisoner. This is not the place of your Tianren family, but the prison of our magic eye family! If you dare to talk to me like this, I will not forgive you!"

She stared angrily at the envious face in front of her.

Li Qianqian, an outstanding looking son of the clan leader Lichang, has always been the dream lover of the clan men. However, before, when those guys saw the Tianren woman, all their eyes immediately fell on each other.

Standing in front of the snow marks, she felt a sense of inferiority in her heart. No matter her appearance or temperament, she felt overwhelmed.

This sense of inferiority and powerlessness made her angry. She was even compared by a prisoner?

Every time she thought of this, she was so angry that she couldn't help coming here to find trouble with snow marks. Seeing each other curled up in a dark corner like a mouse, her mood would be much better.

Xue Xue looked at her calmly and said, "if you are so powerful, why don't you kill me directly? Try to see if Lichang will kill you if you kill me.

Li Chang doesn't know how many of his descendants are at your level. To him, the importance is far less than that of me who can use the scepter of 'goddess's embrace'. "

For their current situation, snow marks are very clear.

Before Lichang spoke, no one of the magic eye family dared to mess with themselves, let alone Li Qianqian, the other supreme masters of the magic eye family, who dared not do anything to themselves!

"You -"

Li Qianqian was enraged by the calm tone of the snow mark, and his eyes burned with anger. A pretty face became a little ferocious, sneering:

"I really can't kill you, but I can still do it after cleaning you up! I'll let you know now that you are a drowning dog that everyone can beat!"

She grabbed the snow scar's hair and wanted to smash the snow scar's head against the wall.

A hand stretched out from behind her and pressed on her shoulder. A gloomy voice rang out: "if you don't loosen her hair, I will tear off your whole arm!"

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