When Li Qianqian noticed that an arm was pressing on his shoulder, he was so scared that his hair bristled. He clearly didn't notice any breath approaching. How could a person suddenly appear behind him.

When she saw the snow mark, she looked at her back in surprise. The next second, her neck was a little stiff. When she saw the people behind her, she said angrily:

"Elder Li Kong? What are you... What are you doing? Even if he said, you can't kill this guy, but I just want to teach her a lesson. You... You're baffled!"

"Open your eyes and see who I am."

"Li Kong" gave a sneer, and there was a clicking sound in his body. His skin and flesh moved, and his face and height began to change.

Snow scar saw this scene, his body trembled with excitement.

The voice of "Li Kong" just now made her feel very familiar. Looking at the scene in front of her, she already had a guess in her heart, but she couldn't believe the guess in her heart. A small face was flushed with excitement.

"You -" Li Qianqian saw that "Li Kong" turned into a human youth in the blink of an eye. He was stunned. He subconsciously wanted to scream. As a result, Lin Chen grabbed his throat, and his voice stopped abruptly.

"Lin... Lin Chen?"

Snow trace saw the faces that had come to mind for countless times and appeared in front of her. She said in disbelief, "is it really you? Or am I hallucinating?"

Lin Chen blinked and said with a smile, "it seems that you must often miss me, so you suspect that I am an illusion in front of you. However, if it is an illusion, how can the illusion finally appear after more than a year?"

Snow scar was blushed by Lin Chen's previous words. Hearing the words behind, he was sure that it was not an illusion, but also a surprise and anxiety.

To his surprise, Lin Chen did not give up, but actually ran to the magic eye family to save himself.

Anxiously, this is the nest of the magic eye clan. It's too dangerous for Lin Chen to come here!

"You, don't mess around! If you dare mess around, our magic eye clan will never let you! My father, Lichang, is the chief of the magic eye clan. If you dare mess around with me, you will -"

Li Qianqian was afraid, but he still threatened Lin Chen.

"I told you to let go of her hair. Since you can't understand people, you should die."

It was Lin chensen's cold words that responded to her.

The dark flame burst out of Lin Chen's palm and instantly burned Li Qianqian to ashes!

Li Qianqian's last thought before he died was that he felt wronged. I was scared by your appearance and behavior, so I forgot to let go of my hand

Snow scar wants to stand up and run to Lin Chen. He forgets the chain tied to his feet. He stumbles and almost falls to the ground.

Lin Chen stretched out his hand to hold her, and straightened her hair, which was messy by Li Qianqian. He smiled and joked, "you are so excited to see me?"

Snow scar's face was shy, but he simply nodded.


Lin Chen expected the reaction of Zhongxue trace to be a shy face. Unexpectedly, she nodded so simply. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

He coughed twice and said, "let's leave here first!"

The dark flame surged out of his body and wound around the snow mark without hurting the snow mark at all.

The chains on the feet of the snow marks and the shackles on the hands were burned and melted, turned into liquid and dropped on the ground.

Snow scar has many questions in his heart. He wants to ask himself what happened after being imprisoned here for more than a year, how Lin Chen came here, and whether uncle MOTU and xueshuangyue have also come here.

Hearing Lin Chen's words, he didn't ask anything. Indeed, leaving here now is the most important thing.

"The scepter of Goddess' embrace was taken away by the people of the magic eye clan?" Lin Chen asked.

Snow scar nodded a little dejected: "they were taken away by Lichang, the leader of the magic eye clan. They should be looking for other people who can use the scepter."

Lin Chen nodded, not surprised.

This was what he expected, and he was almost sure that the magic eye clan did not find anyone else who could use the scepter of "goddess embrace", so lichangcai told everyone not to mess with the snow marks.

"That old fellow definitely wants snow scar to use the scepter of 'Goddess' and use it for him!"

Lin Chen thought like this in her heart and comforted Xue scar: "take it away if you are taken away. Just keep it in the magic eye family for a period of time. One day, I will help you get it back!"

"I trust you." Snow scar smiled sweetly and nodded. Lin Chen's presence here has brought her a great surprise. Compared with it, the scepter of "goddess's embrace" seems to be less important.

Lin Chen's plan is to collect the snow trace into the divine prison tower, and then he will change into the shape of the demon eye clan and leave the demon eye clan quietly.

He was about to tell snow scar to let her enter the divine prison tower. The space in all directions was like the water surface, with bursts of violent ripples!

A powerful and unparalleled breath came to this heaven and earth.

Snow scar felt that it was difficult to breathe. Although Lin Chen was not so affected, he also felt a great pressure.

The surrounding metal walls are soft and shaking. It looks very strange. It seems that there is an invisible force that affects this space and distorts everything. It is necessary to press everything in this space onto the ground, or to press this three-dimensional space into a plane space.

The air is filled with hazy light, giving people a sense of fantasy.

The snow mark was not only difficult to breathe, but her face turned red, blood began to overflow from her seven orifices, and the bones in her body made an overburdened sound. The next second, the whole person fell to the ground!

Lin Chen's right hand held her upstairs, and the flame spread to the snow scar, burning brightly to help her resist the terrible force, which made the snow scar's face begin to improve.

Lin Chen looked around with awe inspiring eyes and said coldly, "since you are here, don't hide like a smelly mouse. Get out of here!"

A deep and thick voice, with a smile, rang out.

"You have a lot of guts. When you are found out, you don't panic at all. But that's right. If you are ordinary, how can Li Xiuxian eat it in your hands."

"Do you feel uncomfortable now? Your body is constantly torn apart by the power of space, but you can't use it? I named the ability of the 'meteor saint mountain and river map' as' space scroll '! This is a power that can flatten the space and everything in it. If the snowstorm could use this method in those days, I don't think it would be possible to hurt him so smoothly!"

With the sound falling, the black fog condensed in front of Lin Chen and the snow mark.

"Lichang!" The snow scar screamed with despair.

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