Lin Chen's heart became very heavy. He thought everything was going well and he could save the snow trace without being aware of the ghost. In a twinkling of an eye, the head of the magic eye clan suddenly appeared in front of them.

All the muscles on his body tightened in a moment. The Xuanyuan gun flew out of the middle of his eyebrows and was held in his hand.

"How did you find out that I came here to save people? There are array mechanisms I didn't find?"

Lin Chen stared at Li Chang in front of him and saw the distorted scene around him. He came here disguised as Li Kong. He should not have alerted anyone, but he was found by the other party. The first reaction was that there was some array mechanism arranged here.

He accidentally touched the array mechanism, so he was discovered by the other party.

Lichang shook his head and said faintly, "there is no mechanism here. I can find that your arrival is due to the 'picture of the meteor saint mountain and river'."

"The picture of the holy meteor mountain and river?"

Lin Chen's eyelids jumped. He didn't understand what this had to do with the "picture of the meteor saint mountain and river".

He learned from Xue canglan that the "meteor saint mountain and river map" contains an independent world, which can trap the enemy. However, he didn't know that the "meteor saint mountain and river map" can find out himself.

If the "picture of the holy meteor mountain and river" has this effect, why didn't xuecanglan tell himself that it was difficult, and he didn't know?

Lichang seemed to see what he was thinking, and a slight sneer appeared on his face:

"The true power and function of the 'meteor saint mountain and river map', let alone the people of heaven and man, have not yet been fully explored. I found that it not only contains an independent heaven and earth, but also has a great impact on the outer space.

I have integrated the "picture of the holy meteor mountain and river" with the "Tongtian demon world", so that any disturbance in the "Tongtian demon world" can not escape my control!

How could I not have noticed that you came here and killed someone? "

He had no intention of talking to Lin Chen about the "picture of the holy meteor mountain and river". Pointing to Lin Chen, he said to the snow scar, "this boy should be very important to you, right?

I came here to save you. I guess you are very important to him. I can guess your relationship.

You must do good work for me in the future, or I will kill this boy! You don't want to see him die at my hands? "

The blood color on the snow scar's face instantly faded. If only she was in Lichang's hand, even if she died, it would be impossible for the "goddess's embrace" scepter to be used by the magic eye clan!

But at present, Lichang obviously wants to use Lin Chen's life to threaten her. At the thought that he doesn't work for the magic eye clan, Lichang will kill Lin Chen. Xuescar really can't stand it and says angrily, "you're shameless!"

Lichang was not angry, but laughed. He already knew that as long as he controlled this man, he could use this man to indirectly control xuescar and do things for himself!


Lin Chen suddenly burst up, the space behind him was distorted, and stars appeared. He turned into a streamer, rushed to Lichang, and his eyes flashed cold.

"It's no use. You can't be my opponent!"

Looking at the rushing Lin Chen, Lichang looked calm. A gap appeared in the space in front of him. A stone map more than one meter long and about half a meter wide flew out of the gap.

With the appearance of this stone figure, the space seemed to be facing a storm of the sea, tumbling violently. Lin Chen felt the power of space, like countless hands tearing on his body. If his body was not strong enough, his body would explode into a blood mist in a moment.

The pressure that enveloped him was even more terrible. It frantically squeezed Lin Chen's body, like trying to squeeze his body into a piece of paper.

The walls, chains, etc. in the secret room have become extremely strange, like changing from a three-dimensional object to a two-dimensional object, showing extreme flattening.

Affected, Lin Chen's speed slowed down for a moment.

"The picture of the holy meteor mountain and river?"

He looked at the eye stone map with a low roar, and frantically operated the power of the world in his body to resist the space power shrouded in his body.

To his relief, the other party was obviously afraid of snow scar, so snow scar didn't feel any pressure this time and was not injured.

Lin Chen's body turned into a dark flame. His breath climbed and rushed to Lichang again. However, compared with his normal use of the "flame spirit demon body" secret method, the speed at this time was not even 30% of the original!

When Lichang saw this scene, he was surprised and said: "in the early days of the supreme realm, you can not only move but also rush towards me at this speed after being suppressed by the 'meteor saint mountain and river map'. It's really unusual! Just, do you think you might hurt me after being suppressed?"

"Do you think you are the only one who can suppress the strength of others?"

Lin Chen gave a cold hum.


A black streamer flew out of his eyebrows, and the golden light filled the world!

The shadow of the ancient giant pagoda appeared on Lichang. Lichang felt a heavy force enveloping him. It was more like having countless chains, which bound his hands and feet. It was very difficult to move.

His face could not help but change. Although he had heard about the boy's methods from Li Xiuxian, he still felt shocked at this time.

It's incredible that a guy in the early days of the supreme realm can suppress his own strength and make himself only play 70% or 80% of his original combat power!

If he is at the same level as himself, or even at a higher level than himself, the effect of using this method is estimated to be even more amazing!

The repressive power of this means can be compared with the "picture of the holy meteor mountain and river"!

Although shocked, Lichang still behaved calmly, holding the winning ticket. He looked at Lin Chen and said with a smile:

"I originally intended to seize you, control your consciousness, and make you my puppet. Then you would threaten the little girl of the Tianren family to work for me!

But now, I am willing to give you another choice. If you are willing to be my servant and do good work for me in the future, I can keep your own consciousness! "

Lin Chen vied with each other and said, "why don't you be my dog? I'll not only keep your own consciousness, but also promise to let you eat shit all the time. I won't hurt you!"

"Stubborn!" Lichang's face sank and he said no more.

When Lin Chen rushed a few meters in front of him, a pair of wings appeared behind Lin Chen, and Lin Chen's speed increased again.

Star visions appeared in all directions of Lichang.


Lin Chen disappeared in front of Lichang and appeared on a star illusion on the left side of Lichang. The Xuanyuan gun in his hand with a black flame like a river smashed at Lichang's head!


Earth shattering, space collapse, set off a shocking storm!

The blazing black fire waves swept the world!

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