"Yes, you are very sensible. Only a sensible person like you can live longer! If you want me to promise you anything, let me tell you first."

Lichang looked at Lin Chen with a faint smile on his face, which made people feel that everything was under his control from beginning to end.

He laughed in his heart. This boy is more greedy than xuekuangtian's daughter. A woman is afraid of death. Xuekuangtian's daughter fell into his hands for more than a year. He would rather die than surrender. However, he saw the situation and surrendered.

He disdained it in his heart, but Lichang was happy to see this.

When he looked at the snow mark, he saw that the snow mark was looking at Lin Chen, with a deep shock and disappointment on his face, and a sneer in his heart.

Lin Chen disappeared from where he was and appeared in front of Li Chang. Leng hum said, "I'll show you something first. I can say it in advance. If you don't agree to this or say you can't do it, I won't give in to you even if I die!"

Lichang listened to him say he wanted to show himself something. He wanted to ask something, but he was attracted by Lin Chen's words. He thought about what he wanted him to promise, and said slowly:

"If I can, I will try my best."

As he spoke, Lin Chen's right hand was clenched. There was a "click" sound of something breaking. Lichang was stunned. He said he wanted to show it to himself. How could he break it?

He immediately became alert. Before he made any response, he saw that Lin Chen spread out his right hand. In the palm of his hand was a smashed Purple Jade slip.

"Kill!" Lin Chen whispered.

In an instant, Lichang had a creepy feeling, and a cold air rushed directly from the bottom of his feet to his forehead!

Lin Chen's heart was also raised.

Under the influence of the "picture of the fallen holy mountains and rivers", his combat power at this time was even less than 30% of his original strength. It was impossible to defeat Lichang on his own.

However, this jade slip has not been affected. It is still a full blow that can release the later level of the supreme realm!

The Jue of "Yu Zi" had a limited influence on Lichang, but it also had a certain suppressive effect.

At this time, Lichang, whose strength was suppressed, was not impossible to kill Lichang when he was caught off guard in the face of a blow at the later stage of the supreme realm!

Success or failure depends on it!

With Lin Chen's low voice, the shattered jade slips in his hands burst into a bright purple light. This space was dyed with deep purple color, and there was a terrible sword meaning that made people tremble!


The sword sounded out of thin air.

The purple light turns into a long sword. It is silent, but its speed is very fast. It flies towards Lichang!

The momentum of this sword was far less than that of Lin Chen's "Dahua Tianwei palm" just now. There was no movement at all, but it scared Lichang crazy!

The snow mark in the distance, staring at the sword!

Based on her understanding of Lin Chen, she had already guessed that Lin Chen could not really surrender. What she had just done was just confusing Lichang.

"Mountains and rivers!"

Just as the sword was about to stab into Lichang's body, Lichang roared, the space in front of him exploded, and a stone picture flew out of the space gap.

"The picture of the holy mountain and river!" When Lin Chen saw the "picture of the holy meteor mountain and river" appear again, his face changed and he had a bad feeling in his heart.


Space continues to crumble.

Lichang disappeared from the original place, and the purple long sword also disappeared. Even Lin Chen and the snow mark were soon submerged by the space wave. The scene was like being swallowed up by a black hole. Everything disappeared without a trace, leaving only the rich darkness.

When Lin Chen and Xue scar came back to their senses, the scene in front of them was very different from before.

This is a small world that is too vast to see the edge. There are green mountains, green waters and surging rivers. Unlike the outside world, there are no footprints of any creatures here!

When Lin Chen saw the purple sword, he bumped into a thousand foot mountain and razed the mountain to the ground, leaving a deep sinkhole.

But there was no trace of Lichang!

"Where is this? Has Lichang been killed by a sword just now? Maybe even his body turned into fly ash?"

The snow scar looked forward to the sight caused by the sword.

Lin Chen raised his heart again, not as optimistic as she was.

The voice of Lichang sounded out of thin air in this world.

"Kill me? Hum! Dream! I'll give you a day to think about it. If you are still stubborn one day later, I'll see how I can punish you!"

As the sound fell, there was no more sound. It seemed that Lichang had left.

"This should be the inner part of the 'meteor saint mountain and river map'. He avoided the sword just now by relying on the 'meteor saint mountain and river map', but he should also be injured. The so-called giving us a day to think about it is just a nice thing to say.

I should go to recuperate. I'm afraid that there is something else on me that can hurt him, so I dare not continue to fight with me now. Once the injury recovers, he will appear in front of us again! "

Lin Chen has probably guessed what is going on. The current situation is not objective.

Lichang was frightened by his endless means. He was afraid that he had other treasures or means to press the bottom of the box. But he knew that the means and treasures he could use had been used.

If Lichang appears in front of them again after recovering from the injury, they will have no resistance at all at that time!

Seeing that the snow mark turned pale, he comforted: "don't be afraid. As long as I am here, I won't let anything happen to you."

"I'm not afraid. It's a big deal... It's a big deal to die here with you!" Snow scar shook her head. She hesitated and reached out to hold Lin Chen's broad palm.

Seeing Lin Chen looked at herself in surprise, she looked down with a reddish face, bit her lips and said, "even if I die, I don't want to give in to the people of the magic eye clan, let alone work for them.

But I have not yet avenged the people who died in the clan. I am really unwilling to die like this. "

Lin Chen looked at the snow mark with a gloomy look, and felt heavy in his heart. He said that he must take her out of here anyway!

The question is, what can we do to get out of here now?

This should be the inner part of the "Saint meteor mountain and river map". Since Lichang still trapped himself and himself here after fighting with him, that is to say, he knew his strength, it was obvious that he believed that he and he could not escape from here!

It's impossible to use brute force. After all, even the sword of gang CAI can't tear the space here. It's even more impossible to rely on your own strength.

Is there any other way besides brute force?

Lin Chen had a headache for a while.

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