"Don't worry, the worst result will be that the two of us will not die if we hide in the God prison tower."

Lin Chen saw the snow mark in her eyes and comforted her.

At this time, snow scar also remembered that there was still a god prison tower as a way out, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Lin Chen was still in a heavy mood. He had to hide in the divine prison tower. If he could, he didn't want to make this choice.

It is very possible that every move of Li Chang and Xue scar is influenced by Li Chang. If they hide in the God prison tower, they may be detected by him.

In this way, the God prison tower will fall into his hands.

In other words, you need to stay in the God prison tower until you are stronger than Lichang before you can come out of it.

The question is, even in the middle of the supreme realm, Lin Chen is still not sure to defeat Lichang, who has the "picture of the fallen holy mountains and rivers". Is it difficult to stay in the divine prison tower for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years, and only come out of it after breaking through to the later stage of the supreme realm?

This is something Lin Chen can't accept anyway.

After all, the girls and parents in the global city have no life expectancy of hundreds of thousands of years. After hundreds of thousands of years, everything will be meaningless.

He thought for a moment and said, "judging from what Lichang said earlier, he doesn't know 100% about the 'meteor saint mountain and river map'. Maybe we can find the mechanism or channel leading to the outside by looking here?"

Of course, snow mark has no opinion on his proposal.

They searched in the small world, but after half a day, they didn't find anything special at all.

It was like a secluded paradise with green mountains and green waters. It was beautiful and ordinary. Even Lin Chen was unaware of any array mechanism.

The only special thing is that if he is outside, he can easily tear the space apart. However, in this, he needs to do his best to tear the space apart.

When you enter the space gap and come out, you must still be in this small world.

This is like an independent and more stable space than the outside world. Even though Lin Chen tried all the methods he thought of, he still can only turn around like a headless fly.

Snow scar saw Lin Chen's calm face. Obviously, she was in a terrible mood. She said apologetically, "it's all my fault. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't fall into this situation."

"Before I came here, I actually thought that this would be the result, and even thought that I would die in the magic eye clan, but I still chose to come here, so you don't have to apologize to me. I am willing to do all this."

Lin Chen shook his head. Although he was in a bad mood, he would not vent his bad mood on the snow scar. In his opinion, all this was his choice, and he did not feel regret.

He even thought he would die in the magic eye clan, but he still chose to come and save me... Xue scar just felt that Lin Chen's simple words were like the most beautiful love words in the world, which made her feel as sweet as honey.

How many women in this world can let a man risk his life to save her?

"Eh......" Lin Chen was surprised and looked ahead.

Hundreds of meters in front of them, there was a big river with a width of sevenoreight meters. The fast flowing river was somewhat muddy and made a rapid sound.

The snow Mark looked along his eyes, but he didn't see any figures or find any strange places. He said curiously, "what's the matter?"

"Somewhere in front of me, there should be the flame source of divine fire." Lin Chen said something uncertain to her and took her to the river ahead.

Is there the origin of the divine fire ahead?

Snow scar didn't understand why Lin Chen said so, and even though there was the origin of the divine fire in front of him, Lin Chen didn't know. Although he was curious, he didn't continue to ask. Instead, he looked at the places in front of him curiously to see if there was the origin of the divine fire.

The reason why Lin Chen said so was that at this time, swallow the sky dragon fire sent some excited emotions to him.

However, he was not excited to the extent that tianlongyan automatically ran out of his body. That is to say, what tianlongyan perceived was not the origin of the chaotic fire.

Not surprisingly, it is the flame origin of Shenhuo!

Although he was excited by the dragon fire, he didn't take the initiative to run out and want to swallow it.

Lin Chen really couldn't understand. How could this place have the flame origin of divine fire?

If there is the origin of the divine fire here, hasn't Lichang found it?

If you find it, why don't you take it away?

Just because he also had a lot of puzzles in his heart, he used the word "should" when explaining with xuescar just now!

When he reached the river, he looked around and released his mind to investigate, but he didn't feel the breath of divine fire at all. He frowned and said, "come out and lead the way!"

The dark flame burst out of his body and turned into a black fire dragon with a length of twoorthree meters. At first, some flattering people swam around Lin Chen and xuescar, and then dived into the muddy river.

"Come on, let's follow."

Lin Chen pulled the snow mark, followed by the swallow dragon fire, and also dived into the river.

There is an invisible barrier between him and the surface of the snow mark, which isolates the river from the outside. The black fire dragon, which swallowed the sky dragon, swam in the river like a substance, and was not affected by the river at all.

The black fire dragon swam to the bottom of the river more than ten meters deep and plunged directly into the silt at the bottom of the river. Lin Chen was even more curious. He put his hand around the waist of the snow mark, turned into a streamer, and disappeared from the original place.

A moment later, the black fire dragon appeared in the deep underground, in a confined space with an area of more than ten square meters, and Lin Chen and snow marks followed.

"Lin Chen, look! Why is there a stone tablet here?"

Snow scar stares at a pair of beautiful eyes in surprise.

In the middle of the confined space, there is a stone tablet with a height of more than two meters. On the stone tablet, there are two lines of large characters:

"The mountains and rivers bury heroes, an inch of dark yellow and an inch of blood!"

When Lin Chen's eyes fell on the two lines of words on the stone tablet, he only felt a bloody and murderous air coming to his face, which made him instantly creepy!

At this moment, he felt that the stone tablet in front of him was like a giant he needed to look up, and his heart was uncontrollably filled with powerlessness and fear!

The smell left on the stone tablet had made Lin Chen feel an impulse to turn around and run away. That was a level that he could not touch now.

"Why is there such a terrible stone tablet here? Who left it? It can't be Lichang! Although Lichang is strong, it's not worth mentioning compared with the smell of this stone tablet." Lin Chen was shocked and shocked to the extreme.

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