Tens of thousands of miles away from "Tongtian demon world", there is a small town with millions of people. The dust cloud inn is the largest Inn in the town.

"Bastard! Clumsy, I would rather raise a pig than raise you trash. A pig is more useful than you!"

A middle-aged man in Chinese clothes with white temples pointed at the terrified waiter and shouted abuse.

The waiter lowered his head and dared not say a word. It was as if a bomb was in front of him. He was afraid to detonate it carelessly. Not far away, a diner wondered, "it's strange. I've been to this inn before. I remember that the innkeeper has a good temper and is very kind to his subordinates. How can he be like this now? It's just a small matter. I'm so angry


The diner at his table sighed, Low channel: "Brother Guo, you don't know. Speaking of it, shopkeeper Huang is also a poor man. He managed to have a daughter. As a result, some time ago, her daughter said she was going shopping, but she never came back! After looking for her for many days, there was no news at all. It's not surprising that she must have died at the hands of the other person or been captured by the other person. Since his daughter disappeared, shopkeeper Huang seems to have changed into a person with a bad temper

Irritable, sometimes just like a madman. "

"Is there such a thing?"

The man looked startled and looked at shopkeeper Huang with more sympathy.

"Daddy!" Just then, a happy sob came from the door.

Everyone was surprised and looked at the gate of the inn.

Shopkeeper Huang, who was getting angry, trembled like an electric shock when he heard the sound. He turned to the door and rubbed his eyes when he saw his daughter who was thinking about her day and night. It seemed that he suspected that the person in front of him was just his own illusion.

"Sobbing - Daddy! I thought I would never see you again!"

The girl rushed directly into shopkeeper Huang's arms and began to wail in his arms. Shopkeeper Huang was overjoyed. He grabbed his daughter's hand and said in a trembling voice: "daughter! My Xiang'er, you are back. Where have you been these days? I am worried to death! I thought, I thought you had an accident, or

Fall into the hands of thieves. Dad is going crazy! "

The girl cried, "I was captured!"

"Captured? Who! Who is it? Tell me quickly! I will never spare them. I want them to die. Even if I do everything, I will make them pay the price!"

Shopkeeper Huang was so angry that his face was very ferocious.

The diners on the first floor of the inn also looked at it curiously. They were not only curious about who took shopkeeper Huang's daughter, but also curious about how shopkeeper Huang's daughter escaped after being taken away!

"Demon eye clan!" Shopkeeper Huang's daughter choked, "it was the people of the magic eye clan who took me away!"

"The magic eye clan? Is it one of the 'seven source clans'?" Someone was surprised.

Shopkeeper Huang's daughter nodded, "not only me, but also many other people. Let's take them as slaves!" Shopkeeper Huang's face was frozen, and his eyes were still full of hatred, but he was also a little frightened. He had also heard about the "seven source tribes". Although he didn't understand it, he knew that the "seven source tribes" were very terrible ethnic groups, and any ethnic group

, there is the supreme power!

Someone said without a word: "girl, don't joke! I don't doubt that the magic eye clan will catch people of other ethnic groups to be slaves.

The question is, if you fall into the hands of the magic eye clan, how can you escape? Are they merciful enough to let you go? "

Some people echoed and said that if they were captured by the demon eye family as slaves, they would never be released. Shopkeeper Huang's daughter hated and said: "the people of the magic eye clan are not good things. Naturally, they will not let me go! It is a strong man of our Terran who killed several of the supreme masters of the magic eye clan, so we slaves can leave the magic eye clan

I wish all the people of the magic eye clan would die. God has eyes. Now, there will be no magic eye clan in the world. They can't hurt anyone anymore! "

The inn fell into a brief silence.

A few seconds later, someone said in an unconvincing way: "the strong man of the human race killed several supreme masters of the magic eye clan? Are you kidding?"

"I'm too lazy to joke with you!"

Shopkeeper Huang's daughter snorted. In her mind, the young man with a long gun and bathed in fire thought inexplicably that it would be great if he were not the disgusting guy of the magic eye clan.

Similar scenes continue to occur after the slaves who left the magic eye clan return home one by one.

Many people suspected that the news was false at first, but after the slaves who had disappeared came home one by one and said the same thing, people no longer had any doubt!

"All the masters of the magic eye clan have been killed!"

"The magic eye clan was destroyed. Since then, there have been no 'seven source clans', only' six source clans'

"The extinction of the magic eye clan has a great relationship with the Tianren clan. The strong man of the human clan is the help of the Tianren clan!"

"The strong man of the human race looks very young, but he is the three supreme masters who have killed the magic eye clan in succession. Even the head of the magic eye clan has no resistance in front of him!"


Such news, like a storm, swept the central part of the original continent, shaking countless forces in the central part!

Even outside the central region, there are many people talking about it!

When countless people were talking about the demon eye clan, the Tianren clan and the strong man of the Terran clan, Lin Chen and Xue trace, as the parties, embarked on the journey back to the hometown of the Tianren clan.

MOTU, xuecanglan, Xuelan and others stayed to deal with the rest of the magic eye clan.

After learning that Lichang had died, MOTU immediately used his means to prevent the people of the magic eye clan in the "Tongtian demon world" from escaping.

MOTU and xuecanglan are not soft hearted people. It is obvious what will happen to these people of the magic eye clan.

At that time, they let the slaves go. The slaves knelt down to thank Lin Chen and others. At the same time, they also begged them not to spare the people of the magic eye clan. Many people shouted that they wanted to avenge their relatives and friends who died at the hands of the magic eye clan.

Lin Chen doesn't want xuescar to see the bloody scene, so he tells MOTU and others that he should first take xuescar back to the hometown of Tianren.

When she came to the snow field again, Xue scar was as excited and happy as a little girl who didn't know the world. She took Lin Chen's hand and flew all the way to the front.

"It's coming! Lin Chen, I'm going home soon." She thought of something, blushed, and said, "the global city is also my home."

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