This is a valley in the midst of wind and snow, surrounded by snow mountains with a height of more than kilometers. What strikes the eye is a vast white world.

In the valley, there are dilapidated tall buildings. It seems to tell people that there was glory here, but everything is gone.

On the hillside of a snow mountain, tombstones were erected.

Lin Chen stood not far away. His eyes fell on the snow mark. The snow Mark's eyes fell on the tombstones, with tears in his eyes. His beautiful face was a little gloomy.

This valley is the hometown of Tianren people.

Not long ago, Lin Chen and Xue scar buried Dugu Zhan and others' bodies in the soil. In front of them was the tombstone of Dugu Zhan and others.

Xue Heng looked at Dugu Zhan's tombstone and whispered: "there are also some people in our Tianren family who are annoying. For example, Dugu Zhan's father is an irresponsible and annoying guy.

His mother was a human female, who was cheated by his father and gave birth to Dugu Zhan. He had been waiting for the man to go back to find her. As a result, the guy had already forgotten Dugu Zhan's mother and son.

I remember when I first saw Dugu wartime, I was very young. He looked at us not at his relatives, but at his enemies. He is only willing to follow his mother's surname, and he doesn't want to use our Tianren surname at all.

In fact, his talent is not particularly outstanding among the people of the Tianren clan. My father still spent a lot of resources on him, and even more importantly, he brought his mother into the clan. Later, he slowly accepted us and became my bodyguard.

In my heart, he and other big brothers in the clan are all my relatives. "

Snow mark turned and looked at the dilapidated buildings in the valley.

"Dugu Zhan, at least they still have bodies to bury in the tomb. But more dead people, such as my father and many elders of the clan, not only fell, but also had no bones, and even could not settle down."

When she saw Lin Chen looking at herself with some worry, she smiled softly:

"You don't have to worry about me. I'm fine. I've never felt so relaxed. I'm going to build a huge tombstone and engrave the names of my father and other people who have no bones on the tombstone to commemorate and worship them. What do you think?"

Lin Chen smiled and nodded, "that's a good idea."

He thought for a while and asked, "have you thought about xuehantian and his son and what to do with them?"

Lin Chen has already told her everything that happened after the snow trace disappeared, and also told her what happened to xuehantian and his son.

When Chu Xue canglan, Xue LAN and others wanted Lin Chen to kill Xuehan immediately. Although Lin Chen also felt that the father and son deserved to die, he still felt that Xue scar should deal with it by himself.

Snow scar was silent for a few seconds and said two words: "kill."

Seeing Lin Chen looking at herself in surprise, she said, "do you think I will be indecisive and let them go?"

"That's not true." Lin Chen shook his head. "I thought you would punish them, but at most it was like asking me to help abolish their accomplishments and save their lives."

Xue hen said with a smile, "in fact, I had planned to do this, but think about it. If I insisted on sparing their lives, it would be unfair to my father and many dead clansmen.

After gathering the scattered people of Tianren clan, I will make clear to them the cause and effect of the matter. They will decide whether xuehantian and his son will live or die.

There is almost no suspense about this matter. According to the rules of our Tianren clan, they betrayed the clan. Xuehantian once shot at the clan leader. That is a capital crime. "

They didn't say more about xuehantian and his son.

The snow trace led Lin Chen through the dilapidated buildings and introduced him to what the dilapidated buildings looked like in those days.

He told him where she lived and took him to her boudoir. It was a pity that the house had collapsed and did not look the same.

"The Reggae clan leader, the old man, estimates that he will bring people here soon."

Lin Chen pulled the snow mark, stepped over a stone column that collapsed in the middle of the road, turned his head and said to the snow mark with a smile, "guess what he's going to do?"

"Are you testing me?"

The beautiful little face with snow marks showed a funny smile and raised her delicate eyebrows. For a moment, the vast white world seemed to become infinitely beautiful.

She thought for a while and said: "those people who were captured by the magic eye clan will return to their place. Soon, what happened in the magic eye clan will be spread.

At that time, when the Reggae clan leader knows this, he will doubt that you are the one who destroyed the demon eye clan. Even if it is not you, as long as we Tianren clan have enough reinforcements to destroy the demon eye clan, it will be enough to frighten him.

He is a smart man. He won't wait for us to come to his door to find trouble, so he will take the initiative to come here to beg for peace, or, in other words, for mercy! "

"Not bad. Very smart!" Lin Chen smiled and praised.

The snow marks showed a little complacency. Of course, I was very smart. It was not annoying, but very cute.

Lin Chen said with a smile, "what are you going to do? Do you want to destroy the thunder ghost clan like the demon eye clan, or what?"

"Shall I decide?" Snow mark pointed to his nose, a little surprised.

Lin Chen nods.

Xue scar thought for a while and said: "although the Reggae people are annoying, we have no deep blood feud with them. In the previous confrontation, they also suffered losses, and they still have many hostages in our hands.

In my opinion, it's better to take these hostages to blackmail them, and use them as funds for the reconstruction of the Tianren clan. As for killing them all, forget it. "

Speaking of the back, she looked at Lin Chen hesitantly.

Lin Chen smiled and nodded. In fact, he was going to kill the Reggae clan leader before he left.

Snow scar is still a little soft hearted, not cruel enough.

But what does it matter.

A few days later, Mo Tu, Xue canglan and others also came back here. Lin Chen gave them all the hostages of the Lei ghost clan in his hands. They would do it by themselves.

Xuecheng knows that Lin Chen promised Wu Huang to go to his hometown.

Together with Mo Tu, Xue canglan and others, she sent Lin Chen out of the valley. When Lin Chen was about to turn around and leave, she said to Lin Chen:

"We agreed. When you come back from Yunlan prairie, come and pick me up. We will return to the global city together."


In the wind and snow, the snow marks watched Lin Chen go away, and the rest stood not far behind.

Xueshuangyue felt that the picture in front of him was like an old painting. His own young lady and Lin Chen were like the people in the painting.

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