Yunlan prairie is very famous in the central part of the original continent.

On the one hand, it is because the area of Yunlan prairie is so vast that it is almost comparable to an upper God realm. Ordinary people can't complete the feat of crossing Yunlan prairie after spending their whole life;

On the other hand, it is because there are many powerful aboriginal tribes on the Yunlan prairie. It is said that there are also some extremely powerful ethnic groups and forces.

Many years ago, there was an idea of the middle supreme god realm for this territory. The three supreme gods came here in person. Finally, people did not know what had happened here. They only knew that one of them fell on this grassland and the other two left in despair.

At that time, the whole central area shook, and no one dared to think about this grassland.

Northwest of the grassland.

It had been several days since Lin Chen arrived here. He walked along a river hundreds of meters wide until he saw a mountain several kilometers high in the distance, which looked like a lying cow.

"This river should be Wangtian River, and that mountain is niumo mountain!"

Lin Chen's eyes fell on the mountain like a lying cow in the distance, and his face showed a smile. After driving so long, he was about to reach his destination.

The area of Yunlan prairie is too large. If Lin Chen wants to find Wuhuang's hometown only by the name of "tianwu tribe", it will undoubtedly be very difficult. It is no different from looking for a needle in a haystack.

Fortunately, Wu Huang told him how to go to his hometown.

Although Wu Huang's description is not enough for Lin Chen to easily find his hometown, it can narrow the scope.

According to Wu Huang, his hometown - "tianwu tribe" is near niumo mountain. As long as you see niumo mountain, it is easy to find "tianwu tribe".

"I came here this time mainly to be the guest Minister of the 'tianwu tribe' and fulfill my promise to the elder Wu. As for Cassia's affairs, I'll ask the 'tianwu tribe' at that time. If I can find out anything, it would be great.

If you can't find out anything, forget it first. First return to the earth city with the snow marks, and then find a chance to look for Cassia. "

Lin Chen didn't expect to stay here for such a long time when he came to the central part of the original mainland. Especially in the "picture of the meteoric holy mountains and rivers", 15 years have passed in the twinkling of an eye.

He doesn't want the girls and parents of the global city to worry about themselves too much, so he doesn't plan to stay in Yunlan prairie for too long.

If there is no news from cassia, please look for it later.

Anyway, as far as the supreme power is concerned, there is no difference between a few decades earlier and hundreds of thousands later.

Lin Chen turned into a remnant and flew towards niumo mountain. At the same time, he released his mind and explored the situation within thousands of miles.

As a result, he didn't find the "tianwu tribe", but noticed a caravan passing by not far away.

After thinking for a while, he changed his direction and stopped flying to niumo mountain and headed for the caravan.

The "tianwu tribe" is not at the foot of niumo mountain. Even if he arrives at niumo mountain, he still needs to find the specific location himself, so Lin Chen changes his mind and plans to ask the people of the caravan to see if they know the exact location of the "tianwu tribe".

"Although elder Wu didn't introduce his hometown to me, I know that those who can cultivate him can't be a small tribe. They should be very famous! In this way, people here probably know where the 'tianwu tribe' is."

Before long, the caravan came into Lin Chen's eyes.

There were fifty or sixty people in the caravan, men and women, young and old. Most of them rode on a kind of demon beast with a body like a horse and a head like a wolf, called the flame treading beast. A small number of people sat in carriages.

In addition, there were several special freight wagons, which were covered with red cloth.

The leader is a white haired old man. His mount is different from others. It is a powerful monster named "frost shadow demon wolf", which is far from being comparable to the flame treading beast.

Around him were a pair of young men and women in their twenties. The man was tall, simple and honest, and the woman was beautiful, with a bit of pride between her eyebrows and eyes.

When Lin Chen came towards them, the first old man looked at Lin Chen for the first time. The rest of the people soon turned their eyes to Lin Chen.

The leading old man didn't open his mouth. The tall and honest young man beside him stared at Lin Chen and shouted, "who are you and what do you want?"

Lin Chen was stunned by this. What does it mean to do what he wants? It sounds really strange. He doesn't know. He thought he forced a good woman into a corner, and then people questioned him like this.

Many people in the caravan also showed a speechless expression.

The girl on the other side of the old man stared at the young man, frowned and looked at Lin Chen and said, "who are you, coming for us?"

When she saw that Lin Chen was still coming this way, she scolded coldly, "stop! Don't go any closer. Otherwise, the whip in my hand won't have eyes!"

Her wrist shook, and the leather whip in her hand shook, making a cracking sound.

Lin Chen thought the girl was a little pepper. He stopped to look at the old man who was looking at him coldly and said with a smile:

"Don't get me wrong. I mean no harm. I just want to inquire about something."

The girl didn't have a good way: "what do you mean you have no malice? If you say it as if you have malice, we will be afraid of you! If you really dare to have any bad thoughts, I can make you a man with a whip!"

Many people laughed loudly in the crowd behind the girl.

Only a middle-aged man smiled bitterly: "Yao Yao, how can you talk as a girl? If you don't change your temper, how can you get married in the future?"

The middle-aged man was Ge nianyao's father, riding a flame treading beast and following a truck.

The crowd laughed again.

"Hum! There are many people who want to marry me. I don't want to!"

Ge nianyao is a very proud person. He is reluctant and embarrassed by his father, but he doesn't dare to get angry with his father. He looks at Lin Chen and says:

"What are you looking at? Even if I can't get married, I can't give you a discount! Don't daydream!"

Lin Chen said he wanted to marry me. You are a daydream.

He didn't bother to talk to each other. He looked at the leader and said, "since you are a freight caravan, you should know all the major tribes around here? I want to know where a tribe is."

The simple and honest young man corrected, "we are not a caravan!"

"Not a caravan?" Lin Chen looked at the trucks in surprise.

The young man said, "these are all birthday gifts for people!"

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