These carts of things are all birthday gifts for people?

Lin Chen was stunned. He secretly said that most of the people who had passed their birthday were people they needed to cling to. After all, giving so many birthday gifts was tantamount to trying to please each other.

"What do you want to know? Just say it."

The old man at the head finally opened his mouth. His voice was flat, giving people a profound feeling. When he spoke, he looked at Lin Chen like an eagle overlooking a sparrow in the low sky.

When Lin Chen saw his performance, he laughed to himself. He had only a small amount of experience, but his strength was not very good. The spectrum was quite large.

He smiled and asked, "I want to go to 'tianwu tribe', but I don't know where 'tianwu tribe' is. Do you know 'tianwu tribe'?"

"Are you going to tianwu tribe, too?" The simple and honest young man was surprised.

Lin Chen looked at him with a happy face and said with a smile, "listen to what you mean, you are going to tianwu tribe. Is it a strong man of tianwu tribe who wants to celebrate his birthday?"

The simple and honest young man nodded and said, "to be exact, she is the leader of tianwu tribe! Her old man has a 800000 year old birthday. Not only we, but also many other tribes will go there to celebrate his birthday and offer carefully prepared birthday gifts!"

Eighthundredthousand year old birthday

Although Lin Chen can be said to have an infinite life, he still feels strange when he hears this. After all, in the past, the most he heard on the earth was 80 years old, but here it has become 800000 years old

Hearing that Lin Chen was also going to tianwu tribe, the rest were surprised.

"Hey! You want to go to the tianwu tribe, but you don't even know where the tianwu tribe is. Can it be that you accidentally heard that the leader of the tianwu tribe was celebrating his birthday and wanted to go there to attend the birthday banquet and cheat on food and drink?" Ge nianyao stared at Lin Chen with some disdain.

When she said this, many other people suddenly showed a sudden look and looked at Lin Chen with a little more ridicule.

Lin Chen glanced at GE nianyao and then looked away. He looked like I was too lazy to talk to you. Seeing this, GE nianyao was so angry that he was so arrogant that he had to deal with him if many elders were not present!

"You really want to go to tianwu tribe to cheat on food and drink?" The simple and honest young man looked at Lin Chen curiously.

Lin Chen's impression of the young man was pretty good. He shook his head and said, "No."

"Then why are you going to tianwu tribe?" The simple and honest young man seemed to believe Lin Chen's answer and continued to ask.

Lin Chen hesitated and said, "become the guest Qing of tianwu tribe."

The scene is quiet!

All the people were stunned. Even the old man, who had always looked like an old man, was shameless.


I don't know who was the first one to burst out laughing. The others immediately burst out laughing. Ge nianyao rolled her eyes, the honest young man scratched his head, and angrily said to Lin Chen:

"If you don't want to say it, why do you say such strange things to deceive people? We are not stupid. How can we believe it? Brother, you are too dishonest!"

Lin Chen is also helpless. These days, no one believes him when he tells the truth. A lot of people believe his lies.

He didn't want to explain more and said, "since you are going to tianwu tribe, you must know where tianwu tribe is. Could you please tell me the specific location of tianwu tribe?"

Hearing what he said, GE nianyao's father, the middle-aged man who was following a truck, smiled:

"Although this guy is not reliable, he clearly wants to go to tianwu tribe to eat and drink, but he is very polite, which is much better than nianyao.

But, boy, do you know that if you want to enter the city gate at that time, you need to show an invitation card. If you don't have an invitation card, even if you go to tianwu tribe, you can't go in at all. It is impossible to sneak in. "

Ge nianyao lies at the gun for no reason and is even more upset with Lin Chen. He hums: "he is polite because he knows that he can't provoke us. Otherwise, he doesn't know what his face is! Dad, you really know that you are a bad man. Why remind him!"

The simple and honest young man looked at the old man beside him, scratched his head and said, "Grandpa leader, why don't you let him go to tianwu tribe with us? Anyway, there were dozens of people. Now it's no problem to have one more."

Ge nianyao said angrily, "the men of Chongfeng tribe are all bad morals. They know how to be bad people!"

Geyuanshan, the leader of Chongfeng tribe, looked at Lin Chen again and said:

"It's OK for us to take you into the tianwu tribe. But you should remember to follow us and don't talk nonsense. Otherwise, if something happens, I'll clean you up before the tianwu tribe makes trouble."

Lin Chen smiled and nodded. He said that although the old man liked to pretend to be enigmatic, he was not bad. He was willing to take a stranger with him on the road.

No wonder Ge nianyao would say that the men of the tribe are all bad people.

Next, Lin Chen is arranged to be on a flame treading beast pulling a truck, just next to ge nianyao's father.

Ge nianyao's father looks a little old-fashioned, but in fact he is a very familiar and friendly person. He asks Lin Chen where he came from and where he heard about the birthday of the leader of tianwu tribe.

Lin Chen saw that the other party had decided that he just wanted to eat and drink at the birthday party. He simply didn't explain.

I only heard it by chance. In other aspects, I answered the other person selectively. For example, I came from the western mainland of origin. This time, I came here to find a friend named Cassia.

He took the opportunity to ask the other party if he knew the existence of a snake tail named cassia, but the other party didn't know.

After some exchanges, Lin Chen also had a basic understanding of Chongfeng tribe.

Chongfeng tribe is a small tribe on Yunlan prairie, with a population of hundreds of thousands. It took them two days and one night to arrive here.

The old man in front of him is the leader of Chongfeng tribe and the strongest of the tribe. He is a simple and honest young man named gelikun. He is the nephew of Ge nianyao's father. He and Ge nianyao are cousins.

The two brothers and sisters are the most potential young people in the tribe, and they are also the most popular with leaders. Speaking of them, GE nianyao's father's face is full of pride.

Lin Chen asked some questions about tianwu tribe. In this way, some people talked on the way, but they didn't feel bored and lonely at all.

After more than an hour, an ancient city came into the eyes of Lin Chen and others.

Ge nianyao's father smiled and said, "that's the city of tianwu tribe!"

Lin Chen looked at the city and roast that it was hundreds of thousands of miles away from niumo mountain. Master Wu told himself that it was near niumo mountain. He thought it was "nearby" for his strong people!

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