On the Yunlan prairie, small tribes live like villages, while large tribes build their own cities and declare that other tribes cannot get close to their own cities without permission. Otherwise, they will

Is tantamount to provocation.

The tianwu tribe has a population of nearly ten million, more than ten times that of Chongfeng tribe. However, if the overall strength and influence is not comparable to Chongfeng tribe, it is far beyond that.

On the way, Lin Chen knew that Chongfeng tribe was not the only one who came to celebrate his birthday this time, so he was not surprised to see that a group of people gathered outside the city gate and entered the city without a clue.

He learned a lot about tianwu tribe from GE nianyao's father. To tell the truth, the strength of tianwu tribe is much worse than he originally thought.

He thought that it was absolutely extraordinary to be able to get rid of the influence of such figures as master Wuhuang. Even if master Wuhuang fell, there should be other supreme and powerful people in the tianwu tribe.

However, GE nianyao's father told him that the strongest of the tianwu tribe, that is, their leader, was a powerful man in the immortal realm one step away from the supreme realm.

Such a strong person is enough to make many tribes awe. For the Chongfeng tribe, where the strongest person is just a well-rounded preacher, he is a big man in heaven.

But for Lin Chen, it's really not worth mentioning.

"No wonder Master Wu is worried about his hometown. Except for him, he doesn't even have a supreme master. If he accidentally provokes any divine realm or supreme power, he will be destroyed!"

Lin Chen felt sorry for the fall of Wu Huang.

Elder Wu Huang was not born in a big power, but he became a strong man that he had to look up to. Thinking about it, he knew how difficult it was, but in the end, it was still empty.

Lin Chen sighed in his heart and sat on the flame treading beast. Together with the people of Chongfeng tribe, he hurried to the city gate in front of him.

He made up his mind. After entering the city, he parted ways with the people of Chongfeng tribe. He went to find the leader of tianwu tribe and told him about elder Wuhuang.

When they arrived at the gate of the city, another team of dozens of people, who looked like Chongfeng tribe, was entering the city.

They noticed the movement behind them. Looking back, they saw the people of Chongfeng tribe. After they were stunned, their eyes became bad.

Headed by a ruddy, squat old man, he stared at geyuanshan with small eyes and gave a sneer.

Similarly, geyuanshan, who had a plain face and looked enigmatic, looked gloomy and sneered at the old man.

Other people of Chongfeng tribe, seeing the two men and horses, their eyes became fierce.

Lin Chen looked at GE nianyao's father and said curiously, "this team seems to have come to congratulate him on his birthday. What's the origin? What's the grudge with your tribe?"

Ge nianyao's father stared at the two horses and whispered:

"These guys are from the Qinghe tribe. The Qinghe tribe is near our Chongfeng tribe. There have been many conflicts between the two tribes. Their hands are stained with the blood of many other people!"

Lin Chen suddenly realized.

Once upon a time, even two adjacent mountain villages on the earth often had many fights and scrambled for various resources.

On the mainland of origin, the competition for resources among various forces is more bloody and fierce. The neighboring tribes often have many grievances, and the final result is that one tribe annexes or massacres another tribe. Ge nianyao's father hated: "the people of Qinghe tribe are vicious and cunning. They are not good things! Last time, nianyao went to the forest outside the tribe to hunt monsters, but they almost ambushed him. Although nianyao saved his life, there are many ethnic groups

People die at their hands. " Seeing Lin Chen's expression, he said: "do you think that the conflicts between tribes are bloody and ferocious? Although their hands are bloody, many of them died at the hands of our tribe, so they killed our people,

It's nothing. "

"Isn't it?" Lin Chen didn't cover it up and asked directly. Ge nianyao's father sneered: "if that were the case, I wouldn't hate these damn guys so much. The difference is that when their people fell into our hands, we killed them directly, while our people fell into their hands, but they were tortured to death

Better die!

Especially the women in our tribe, who fell into their hands, suffered torture that you can't imagine. These guys are animals! "

When GE nianyao's father was talking to Lin Chen, all the people of the Qinghe tribe who were about to enter the city stopped. The pudgy old man, headed by him, waved to the Guard commander at the gate of the city, and the Guard commander came to him.

The pudgy old man smiled and said something to the Guard commander. He took out a purple gold token from his arms and showed it to the Guard commander.

On one side of the token, the engraved pattern is like a leaping flame, and on the other side is a word "Wu".

Seeing this token, Ge Yuanshan looked cold and said in a low voice:

"That's a token that only the core members of the tianwu tribe have. How could this old man have such a token in his hand? Damn it! When did this guy get involved with the tianwu tribe? It's troublesome!"

Hearing this, GE nianyao and Ge Likun beside him, as well as other people of Chongfeng tribe behind him, sank slowly.

This time, they came here with generous gifts in the hope that they could connect with the tianwu tribe. As a result, as soon as they were about to take action, they found that their nemesis had even got the token of the tianwu tribe. How could they not panic?

When the Guard commander saw the token, his expression became polite. He gave the people of Chongfeng tribe a cold look, nodded to the pudgy old man, and turned to walk towards the people of Chongfeng tribe.

"This time, I'm afraid there will be some trouble. Next, no matter what happens, you are not allowed to speak, so as not to make trouble! It's all up to me!"

Geyuanshan sank his voice.

The people of Chongfeng tribe nodded busily.

"What tribe are you from?"

The Guard commander went to the front of the Chongfeng tribe, followed by several other guards. He spoke with a commanding tone.

Ge Yuanshan was even more shocked when he saw the other party's attitude. He laughed and said, "we are from Chongfeng tribe. We came here specially to pay a birthday call for the leader of your tribe!"

"Chongfeng tribe? I seem to have heard of your tribe. Have you received an invitation from our tribe?" The Guard commander asked.

Geyuanshan heard from the other party that he had heard of Chongfeng tribe. His face was happy. Ge nianyao, gelikun and others were proud. Look, even the Guard commander of tianwu tribe knew the name of Chongfeng tribe!

"Yes! This is the invitation we received!" Geyuanshan is busy taking out the invitation and giving it to the other party. The Guard commander took a look, then tore the invitation in half!

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