Tear and pull——

The red gilded wedding card, which looks very festive, was torn in two by the Guard commander and thrown on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Wan Hong, the leader of Qinghe tribe, raised his mouth and showed a proud smile. The people behind him were full of schadenfreude.

Outside the gate of the city, there were some other tribes. They were all silly when they saw this scene.

Obviously this has never happened before!

Many of them are experienced and intelligent. After seeing the proud Qinghe tribe, they have guessed what the situation is, and cast a sympathetic look at Chongfeng tribe.

Compared with the proud people of Qinghe tribe, the people of Chongfeng tribe froze. Ge Likun blushed with a kind of simple and honest face and shouted angrily, "you -"

"Shut up! Have you forgotten what I said before?"

Geyuanshan looked at him and shouted angrily.

Gelikun didn't speak any more, but he still stared at the Guard commander with angry eyes.

Beside him, GE nianyao, with a frosty face, stared at the Guard commander. He felt as if he had been greatly insulted and was so angry that he wanted to fight with the other party.

Being stared at by the people of Chongfeng tribe, the Guard commander didn't take it seriously at all. He sneered: "what does that mean? Do you want to kill me?"

Geyuanshan's face was a little blue, but his tone was still mild: "you are joking, sir. How can you dare to give you a hand if you lend these guys some courage!"

"You are a little self aware!" The Guard commander laughed loudly, and several guards behind him laughed loudly.

His realm is the same as that of geyuanshan, but his preaching realm is perfect. If he does, he may not be the opponent of geyuanshan. However, he is a member of tianwu tribe. Now he is at the gate of tianwu tribe city. Unless he wants to die, he will never dare to mess around!

Geyuanshan said with a gloomy face, "I just don't know, sir, what do you mean by this? Why did you tear up the invitation? Is there something wrong with the invitation?"

The Guard commander touched his chin with his right hand and said: "there is no problem with the invitation. But there are too many tribes coming to celebrate their birthday. The position of the birthday gift is limited, so it is impossible to accommodate so many people.

I have just received the news. From now on, if you want to participate in the birthday banquet, it is useless to have an invitation alone. You also need the strongmen of the immortal realm level in the tribe to be qualified to enter the city.

How about you? Do you have any immortal strongmen in your tribe? If you don't, you just don't meet the requirements. Go home! "

Hearing this, the people of other tribes who were watching whispered.

"Isn't it? To enter the city, you need not only invitations, but also immortal strongmen in the tribe? What can we do now? Our tribe has no immortal strongmen, so we also have to go home?"

"Stupid! What are you thinking? Do you really believe this statement? If you were like what he said, how could you let the people of so many tribes go in?"

"Ah! I see! He is talking nonsense and deliberately making trouble for the people of Chongfeng tribe?"

"Keep your voice down! It's strange that Qinghe tribe has the ability to let the Gate Guard commander of tianwu tribe help them target the people of Chongfeng tribe."


Others can see that this is deliberately embarrassing the people of Chongfeng tribe, and the people of Chongfeng tribe naturally understand what is going on.

Ge Yuanshan, with a dark face, pointed to the people of Qinghe tribe who were about to enter the city and said coldly:

"If there is no immortal strongman in the tribe, you can't go to the city. Then why should the Qinghe tribe go to the city? Their tribe also has no immortal strongman!"

The Guard commander said impatiently, "where did you get so much nonsense? It's very simple. Because this is the message I received just before you arrived.

So before you, even if there is no immortal strongman in the tribe, it is no problem. But now, no! "

Only a fool can not recognize this kind of speech. He is deliberately trying to embarrass the people of Chongfeng tribe.

Geyuanshan glimpsed from the corner of his eye that Wan Hong's smile was more proud and provocative than before. He just felt that there was a flame burning in his chest and he was about to explode!

But he dare not attack. After all, this is the territory of tianwu tribe.

Even if the other party deliberately embarrasses himself and others, if there is any conflict with the people of tianwu tribe, he must still be on his own side!

He could bear it, but Ge nianyao could not.

"Bah! You are obviously bribed by the people of Qinghe tribe and deliberately embarrass us! In my opinion, don't talk nonsense with him. Let's go now.

What's the big deal? I really think our tribe is easy to bully. If we can't enter, we can't enter. What's rare! "

Ge nianyao's eyebrows stood up and her eyes were full of anger.

Seeing a young man dare to talk to himself like this, the Guard commander's face was suddenly covered with dark clouds and his eyes were cold.

Wan Hong immediately angrily scolded, "how dare you, a young man, dare to talk to the adults of tianwu tribe like this. In my opinion, your tribe doesn't pay attention to tianwu tribe at all!"

Many onlookers were shocked and secretly said that it was really a big hat.

Geyuanshan was also shocked. He glanced angrily at Wan Hong, who was fanning the flames, and looked at GE nianyao and shouted:

"Who let you speak? There are no rules! Apologize to this adult quickly!"

"I don't! He clearly meant to embarrass us. Why should I apologize to him?"

Ge nianyao's eyes turn red. Unexpectedly, her grandfather, the leader who always loved her very much, would scold her. Her face is full of stubbornness. She doesn't think she is wrong.

Geyuanshan felt bitter in his heart.

I can't see why the other party is deliberately embarrassed. The problem is that turning around and leaving now is not a good way at all.

With the strength of the Qinghe tribe, it is absolutely impossible to directly lead the tianwu tribe. The only explanation is that they lead the tianwu tribe with a strong one.

If your tribe wants to continue to fight against Qinghe tribe, you need to take this opportunity to connect with a big man of tianwu tribe!

Just go back like this. I'm afraid that before long, Qinghe tribe will invite the strongman of tianwu tribe to help, and Chongfeng tribe will be destroyed!

"Ha ha! It seems that you can't even discipline the kids in your tribe. Why don't you let me do it for you?" The Guard commander sounded gloomy.

Geyuanshan sighed and suddenly slapped Ge nianyao in the face!

Ge nianyao didn't expect that the other party would hit him, and he was stunned.

"Wait!" A voice rang out, "who said that there is no immortal strong man in Chongfeng tribe?"

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