"Chongfeng tribe is adjacent to Qinghe tribe. If there was such a person, I wouldn't know! I can be 100% sure that he is not a member of Chongfeng tribe at all. Even though he is an immortal strong man, he doesn't belong to Chongfeng tribe, and still can't let Chongfeng tribe into the city!"

Although Wan Hong is afraid of Lin Chen, this is the gate of tianwu tribe. No matter how rampant the other party is, it is impossible to fight here. After he calmed down, he thought a little and concluded that Lin Chen is not from Chongfeng tribe.

Chongfeng tribe can never cultivate such a strong man!

The Guard commander's eyes brightened. Now he has a reasonable reason to continue to embarrass the other party.

He didn't want to provoke Lin Chen and other "immortal strongmen", so instead of questioning Lin Chen, he looked at geyuanshan and asked:

"Is he a member of your tribe? I advise you not to lie. If there is such a person in your tribe, I can find out if there is one!"

The people of Chongfeng tribe, frightened by Lin Chen's strength, finally recovered.

Geyuanshan smiled and said, "he is naturally a member of our Chongfeng tribe, and he only became a member of our tribe not long ago."

"What does that mean?"

The Guard commander frowned, and others were puzzled.

Geyuanshan smiled at GE nianyao.

Ge nianyao, who was still in shock, was bewildered. He wondered when he became a member of our tribe, and it had nothing to do with me?

"If only our tribe could really have such an immortal strong man, that would be great!" Ge nianyao thought this way, and thought of his previous arrogant words and deeds in front of Lin Chen, which made him feel embarrassed.

"He was not originally a member of our tribe, but he and nianyao fell in love with each other. They got married not long ago. Now he is nianyao's husband. Naturally, he is also a member of our tribe!" Geyuanshan said with a smile.

Ge nianyao was confused.

Lin Chen took a smoke from the corner of his eye. He thought that GE Yuanshan could come up with an explanation. Unexpectedly, he came up with such an explanation!

However, judging from the reaction of others, this explanation seems to be completely feasible!

"I see! Ge nianyao is one of the most arrogant people in Chongfeng tribe. I had expected that the man she would find would be unusual. Unexpectedly, she found an immortal strong man to be her husband!"

"Is Chongfeng tribe lucky?"

"Since this man is Ge nianyao's man, he is naturally a member of Chongfeng tribe! If tianwu tribe doesn't let Chongfeng tribe people into the city, it's a bit unreasonable."


People from other tribes who were watching were obviously envious in their words. If there was a woman in their own tribe who could be favored by the immortal strong, it would be equivalent to holding a thigh!

"He -"

Ge nianyao opened her mouth and said nothing. She was not stupid. She knew that if she tried to explain now, the efforts of the leader's grandfather and Lin Chen would be in vain.

Her face was flushed, and her pride vanished. She looked charming. Many people saw her charming appearance and said in their hearts that no wonder she would be liked by the immortal strong.

"Well, do you have anything else to say?" Geyuanshan stared at Wan Hong and said with a cold smile.

Wan Hong was oppressed, but he couldn't say anything at all. Even Lin Chen and Ge nianyao, who were the parties, didn't explain anything. Could he be an outsider and say that they were not a couple?

"Come on! Go into the city. After you go into the city, someone will arrange your accommodation."

The Guard commander didn't continue to make trouble. With the token in Wan Hong's hand, he didn't mind selling a favor to the other party, but he didn't want to keep pestering when things got this far.

In his heart, he scolded Wan Hong angrily. If it hadn't been for this guy's bad idea, there would have been no such thing!

He was also unhappy at the thought of offending an immortal strong man without any reason.

With the eyes of many people, the team of Chongfeng tribe entered the city gate.

The people of Chongfeng tribe were very excited. They just felt that it was too face saving.

The Guard commander of tianwu tribe wanted to embarrass his tribe, but he still had to honestly let himself and others into the city. In the past, they dared not even think about it.

His eyes fell on Lin Chen who was on the flame treading beast in front.

Beside Lin Chen, GE nianyao's father occasionally looks at Lin Chen, and is much more restrained. He is not as comfortable as before, nor dare he talk casually.

After entering the city, people from tianwu tribe came to receive them and took them to an independent courtyard.

"The birthday banquet will be held in two days. In these two days, you will stay here first. When the birthday banquet begins, people from our tribe will come to take you there!"

The people of tianwu tribe left after telling them.

In the courtyard, only a few dozen people from Chongfeng tribe and Lin Chen were left.

Geyuanshan came down from the "frost shadow demon wolf", walked quickly to Lin Chen and bowed. He was about to say something, but Lin Chen stopped him.

"If you want to thank me, or say you lost your courtesy in front of me at the beginning, you don't have to. When you took me to tianwu tribe, I owe you a favor, but I just gave it back to you. What's more, I don't like those two guys!"

Lin Chen smiled, disappeared from the flame treading beast and appeared in front of Ge Yuanshan.

Gelikun could not help but say something. He was excited and curious: "you are really a strong immortal. What is the specific realm? At the beginning of the immortal realm, I'm afraid it's not so easy to clean up those two hateful guys?"

Geyuanshan hurriedly scolded: "shut up! Where can I inquire about the realm of the elder? I don't understand any rules!"

"It's all right. I'm really not in the early days of immortality." Lin Chen smiled and didn't care.

This sentence makes geyuanshan and others feel awe inspiring again. It is not the early stage of the immortal realm, but at least the middle stage of the immortal realm!

I knew that there was such a super strong man around me. Why did people like me bother to come to tianwu tribe to hold their thighs.

Just hold this thigh, right?

Geyuanshan said with a worried face, "in order to explain, I made up such a poor reason to say that you are nianyao's husband. Please don't take it personally. I had to do it."

This almost made Ge nianyao, who hadn't spoken for a long time, burst out with anger. What do you mean, saying that he was my husband? Did I take advantage of him?

I have to apologize to him!

As a result, Lin Chen's answer almost made her chest stuffy with anger.

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