"This is not an example." Lin Chen answered calmly.

Geyuanshan nodded: "I promise, there will never be another time!"

Ge nianyao was so angry that he ground his teeth for a while. This guy is much stronger than he thought, but he is also more hateful than he thought. What is meant by not doing it again? Who would say that if he didn't have to?

It seems that he is his own man, and he has taken advantage of him. It's really hateful!

Ge nianyao stares at Lin Chen angrily, and can't wait to fight with him.

Ge nianyao's father couldn't understand his daughter better. Seeing that she was angry and stared at Lin Chen, he was afraid that she might say something that was no more than a brain. He shouted in a deep voice: "nianyao, don't be rude!"

"It's all right. I don't care about her like a child." Lin Chen said something with a smile, which made Ge nianyao more angry. Subconsciously, she wanted to ask you who is a child?

But on second thought, although he looks young, he is an immortal. It is likely that he is much older than himself!

She said in her heart, "damn old man!"

"Well, since I owe you back, I should go." Lin Chen doesn't intend to stay here.

Knowing that Lin Chen is an immortal strongman, the people of Chongfeng tribe will no longer regard him as coming here to cheat on food and drink. Ge Yuanshan hurriedly said:

"Elder, I don't know where I'm going. If I'm not in a hurry, can I stay longer? This time, we've brought a lot of delicious food and wine from the tribe. If you don't mind, why don't you try it?"

"No. I'm going to find someone, so I won't be with you." Lin Chen shook his head, his body turned into a dark flame, and soon disappeared in front of the Chongfeng tribe like smoke.

Geyuanshan and many strongmen of Chongfeng tribe showed a disappointed look on their faces.

Ge nianyao's father sighed: "he doesn't want to stay here for a long time. Obviously, he doesn't want to have too much relationship with our tribe. Now it seems that it's impossible to hold this thigh!

If we show kindness to him before we know his strength, maybe we can gain something. But it is doomed to have no effect to show kindness after knowing his strength! "

Many people nodded.

This truth is not difficult to understand.

The cultivators of the immortal realm are super strong people who can open up an immortal Dynasty. Where they go on weekdays, they are attracting the attention of thousands of people, and most of them are sycophants.

If you make advances to him before you and others know his strength, the other party will think that you and others are different and can have some effect.

At present, when the other party shows his strength, he and others will be very snobbish. He is no different from those who flatter, and will not have any effect at all.

"Such a big tree just left. If he were really the man of nianyao girl, that would be great!" An old man sighed helplessly.

Ge nianyao felt that this was really awkward. The meaning of his words seemed to say that he was not worthy of that guy!

She refused: "the man I'm looking for in the future is no worse than him!"

Hearing this, many people smiled, and the old man who had just spoken shook his head with a smile!

Seeing this, GE nianyao was even more unconvinced. She told him to wait and see. If she couldn't find a man better than him in the future, she wouldn't marry at all! Hum!

"It's all right. Although immortal seems to have a lot to do with our tribe, he won't have any deep connection. He has helped us solve a crisis. Next, it's up to us!"

Geyuanshan spat out a mouthful of turbid Qi, his eyes were shining, and he said in a heavy tone: "not surprisingly, Wan Hong's token was given to him by an elder of the tianwu tribe!"

The people of the Chongfeng tribe felt a heavy heart at the same time.

The elders of the tianwu tribe are all practitioners of immortality. If the Qinghe tribe really catches up with an elder of the tianwu tribe, it will undoubtedly be a disaster for the Chongfeng tribe.

Even if we don't mention the gratitude and resentment between the two tribes over the years, it is impossible for Qinghe tribe to let Chongfeng tribe go.

After all, if the Qinghe tribe wants to expand its territory, the Chongfeng tribe, which is not far away from them, is naturally a thorn in the side.

Everyone was in a heavy mood, but no one spoke, waiting for geyuanshan to continue.

It can be seen that geyuanshan, the leader, is very important in their hearts. They all believe that the leader will give a solution to the problem. Geyuanshan said in a deep voice, "what we need to do is to take this opportunity to see if we can get the support of an elder of tianwu tribe! If we also have the support of an elder of tianwu tribe, then we don't have to be afraid that Qinghe tribe will come to us

Trouble. "

"What if we can't get it?" Ge Likun asked without thinking.

Geyuanshan was silent for a few seconds and sighed: "if we can't win over, then our tribe can only move. The farther away from Qinghe tribe, the better!"

For a time, the atmosphere in the courtyard was very depressing.

Chongfeng tribe has been rooted there for hundreds of thousands of years. If there is still a choice, they are not willing to leave their hometown.

What's more, it is definitely not an easy thing to find a suitable ownerless place to multiply after leaving home!

After saying goodbye to the people of Chongfeng tribe, Lin Chen walked down the busy street. He directly released his mind. After a while, he shrouded the whole city.

A moment later, he smiled and whispered, "found it!"

There are a lot of people in this city. Even there are several people in the immortal realm. Not surprisingly, the most powerful breath should be the leader of tianwu tribe!

The strength gap between the two sides was too great. Lin Chen directly locked the breath. The other party didn't even notice that someone was using his mind to explore.


Lin Chen disappeared from the spot.


In the magnificent hall, several high-level officials of tianwu tribe are reporting various details about the birthday banquet to a white haired old woman, as well as the tribes who came to congratulate.

The old woman is Wu Yue, the leader of tianwu tribe. Listening to her subordinates' report about the birthday banquet, she seems to be very depressed and doesn't care at all.

In fact, she had no interest in holding this so-called birthday party unless her subordinates insisted.

'a birthday party of 800000 years old... With my qualifications, I have reached the limit. I can feel that the source of the soul is slowly dissipating. " She looked lonely in her eyes. At this moment, she hoped that her father, who had been hated by her for many years, would come back to see her before she fell.

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