"Come on, what can I do for you?"

Although Lin Chen is not familiar with GE nianyao, he can see that the other party is a very proud person who will come to find him. He probably encounters some problems that cannot be solved.

When I think about what happened at the gate of the city, I guess it has something to do with the Qinghe tribe.

Ge nianyao summoned up her courage and told Lin Chen that Wulong had sent people to invite them and that he had stolen everything they had.

With that, she glanced at Lin Chen's face and found that Lin Chen's expression was very plain. It seemed that such a sinister and cunning thing was nothing strange to him, and it was not enough to surprise him at all.

"So you came to me to make me stand out for your Chongfeng tribe, get those two space rings back, and even solve the troubles of Qinghe tribe, so that your tribe doesn't have to move?"

Lin Chen has guessed the other party's intentions. To tell the truth, he doesn't really want to get involved in this matter. The affairs of Qinghe tribe and Chongfeng tribe are like the battle of beasts in the jungle. The law of the jungle is the norm.

Most importantly, he is not familiar with Chongfeng tribe.

Ge nianyao nodded hurriedly.

Lin Chen shook his head: "you should solve the problems of your tribe by yourself. If your strength is not as good as that of others, it is a normal result to move your tribe.

If you are not willing to do so, you should practice hard in the future. If any of you can become immortal and strong, you are entitled to take back everything you have. "

Ge nianyao looked disappointed. As expected, he was the same as the elders said.

If he doesn't have enough interests, he won't help. After all, no one wants to become enemies with the elders of tianwu tribe for no reason.

She bit her ruddy lips and suddenly took off her coat. There was only a light and thin profanity in it, outlining a beautiful curve.

Lin Chen squinted: "what do you mean?"

"As long as you are willing to help, I can do anything. I can be your woman, or I can be your horse and ox!"

Ge nianyao looked at Lin Chen with a pleading face, and her eyes were red.

How can the so-called Ju clan migration be so easy? Let alone whether everyone can leave smoothly. Even if the migration is successful, many people may die in the process.

Later, in order to get a new foothold, you may lose a lot of lives, or even be destroyed!

"Do you think I would be short of women if I wanted to?" Lin Chen said coldly.

Ge nianyao was speechless and plopped. She knelt down in front of Lin Chen, pursed her lips, and was about to kowtow to Lin Chen. As a result, she found that an invisible force shrouded her. Let alone kowtow, she could not even bow her head.

She looked at Lin Chen with a pleading face and wanted to cry. "Can I beg you? As long as you help me, I swear I will repay you in the future! I will become immortal. At that time, I will repay your kindness ten times, no, a hundred times. I swear with my heart!"

Lin Chen looked at her tearful eyes coldly. A few seconds later, he reached out and rubbed his temples, muttering:

"Damn it. I told myself not to be a meddler. I just can't be hard hearted. I'm not interested in being a bad man."

Looking at GE nianyao at this time, Lin Chen felt as if he saw that he was weak at the beginning, but he tried his best to protect the earth.

"Get up!" He is not very angry.

Ge nianyao bowed her head and refused to get up.

"The people of your tribe have been in trouble. I'm going to go and have a look. Are you sure you won't go with me?"


Ge nianyao's eyes were round and she got up quickly. The chicken pecked at the rice and nodded, "yes! I will!"

She looked at Lin Chen with a cold face. At this time, she felt warm in her heart. This man's indifference was just pretended. He was a good man!

In this world, some people speak well and act friendly, but in fact they are vicious like snakes and scorpions, just like elder Wulong; There are also some people who seem not to be easy to get along with and who speak mercilessly, but they are by no means bad people.

She asked cautiously, "what's wrong with our tribe?"

Lin Chen stretched out his hand to tear out a gap in the space and walked into it.

"Follow me, and you'll soon know."


"No way! It's absolutely impossible. Li Kun can't do such a thing. There must be some misunderstanding!"

"Misunderstanding? Thank you for speaking out! Even he admitted it himself. This is a bullshit misunderstanding!"

Somewhere in the outer hall, the crowd was bustling, surrounded by people from Qinghe tribe and Chongfeng tribe. Wulong was also present.

Ge Likun looked full of remorse and pain. He was tied up and thrown on the ground. There was also a beautiful woman with red and swollen eyes, who was still sobbing.

Wulong looked angry.

All the people of Chongfeng tribe looked unbelievable.

Just a moment ago, Wulong brought Ge Likun, who was tied up in various ways, and said that GE Likun had been caught on the spot for disorderly behavior towards the people of tianwu tribe. Chongfeng tribe must give a satisfactory explanation!

This incident directly confused the people of Chongfeng tribe.

Other young people in the tribe may be obsessed with sex and do some stupid things. But Ge Likun is a man of one track mind. He only knows how to practice. He is also a bad man. He is not interested in women at all. How can he do such a thing?

They would not believe it anyway!

What's more, the people of Qinghe tribe also came with Wulong. They suspected that this was a frame up.

Geyuanshan stared at GE Likun with a gloomy face and said, "what's the matter? Have you really done something worse than a pig or a dog?"

Gelikun was depressed and said painfully, "I heard the cry for help from the alley outside, so I ran out to see what was going on. When I saw a man trying to mess with her, I beat him away.

She was very grateful to me for taking me back to her home - "

The woman with red eyes snapped and sobbed: "I took you home just to entertain you and express my gratitude. Who knows... Who knows that when you see no one else in the room, you will... Be violent to me. Sobbing... Beast! You can't die easily!"

Gelikun said dejectedly, "I... I don't know what happened. At that time, I was obsessed and couldn't control myself."

Geyuanshan kicked Ge Likun out and angrily scolded, "you bastard, that is to say, did you really do that kind of thing to her?"

Ge Likun was kicked out and vomited blood from his mouth. Instead of screaming, he began to cry: "I deserve to die! I really deserve to die. Grandpa leader, you can kill me! I am not qualified to live! I am not human!"

Geyuanshan was livid.

The people of Qinghe tribe watched and sneered.

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