"Is this guy crazy about women? At such a time, and in the territory of the tianwu tribe, it's like killing women in the tianwu tribe!"

"He didn't just want to die himself. At this moment, the whole Chongfeng tribe was implicated!"

"Yes! Think about it and know that this kind of thing will not only kill the boy, but also the whole tribe!"


The onlookers really didn't expect such a good play. Many people shook their heads and sighed, saying that today, I'm afraid no one in Chongfeng tribe can leave tianwu tribe.

Wan Muya stood beside Wulong, looked at gelikun with disgust, and said contemptuously, "if all the things that came out of the cesspit were smelly, they would be disgusting if they could not be put on the table."

A member of Chongfeng tribe angrily said, "where do you say is a cesspit?"

"Where else could it be? It's your tribe." Wan Muya had no fear and smiled scornfully, not taking the anger of the other party seriously.

Wulong stared at GE Yuanshan, who was livid, and said softly, "don't pretend. In a word, none of you can leave today! The boy has to die, and the rest of you don't want to feel better."

Geyuanshan's heart sank slowly.

A voice came from outside the crowd.

"If Ge Likun really messed with that woman, it wouldn't matter if he killed him. The problem is, it's too old-fashioned for you to play such a fairy dance."

The crowd was shocked and looked in the direction of the voice. They saw Lin Chen with GE nianyao coming this way.

"Immortal jump? What is immortal jump?"

"I don't know! But it should be said that the man was slandered, and he didn't mess with the woman?"


The crowd talked and made way for Lin Chen and Ge nianyao.

Among the people, some also suspected that GE Likun might have been trapped, but in this case, naturally no one would speak for the Chongfeng tribe.

Moreover, all things pay attention to evidence, no matter how suspicious, if we can not produce evidence, it will be empty and meaningless.

The people of Qinghe tribe were shocked when they saw Lin Chen. Wan Hong went to Wulong and said something to Wulong. Wulong looked at Lin Chen with more fear.

What is the situation? It doesn't mean that this immortal has nothing to do with Chongfeng tribe, but just meets by chance. Why bother?


The people of Chongfeng tribe are surprised to see Lin Chen as if they were the Savior.

When Lin Chen and Ge nianyao came to him, Wulong did not say anything about GE Likun, but frowned and said in a deep voice:

"This is the business of Chongfeng tribe. As far as I know, your Excellency and Chongfeng tribe are only casual friends. Why bother? People who like to meddle will often come to no good end!"

Speaking later, there was a naked threat in the voice.

Lin Chen looked at him and smiled: "really? I don't like anything. I'm afraid of boredom. I like to meddle in my own affairs. Don't I live to this day?"

Wulong's eyes became a little gloomy and said, "even if you insist on meddling, what can you do? This boy's behavior has violated the taboo of our tianwu tribe! Can you force us tianwu tribe to spare him on your own?"

The onlookers saw that Wulong's eyes were bleak, but he didn't have the feeling of being superior. They secretly said that the young man was afraid that he was also an immortal strong man, so he was qualified to talk with Wulong.

But what Wulong said is right. Ge Likun's behavior is a taboo of the whole tianwu tribe. Even if he is immortal, it is impossible to keep him!

Ge nianyao also knew what was going on, and angrily said:

"Ge Likun is just a wood. He doesn't dare to see a woman undressed at ordinary times. It's absolutely impossible to do that! You must have planted the blame for this!"

Wulong smiled and said dismissively, "it's absurd. Even he has admitted it, but you ran out and said that we planted the blame! It's inexplicable!"

Ge nianyao was speechless.

Lin Chen looked at the woman whose eyes were red and swollen with tears. The woman only felt that Lin Chen's plain eyes were like two sharp spikes. She didn't dare to look at Lin Chen at all, and bowed her head with some guilt.

Lin Chen looked at GE Likun and asked, "you can't control yourself. Did you take care of her?"

Ge Likun was flushed by this straightforward remark, and nodded in embarrassment and shame.

Lin Chen added, "did you feel anything strange at that time?"

"Different?" Gelikun didn't react.

Ge Yuanshan could hardly wait to kick this despicable fellow out again, and said angrily:

"The elder asked you if someone had used any tricks in secret. Did you notice anything?"

Gelikun said: "I didn't notice anything, but my mouth was dry. The more I saw it, the more I felt that she had a good look. I wanted to be with her... With her..."

Hearing this, the onlookers burst out laughing.

"Hahaha! I feel this way when I am alone with a beautiful woman."

"Nonsense! Who isn't? Look at this boy. He may still be a baby. He can't control himself at all!"


Lin Chen rolled his eyes secretly. This guy is really not smart. Even if you really don't feel anything, you can also lie and talk nonsense.

For example, I suddenly feel hot all over, my consciousness is fuzzy, and I can't control my behavior!

If you say so, I can go on!

"Evil! You bastard, stupid donkey, I am really angry with you!"

Ge Yuanshan scolds. He used to like GE Likun for having a pure heart and being straightforward. Now he just wants to slap him in the face and see if he can make his wooden head stand out!

Wulong sneered: "is there anything else to say now?"

Lin Chen's face was flat, and he looked at the woman with red and swollen eyes. "What's the matter? I asked the woman, and naturally I knew."

Wulong sneered: "it's not necessary. I've already asked!"

Lin Chen said, "I mean, control her consciousness, and then ask again to make sure she is telling the truth."

When they heard this, they thought it was a feasible way.

Wulong's face changed slightly, and he said angrily, "I think you have something wrong with your brain. She is a weak woman. She has already been insulted. As a result, you have to control her consciousness to ask questions. This is insulting her!"

When the woman heard this, she began to cry bitterly, almost fainting, as if she had been greatly insulted.

Seeing this, they thought carefully, and thought that Lin Chen's words were really hateful. Many women looked at Lin Chen with hatred.

They hated the man who messed with women the most. They shared a common hatred with the woman. At this time, they felt that Lin Chen did not respect women at all. It was so hateful!

Lin Chen's eyebrows wrinkled. It seemed that the way to hypnotize the other party to ask questions would not work.

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