"Of course I'm not crazy. You definitely don't dare die with me, do you?" Lin Chen sneered. At the same time, a pair of iron claws, such as Youlong, took up many shadows and went towards the elder Xiang family!

"Hum! You will show off your tongue!" The old man of the Xiang family became angry from embarrassment. He really didn't dare to die with Lin Chen. He didn't dare to try to see who was so fast! Lin Chen's crazy playing style, in his opinion, is no different from that of a madman!

In the blink of an eye, the two have already fought dozens of moves, which are also claw skills. Lin Chen is just fierce and domineering, and he is arrogant. The elder Xiang family has a cunning and strange angle, which makes people defenseless!

Bang bang!

At this time, all the people in the audience could only see two residual shadows shaking in the field, and then there were countless bangs. The sound was both dull and like the sound of steel collision, which made people's eardrums ache faintly. They had no doubt that if they were next to a paw, there would be death and no life!

Lin Chen's strength has been beyond their expectation. He can fight with the elder Xiang family so indissoluble, which is beyond the scope of the young generation of strong people!

For them, this martial arts meeting was really wonderful!

It's enough for them to boast when they go back!

This is the real master duel. They are working hard together in ancient martial arts, so that one day they can become strong at this level and surpass the secular world!

However, the vast majority of them, no matter how hard they try, will never reach this height in their lifetime!

The elder Xiang family became more and more frightened. He thought it would not be difficult for him to take down the opponent, but he didn't expect that the opponent would be so evil. His proud iron claws were beaten by the opponent with great pain, which he had never encountered before!

"Boy, what is your claw skill?" The old man of the Xiang family said with glowing eyes. He found that there were too many good things on this boy. He made up his mind to take them all!

Lin Chen didn't care to let the other party know. He said faintly: "the empty claw should be much better than the garbage claw you use."

"You!" The old man of the Xiang family was very angry. His shaking claw was one of the best martial arts of the Xiang family. The other party said it was rubbish. How could he not be angry!

However, he could really perceive that the opponent's claw skill was better than his own.

"Boy, if you give me all your martial arts, I won't argue with you. How about sparing your life?" The elder of the Xiang family said.

"Ha ha! Spare my life? You'd better take care of yourself first!" Lin Chen said.

"No good or bad! Do you think you can win me?" The old man of the Xiang family shouted angrily. His momentum became stronger and his attack became more and more fierce!

Lin Chen hissed. At the next moment, his momentum also soared. A pair of iron claws grabbed the elder Xiang's chest, and even brought a burst of empty noise!

When the sound sounded, the elder Xiang's face changed greatly, and he was about to retreat in an instant, but it was already late!


The old man of the Xiang family screamed and fell to the ground. There were several deep gullies in his chest. His blood flowed across him. It was terrible!

He was about to break up and struggled to get up. However, Lin Chen stepped on his chest full of wounds and said coldly, "can't you accept it now?"

"Damn it! I am from the Xiang family. Do you dare to do this to me? Do you want to die? Do you know what it means to offend the Xiang family? It means you will die!" The old man of the Xiang family growled.

"I ask if you are satisfied!" Lin Chen Leng shouted. While he was talking, the soles of his feet ran over the wound on the other side's chest. Suddenly, there was a blur of flesh and blood, and his bones were exposed!

This old man has been standing at the Zhou family's side tonight to trouble him and plot his martial arts skills. Although he doesn't have to kill him, he won't let go easily!

"Ah! You, you, you! Do you really want to die? I will let you die miserably! My Xiang family is the first ancient martial family in Nanhua province. I advise you to kneel down and apologize immediately and give me your martial arts skills. Otherwise, you will be worse off than dead!" The old man of the Xiang family was in a cold sweat, but his eyes were more venomous. He stared at Lin Chen, still threatening him.

In fact, no one dares to disobey the Xiang family at ordinary times. The Xiang family exists like an emperor in the martial arts and Taoism circles of Nanhua province. He is used to being high above others. At this time, he will not be willing to bow his head!

"Now you still want to threaten me with the Xiang family? Do you think I'm really afraid of your Xiang family and dare not kill you?" Lin Chen didn't expect that it was such a time. This guy was so stubborn that his eyes were full of murders.

Seeing the cold murderous intention in Lin Chen's eyes, the elder of the Xiang family trembled, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "I take it!"

"Speak up!" Lin Chen shouted.

"I took it!" The old man of the Xiang family turned red, his forehead was blue and his veins jumped wildly, and he said loudly.

The people under the stage are completely stupid at this time. However, today Lin Chen has brought them too much shock. They are numb!

Before, the most proud people were the Zhou family and the Xiang family. However, at this time, their faces were the most ugly!

Xiang Huowu stared at the extremely cold young man on the stage with round eyes. He had a feeling in his heart. Maybe he promised to be his apprentice that day, which was very good?

The cold family felt like a dream. All this was so unreal. At first, they were still excited by Lin Chen's strength, but now, Lin Chen has become so powerful that they feel unreal!

Leng Hanyan, with a cool personality, was surprised to cover her mouth and her beautiful eyes stared round. Although she felt that Lin Chen was the strongest and would surely win, she also knew that it was just a kind of blind worship, but at present, Lin Chen really showed the strength of bandits and barbarians, just like a God coming to earth!

Lin Chen said faintly, "it's good to take it. Now that you have taken it, the organizer of the conference will arrange it. All the assets of the Zhou family will be transferred to the cold family. By the way, the first place in this martial arts conference should be the cold family?"

The old man of the Xiang family looked ugly and said, "yes! I will give 50% of the assets taken out by each family to the cold family!"

"Ha ha! Just be sensible!" Lin Chen smiled. You are very sensible and I am very satisfied.

Next, although the Zhou family were reluctant, they could only cooperate to transfer all their assets to the cold family. Now, Lin Chen is a murderer in their eyes. Moreover, their inborn strongman of the Zhou family has been killed. How can they resist!

If they knew this would be the result, they would never provoke Lin Chen, the evil star. It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world!

Old man Leng felt dizzy until he got all the assets of the Zhou family and the first prize of the conference. He thought that if this was a dream, he just hoped he would never wake up!

He thought he should rely on the forces behind Lin Chen to tide over the difficulties, but he didn't expect Lin Chen to turn the tide alone!

One fist kills half a step congenitally, a roar suppresses more than 20 strong young people, kills the congenitally superior of the Zhou family, and severely tramples the elder of the Xiang family, the first ancient martial family in Nanhua!

The key person is in his early twenties!

There is no doubt that from today on, Lin Chen will be famous throughout the ancient martial world. There are absolutely few such evils in the entire Chinese population of more than one billion!

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