There are several independent villas on the hillside of Hongye mountain, each of which is extremely luxurious and unique.

These villas are famous in Guangyang city because it is the first commercial family in the whole Nanhua province and the location of Ye family, one of the four largest families in Nanhua province.

At this time, it was evening, in front of the room on the third floor of one of the villas.

Yeyaoru reached out his hand and knocked on the door, "Yiren."

"Dad, come in." A cold female voice came from the room.

Yeyaoru opened the door and went in. He saw yeyiren standing in front of the window. The night wind blew her long hair. She was wearing a simple household clothes, plain face up to the sky, but she was still charming.

Yeyi turned his head and said with a smile, "Dad, why did you think of coming to see my daughter today? But it's better to come here more often. You can't always drink at your place."

Yeyaoru smiled bitterly. In front of his daughter, he always felt that he was the one being taken care of. He owed too much to his daughter and was not a qualified father.

He sighed and said, "Yi Ren, why don't you have dinner? According to the servant, you haven't had lunch?"

Yeyi smiled lazily and said, "stay here all day and do nothing. You can't even go out for a walk. How can you be hungry?"

Yeyaoru frowned and said, "Jing is talking nonsense. According to what you say, you don't need to eat if you don't do anything. What's wrong?"

Yeyi smiled, but did not answer. He asked, "well, Dad, I know you came to me. There must be something wrong with you?"

Yeyaoru sighed again and said, "Yi Ren, don't hate your grandmother. After all, she is your grandmother. He put you under house arrest for fear of any accident."

Yeyi nodded and smiled: "I know. She seems to be afraid of me?"

Yeyaoru said helplessly, "what are you talking about, girl? What do you mean she is afraid of you? She is your grandmother, and you are her -"

Before he finished, yeirin interrupted him and asked again, "Dad, why don't you come to me?"

After pondering for a while, yeyaoru said, "Lin Chen has come to Guangyang. He should have come to see you."

The peace on yeyi's face was broken in an instant and he was silent.

Why did Lin Chen come here?

She knew that Lin Chen was actually a very arrogant person. Even if he knew he was going to marry into the Qi family, he would not come here unless he knew something.

Yiren's face was puzzled, but with her intelligence, she quickly guessed where the problem was.

The hyena should have told him something!

She pondered for a long time and said, "Dad, please help me give him a message and say I hope he won't affect my wedding and my marriage."

"I've already looked for him." Yeyaoru Taoism.

Ye Yi was stunned. "Have you found him?"

"Yes, and I also told him that if he came to you, it would only affect your future. But the boy was also stubborn and didn't want to leave at all. It seemed that he had to ask you for a clear answer. In my opinion, it's useless to send a message. Only you can see him in person and let him die." Yeyaoru Taoism.

"Let him die? Do you want me to break his heart?"

Ye Yiren's tone was extremely cold, and his face was distressed. "I have hurt him once, and I don't want to have a second time! I won't have a second time in my life!"

It's much more painful for her to hurt him than to hurt herself. It's enough to do that once in her life.

Yeyaoru said, "I know you are heartless. I didn't come here today to let you hurt him. In fact, he came to Guangyang City long ago. I didn't intend to tell you, but something happened today. This boy scared everyone!"

"Made everyone jump? What do you mean?" Yeyi was surprised.

She knew that although her father was only a drunkard who could only drink all day, he had seen too many storms, and there were not many things that could startle him.

Besides, it has something to do with Lin Chen, which makes her curious.

"This boy is still an ancient martial artist!" Yeyaoru Taoism.

Yeyi wondered, "just because he is an ancient martial artist, he scared everyone?"

When she was in Yuehai City, she knew that Lin Chen was a little different from before. The former king of war, Li Kaishan, was also an ancient martial artist, but he was still defeated by Lin Chen.

This shows that Lin Chen should also be an ancient martial artist.

At first, she was really surprised. She thought that Lin Chen had some adventure. However, if he was only an ancient martial artist, he should not have scared everyone.

For the existence of the cold family, the general ancient martial artists do not pose a great threat to them.

Yeyaoru said with a wry smile, "if he was just an ancient martial artist, it would not surprise everyone. But he is not an ordinary ancient martial artist. This boy is a congenital strong man!"

Yeyaoru was also shocked at this time. He knew something about the ancient martial arts world, so he knew better than ordinary people how evil the inborn strong in his early twenties were!

"What! Lin Chen is a congenital strong man? This... How can this be..." Ye Yi exclaimed.

It can be said that apart from Lin Chen's parents, she knows more about Lin Chen than anyone else. She was an ordinary rural teenager. Now, her father says Lin Chen is a congenital strong man.

Her heart hoped it was true, but reason was telling her it was false.

"Dad, are you mistaken?" Ye Yiren.

Yeyaoru shook his head and said, "how could you make a mistake? Today is the day when the martial arts conference in Nanhua province is held. Although the Ye family is not from the ancient martial arts world and can't participate in it, the four families will pay attention to the situation of each martial arts conference. And this martial arts conference, the most prominent one is Lin Chen!"

He took out his mobile phone and handed it to Ye Yiren. Ye Yiren glanced at the mobile phone screen in doubt, then trembled and took the mobile phone!

On the mobile phone screen, Lin Chen was impressively stepping on the elder of Xiang family. Many ancient martial artists in martial arts suits were watching him with fanaticism, awe or worship!

"This......" yeyi was stunned.

Yeyaoru told her everything about Lin Chen at the martial arts meeting. Hearing that Lin Chen had killed half a step of the ancient martial artist with one punch, he roared and suppressed more than 20 young strong men in the ancient martial arts world, killed the Zhou family's congenital strong men, and trampled Xiang's parents under his feet. Ye Yi was filled with excitement, surprise and worry.

No doubt Lin Chen got into trouble with the Xiang family, the first ancient martial family in South China province, and no doubt he would soon be watched by his cruel grandmother.

Not surprisingly, the Qi family is already paying attention to him.

Although Lin Chen shows strong strength, it is undoubtedly not enough to compete with the Ye family, the Qi family, the Xiang family and other families.

"Dad, do something to help him. Next, the Xiang family will retaliate against him, and my grandmother, she will not keep a congenital strong enemy, and the Qi family, they -"

Yeyaoru shook his head directly. "I can't help you. Now, I can only see if the boy can survive!"

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