Looking at Wulong who desperately begged for mercy, many people were mixed with a bit of schadenfreude in their eyes. Some people thought he was too unlucky.

After all, if you put yourself in the right place and replaced yourself in Wulong, it is impossible to think that you should have touched the head of a supreme master.

Wu Yue frowned and glanced at Wulong, and again cast an inquiring look at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen said everything he knew in a flat tone, including Ge nianyao's saying that Wulong had wrongly taken things from their tribe. When he spoke, he did not favor Chongfeng tribe, but maintained a neutral attitude.

If it is finally discovered that Chongfeng tribe is not reasonable, he will not take the lead for Chongfeng tribe.

At the same time, the stars disappeared. After the "I am the world" was performed, the vision was like a foam shattered, and everything recovered as usual.

Wu Yue looked at Wu Long and saw that his face was smiling. He realized that what GE nianyao said should be true.

She looked at the woman with red and swollen eyes and said, "what you said before is true. This man of Chongfeng tribe has messed with you?"

The woman also knelt on the ground and nodded in horror.

Wu Yue added, "did you use any shady tricks?"

The woman looked terrified and wanted to shake her head, but she was scared out of her mind by the dark eyes of Shang Wu Yue. She didn't dare to lie at all.

Shanshan said: "yes... It was elder Wulong who gave me a kind of incense. He said that a man with strength below immortality would be unable to control himself after smelling it, resulting in -"

"Enough!" Wu Yue whispered, and the woman was busy and shut up.

The rest of the people were in an uproar for a long time. It was really a frame up. It was obvious that GE Likun had been caught, but he didn't even know.

Gelikun was shocked. It turned out that he could not control himself because of the faint fragrance in the room at that time?

"Please forgive me! I was bewitched by the woman of Qinghe tribe. I will never do this again, I swear!"

Wulong knew that he would only add fuel to the fire if he tried to explain at the moment. He insisted on admitting, pointed at Wan Muya, and was full of resentment. He wanted to put all the responsibility on WAN Muya.

Wan Muya was like a cat that was trampled on its tail. He was so angry that he wanted to fight with Wulong. The man was willing to die for himself. As a result, he immediately pushed himself out of the knife when he was in trouble.

She and Wulong had no sincere feelings. How could they die for each other? She quickly explained:

"His nonsense! It was his own idea. He was complacent before. He told me how smart he was. He could easily kill the people of Chongfeng tribe. It had nothing to do with me!"

"Fart! You --" Wulong's eyes were red and he cursed and tore his face completely.

"Shut up!"

Wu Yue frowned, and they kept their mouths shut.

"Let the elder see the joke."

Wu Yue smiled awkwardly at Lin Chen and was furious. Today was her birthday party. At the birthday party, it was announced that the tianwu tribe had a supremely powerful man as the guest minister, which was undoubtedly a great day.

As a result, many forces were amused by this incident, and she almost slapped Wulong to death!

"Wutong, you will take Wulong to the heaven prison and confine him in the heaven prison forever! Steal those things from Chongfeng tribe and return them to others after searching them." Wu Yue said coldly.


Wutong nodded, and Wulong fell to the ground like an angry ball.

"And the people of Qinghe tribe, go to the prison together! They are trying to use tianwu tribe to participate in the struggle between them and other tribes. I will settle this matter with them after the birthday banquet!" Wu Yue continued.

At this moment, the people of Qinghe tribe also fell to the ground, as if their bones had been taken away.

All the people present understand that the Qinghe tribe is over!

Another eye full of envy fell on the people of Chongfeng tribe. They all knew that the reason why Wu Yue said so was because of Lin Chen.

The Chongfeng tribe, based on its relationship with Lin Chen, is estimated to be able to get the care of the tianwu tribe even if it can't soar to the sky in the future, which is no longer what ordinary small tribes can provoke.

After a while, the people of Wulong and Qinghe tribe were taken away.

The people kneeling on the ground got up one by one after Lin Chen said "get up".

Wu Yue had a faint smile on his face, as if nothing unpleasant had happened just now, and said:

"Today, in addition to the old man's birthday and the announcement that elder Lin has become the guest Secretary of our tribe, there is another thing I want to ask you.

I don't know. Have you ever heard of the 'snake Kui tribe'? Do you know anything about the 'snake Kui tribe'? Master Lin is very interested in the 'snake Kui tribe'. Unfortunately, I have limited knowledge. I can only come here to ask. "

When they learned that it was Lin Chen who wanted to know about the "snake Kui tribe", they became excited. If they could answer, wouldn't it be more or less that this elder Lin owed him a little favor?

Unfortunately, most of the people knew nothing about the "snake Kui tribe". A small number had heard of it, but their knowledge was limited. Like Wu Yue, they didn't know where the "snake Kui tribe" was.

Seeing this, Lin Chen was disappointed.

He qianzhen, the leader of Yanxiao tribe, hesitated and said, "I don't know where the snake Kui tribe is. However, I have heard some rumors. It is said that people of the snake Kui tribe are born with a strange disease."


Lin Chen looked at him, became interested, and said with a smile, "go on!"

Heqianzhen's face brightened and he continued: "I heard a friend mention it by chance. He said that the blood of the people of the Shekui tribe is blue. The reason is that they are born with a strange disease.

On the surface, there is nothing unusual about this kind of disease, but their life span is much shorter than that of fellow human practitioners. If you don't practice, the people of the Shekui tribe can only live to their thirties.

Another example is that the same immortal strong men and other immortal strong men have a life span of one million years, while the life span of the people of the Shekui tribe is only about one third of that of the same rank!

My friend also told me that the people of the Shekui tribe have been looking for 'Xuanyan ancient tree' for countless years. It seems that as long as they find 'Xuanyan ancient tree', they can completely cure their strange disease! "

Everyone was amazed at the speech.

They don't know much about the snake Kui tribe, but they all know that the snake Kui tribe is very powerful. Unexpectedly, this powerful tribe was born with evil diseases!

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes, "Xuan Yan ancient tree", where did he seem to have heard of it?

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