'I remember! Last time, people of the golden Viper family told me that Cassia was looking for the ancient Xuanyan tree. However, they did not know what the ancient Xuanyan tree was and why Cassia was looking for it. Originally, it was for

Cure the strange diseases that their tribe was born with! "

After finding that he qianzhen's words coincided with the fragmentary information he knew, Lin Chen had believed him.

Linchen asks how much heqianzhen knows about "Xuanyan ancient tree", but it is a pity that heqianzhen knows nothing about "Xuanyan ancient tree".

"Where is your friend? Maybe he knows the specific location of the 'snake Kui tribe'?" Wu Yue interrupted.

Heqianzhen said with a wry smile, "my friend, I haven't seen him for tens of thousands of years. Even if he really knows, I don't know where to ask him."

He looked at Lin Chen and said, "senior, if I meet him again, I will ask him about it. If I have any news, I will send it to you immediately!"

"I'll trouble you." Lin Chen nodded and did not refuse. He really seemed to know more about the "snake Kui tribe".

"No trouble! No trouble at all!"

Heqianzhen is smiling. In this way, although he is not on the line with the Supreme Master, his impression in the other person's heart should be pretty good.

Still unable to know the specific location of the "snake Kui tribe", although Lin Chen was disappointed, he had long expected that this might be the result.

He plans to leave after the birthday banquet, first return to the Terran side, and then return to the earth city with snow trace.

The birthday banquet continued.

Although Lin Chen didn't speak, Chongfeng tribe was still taken to the inner hall to entertain him.

Those tribes who can only stay in the outer hall are envious of this scene. They understand that because of Lin Chen, the status of Chongfeng tribe also rises with the tide. The main character of the birthday party is obviously Wu Yue, but all the tribal leaders are trying to surround Lin Chen. If they don't see that Lin Chen doesn't like to talk too much polite nonsense with people he doesn't know, I'm afraid they will surround Lin Chen like a bunch of flies

Lin Chen doesn't want to go away.

Wu Yue didn't care about this scene. She followed Lin Chen. It was like telling everyone that Lin Chen belonged to their tianwu tribe.

When the birthday party was over, Lin Chen told Wu Yue that he was going to leave.

Wu Yue asked Lin Chen to stay for a few words. Seeing that Lin Chen had made up his mind, he stopped talking. He took a group of elders of the tianwu tribe and personally sent Lin Chen out of the city gate.

Considering that Lin Chen and Chongfeng tribe seem to have a good relationship, she asked people to inform Chongfeng tribe of the news.

The people of Chongfeng tribe planned to stay here for another night and leave the next day. They had already returned to the residence arranged by tianwu tribe. After receiving the news, they immediately ran to the city gate to see Lin Chen off.

"Go back and send it here."

Lin Chen and Wu Yue said that they were about to turn around and leave. When they saw the Chongfeng tribe coming from the gate, they stopped and waited for them to run in front of them, laughing:

"Why are you here?"

"We have nothing to repay you for your great kindness and kindness, and we will come to see you off!"

Geyuanshan's face was as excited as it had been rehearsed. As soon as he said this, all the people of Chongfeng tribe immediately had to kneel down for Lin Chen. However, he found that he was covered by an invisible force and could not kneel down at all.

"I'll see you later. I'll see you again. Let's go back."

Lin Chen turned into a black flame and disappeared in front of the crowd. Only his voice echoed in their ears.

"Congratulations, master!" Geyuanshan shouted hurriedly.

"Congratulations, master!" Countless people echoed, and their voices spread like wild waves for tens of miles.

Many people in the city heard the sound and realized who was leaving. They also rushed out to see Lin Chen off, but Lin Chen had already disappeared.

Gelikun looked at the direction Lin Chen left, and his eyes were full of worship and longing.

Ge nianyao's eyes were complicated. Recalling what had happened in the past few days, she felt like a dream. I don't know when the arrogance between her eyes and eyebrows had disappeared imperceptibly.

After leaving the tianwu tribe, Lin Chen moved all the way in the direction of the Tianren.

This time, the time spent in Yunlan prairie was much shorter than originally expected. He thought to himself that he didn't know whether all the snow marks had been handled.

If it hasn't been handled properly, it is estimated that it will take some time to return to the earth city with snow marks after returning to the Tianren clan.

"It took too long to come to central China this time. Elder sister Xi Xi and Yi Ren must be worried. They must go back quickly!"

During the trip to tianwu tribe, Lin Chen had some feelings about Wu Yue and Wu Huang's father and daughter.

He could see that although Wu Yue said that she hated her father, he felt very painful when he learned that elder Wu Huang had fallen.

Lin Chen really doesn't want to taste the pain of losing a close relative.

At present, he has unlimited life, but his parents and women not only do not have unlimited life, but even it is difficult to become immortal, let alone supreme.

If he goes on like this, one day, he will see his parents and lovers die in front of him!

The supreme is too far away. At least, is there any way to make parents and elder sister Xixi immortal?

If you only rely on normal cultivation, I'm afraid it will be difficult.

The more Lin Chen thought about it, the more he had a headache. He couldn't think of a good way at all.

In the early morning of that day, he finally reached a city on the edge of the snow field. It won't be long before he reached the nest of the Tianren people.

"It's all right. Don't think so much. After this time, you must urge your parents and sister Xi Xi to practice well!"

Lin Chen exhaled a mouthful of turbid Qi, and was about to continue to tear the space forward, when he heard angry shouts not far away.

"Boy, I ask you, have you ever seen the two women in this portrait?"

Lin Chen looked in the direction of the sound, and saw two guards with long guns coming here quickly. One of them was holding two wanted portraits. It was obvious that he was looking for the people on the two portraits.

"Are you deaf? Have you seen the two women in this portrait? Remember, if you dare to lie and are found out, I will kill you!"

The two guards are so aggressive that they put the portrait in front of Lin Chen. Lin Chen is dumbfounded when he sees the two women on the portrait. How did these two girls get to the middle of the city and are still wanted?

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