"Death! You can't hear me talking to you, can you?"

The guard saw that Lin Chen was staring at the picture on his hand, but he didn't answer. His face became gloomy, and a big ear melon seed fanned Lin Chen.



Lin Chen didn't do anything at all. It seemed that the guard slapped him. He flew out and knocked over another guard beside him.

The two portraits flew out of Lin Chen's hands. Lin Chen reached out and flew into his hands.

His eyes still fell on the two women in the portrait. They were white LAN and Lin Qizhi, who had not seen each other for many years and should only be in the global city.

How could he not know these two girls.

"You... How dare you! We are the guards of the city of HuanKong. We were ordered to search these two women. How dare you attack us! You are finished! You are absolutely finished!"

The guard who was knocked over on the ground was full of blood and lost several teeth. He looked at Lin Chen with surprise and anger. Although his words sounded fierce, he felt that he was not confident enough.

After all, it is obviously much better than them to knock them both over with a slap.

"Why are you looking for these two women? What have they done?"

Lin Chen didn't seem to hear the threat from the other side. Instead, he asked. In fact, he wanted to know where the two women are now. However, since the two men were searching with portraits, there would be no answer.

"Well, I'd better ask myself."

As soon as Lin Chen's voice fell, the two guards flew towards him out of control. They were scared out of their wits.

"This matter was ordered by our city Lord himself. If you dare to mess about -"

Before the voice of surprise and anger was finished, the eyes of the two guards looked at Lin Chen. Their eyes became dull and their expression became silly.

Before long, Lin Chen learned the story from the two guys.

The son of the Lord of the nearby city, the city of Xuankong, is a very lecherous and arrogant man. On more than one occasion, he directly abducted the women he liked to live in the street.

The people in the city hated him deeply, but they had nothing to do with him.

The day before yesterday, the son of the city Lord captured a beautiful married woman in the street and brought him back to his golden house outside the city Lord's house.

As a result, when they were about to do some work, the two women suddenly appeared. The girl with a great chest kicked the son of the city Lord into a eunuch.

The guard heard the news, but the two women still ran away.

Although it is said that the cultivator is physically strong, unless he can become immortal in the future, he will not be able to be humane all his life.

As an immortal strong man, the city Lord has only one son. No matter how useless he is, he can't be beaten into a eunuch!

So, when he learned about this, the city master naturally flew into a rage and used the guard force of the whole city to look for the two women everywhere.

It was very simple. After a while, Lin Chen heard that the two women had not suffered. He was relieved and whispered to himself:

"Kicking people into eunuchs is really in line with Qiqi's style. These two girls are here, and they take care of such injustice. Do you think you are a chivalrous woman? "

"Come on, take me to meet your city master. And his son!"

Lin Chen plans to go into the city to solve the mess left by the two women. He also has to search to see if the two women will hide somewhere in the city. In his mind, if the two women hide in the city, they can't escape his induction.

Half a day later, Lin Chen left the city alone.

He didn't find Bai Lan and Lin Qizhi in the city. As for the city Lord and his son, it won't be long before people will find their bodies without any scars. As for their souls, they have already disappeared.

Lin Chen has guessed why Bai Lan and Lin Qizhi are here.

"The big probability is that they heard about the destruction of the evil eye clan by the Tianren clan. They may not guess that it was me who destroyed the evil eye clan.

But I once told them the identity of snow mark, so when they want to come, I should be with snow mark. As long as you find the nest of the Tianren people and the snow marks, you can probably find me! When they appear here, they want to go to the snow field to look for the Tianren people. "

With this in mind, Lin Chen flew in the direction of the celestial Terran at a faster speed. He released his mind along the way and kept searching, expecting to find the two women soon.

At the same time.

Somewhere in the snow field, a group of people are moving forward rapidly in the snowstorm.

Two of the girls are particularly attractive, not because they are the only two women in the group, but because they have the appearance that will still be noticed even if they are put among women.

One of the girls gives people a very weak and simple feeling, like a little sister next door who doesn't know the dangers of the world. With her flawless facial features, any man who sees her will have an impulse to hold her in his arms.

Another girl, who looks equally outstanding, must have been shocked by her tall and hot figure at first sight.

"Hey! Do you really know where the Terrans are? It's been a long time. Why haven't you arrived yet?"

Linqizhi looked disaffectedly at the middle-aged man beside her.

Although most of the time was not long at all, she thought it might not be long before she could meet the bad guy she hadn't seen for many years. She felt that this half day was like a year.

This pedestrian is an adventure team they met by chance. It is the so-called "mountain and sea". These people live in the territory close to the snow field and make a living by hunting weak monsters in the snow field.

Of course, this kind of adventure team will occasionally overturn, and the end will be very sad if it meets monsters that it can't deal with at all.

When Bai Lan and Lin Qizhi met them, the scene was once very funny.

These creatures who live on hunting monsters are being hunted by a demon animal of the level of preaching the Tao.

Several people had died at that time. If Bai Lan and Lin Qizhi hadn't killed the monster, I'm afraid none of them would have left alive.

After saving them, the two women didn't need anything in return. They just asked if they knew where the Tianren clan was.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually knows!

And they are willing to lead the way for them. The two women are overjoyed. Naturally, they won't refuse. If they rely on themselves, they don't know when they will find Tianren!

"Girl, the area of this snow field is beyond your imagination. Although the location of the Tianren clan is not very far away, it is impossible to arrive in half a day. Be patient and you will arrive in a few hours!"

The middle-aged man smiled bitterly. When he turned to linqizhi, he glanced at her hot curve and the space ring on linqizhi's finger.

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