Hearing what the other party said, Lin Qizhi could not continue to urge, nodded, took Bai Lan's hand and hurried on without saying a word.

"Qiqi, brother Lin Chen knows that we came here to find him. Can he blame us for taking too much risks?" Bai Lan is worried about being blamed by Lin Chen.

Linqizhi curled her lips and snorted: "he has been away for so many years without any news. How can he blame us? My mother is now an old woman and hasn't been involved in human affairs. It's all his fault. How can he say that about me?

Unless he becomes my real man, he has the right to control me. Otherwise, I won't pay any attention to him. If he says more, he'll think it's a breeze in his ear, going in one ear and out the other! "

Bai Lan was flushed by her straightforward words. Seeing that those adventurers cast strange eyes, she pulled Lin Qizhi's hand and told her to stop talking.

More than three hours later, a dilapidated altar came into the eyes of Bai Lan and linqizhi.

The middle-aged man's eyes were full of strange light. He pointed to the altar in front of him excitedly and said with a smile: "that's the altar leading to the Tianren clan! The Tianren clan lives in a special independent space. With this altar, you can go to the place where the Tianren clan is located."

Bai Lan and Lin Qizhi showed their joy.

Linqizhi looked at the middle-aged man and said, "you really know where the Tianren clan is. As long as we successfully arrive at the Tianren clan, we will give you some benefits!"

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "I am also a clansman who saved the Tianren clan by chance, so I can understand it. Otherwise, with my strength, I can't touch the Tianren clan at all."

Bai Lan thought that he might see brother Lin Chen soon. His small face was full of expectation, "how can we go to the Tianren clan with the help of this altar?"

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "I have no way to let the two people directly enter the independent space of the Tianren clan. When they go to the altar, they will be noticed by the Tianren clan, and soon a Tianren clan will appear on the altar. Whether they can enter the independent space of the Tianren clan depends on whether the Tianren clan is willing to take them in!"

Hearing this, Bai Lan and linqizhi were not angry, but thought it was very reliable.

This man is just a Taoist realm. It would be inconceivable if he knew how to enter the Tianren clan.

They believe that as long as they say the names of Xue scar and Lin Chen, the Tianren clan will take them in, and perhaps directly in front of Xue scar and Lin Chen.

Excited, they flew towards the altar and soon landed in the center of the altar.

At the moment when the two of them fell on the altar, the middle-aged man and the rest of the adventurers showed an excited smile with a ferocious look on their faces, which obviously did not mean well.

"What are you laughing at?"

Linqizhi soon realized something was wrong and frowned. She and Bai Lan are both strong in the Taoist realm. If these guys dare to have any bad thoughts, then they can't come to a good end.

The respectful expression on the middle-aged face completely dissipated, laughing:

"I laugh that you are still too young. What I said before is all my nonsense. The purpose is to bring you here. As long as you step on the altar, everything on you will be ours!

There should be a lot of good things in the space ring for two practitioners of the Taoist realm? With this harvest, maybe I can break through to the realm of preaching! "

A young man behind him stared at Bai Lan and said with an obscene smile, "these two women themselves are treasures. We are happy to have them!"

Hearing this, the rest of them laughed heartily and looked at Bai Lan and Lin Qizhi like prey. It was like they wanted to take off their clothes with their eyes.

"You want to die!"

Linqizhi is furious and immediately pulls Bai Lan to rush down from the altar to find these guys to settle accounts.

Can be next second.


She was dizzy with a buzzing sound in her mind, and her eyes were dark. There was a terrible soul energy on the altar, which was impacting their consciousness.

The consciousness is more and more blurred, and the eyelids are more and more heavy.

The middle-aged man smiled proudly and said, "at the beginning, I came here by chance with another adventure team, which also had strong moralists. When we climbed the altar, we were all stunned by the attack of mysterious forces. When we woke up, we had been thrown under the altar.

Until now, I don't know what happened to this altar. But it doesn't matter. Soon, you will faint and be thrown off the altar!

Don't worry. I just fainted. I won't get hurt. Of course, after you wake up, you may find some changes in your body.

For example, you said earlier that you have not been trained, but when you wake up, you will find that you have become a real woman! "

The eyes of the people around him were even more greedy. No one expected that such a beautiful and hot woman was still a virgin. She was like a flawless jade. They all had an impulse to take it as their own.

But the next moment, their obscene smiles solidified.

On the altar, a transparent figure appeared. It looked vague. It could be vaguely recognized that it was a woman's figure.

The figure looked around the snow trace and linqizhi for a while, as if she were selecting goods. Soon, she stood beside Bai Lan, flew into Bai Lan's body, and disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, Bai Lan and Lin Qizhi were so black that they all fainted.

"This... What is this?" An adventurer was frightened and said, "what was that vague figure just now?"

"I... I don't know! This altar is very strange. I led people here to kill them last time, but it didn't happen at all!"

The middle-aged man's face showed a look of fear, and he had already played his retreat.

Although he wanted to get Bai Lan and Lin Qizhi's space ring, no matter how good the treasure was, it was no more important than his own life.


A gust of wind blew up on the altar, blowing Lin Qizhi, who had fainted, down from the altar.

White and blue, like sleeping beauty, still lay on the altar.

This scene even confused the middle-aged man. As far as he knew, at this time, the two people on the stage should be thrown down together. Why is there another one left on the altar?

"Get out!"

A woman's voice rang out in the minds of all the people, frightening them into a scream.

The middle-aged man turned pale and shouted, "let's go!"

With that, he looked at linqizhi, who was thrown under the altar, and hurriedly added, "take this woman with you!"

Soon, the group disappeared without a trace, leaving only pale white and blue, lying quietly on the ancient altar in the wind and snow.

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