The middle-aged people ran like they were running for their lives. They didn't stop until they escaped hundreds of miles. They gasped. Some of them sat down on the ground.

Although their previous experiences were not too terrible, they still felt that their lives were on the line. At this time, they still had lingering palpitations and their hearts pounded wildly.

"Boss, that altar feels too evil! In the future, we'd better not go there again. Otherwise, we might not be able to leave any time!" A young man looked at the head of the middle-aged man and said with fear.

The middle-aged man nodded. He also felt that it was an ominous place. It would be better to stay away from it in the future.

I thought that although the place was dangerous, it was a ownerless place. I would be fine if I were more careful. Who knows, there seems to be a woman I can't see?

"Hey! Although something unexpected happened, the harvest this time is not small."

A man saw linqizhi, who was thrown aside, and said excitedly, "this woman looks young, but she is already a strong preacher. It is estimated that the background is not simple. The treasures in her space ring may be more than we expected!"

Hearing the speech, everyone was very excited.

When an elder heard this, he frowned and said, "her background must be something we can't afford to offend. If this thing is known by the people behind her, I'm afraid none of us will survive."

"That's right! Besides, they came here to look for the heavenly people. Maybe they have something to do with the heavenly people. It's definitely not something we can afford to provoke!"

"I thought that if I could control this woman and sell her to the slave shop with her appearance and strength, I would definitely sell her for an amazing price. But now it seems that I can't let her live. Only her death is the safest for us!"

"Kill her and destroy her body. Even if her background is strong, I don't believe it. Can we still find out? In this snow field, it's hard to find any clues, not to mention one person, even tens of thousands of people are buried in ice and snow!"


After some discussion, the fate of Lin Qizhi was soon decided.

That is to kill her!

The leading middle-aged man nodded and said, "yes, killing her is the safest choice. The question now is, who will kill her?"

The faces of the people changed slightly.

Although it is said that it is impossible to be discovered by the forces behind her if the woman is killed and her bones are gone, I am not afraid of tenthousand, just in case.

If the forces behind women find out, as long as they don't kill themselves, they may have a chance to survive by betraying others.

But if you do it yourself, there is no doubt that there is no way out.

Even if you don't do it, you probably won't let the other party off lightly, but in any case, no one is willing to add a little danger to themselves without being driven by interests.

The middle-aged man looked at a young man beside him and said with a smile: "plum, you have always been quick in killing people, so you can do it. Go and cut off the woman's head!"

The pockmarked faced young man, known as plum, shook his head and said: "boss, you don't know that I kill men and ordinary women quickly, but I can't kill such a top-notch woman.

This is a kind of heart disease. I can't help shaking my hands when I think of killing such a top-notch woman. I can't help it! "

As he spoke, he stretched out his hands, shaking them so violently that it looked like the whole person was twitching.

"..." everyone was speechless. Are you exaggerating your performance?

The middle-aged man was so popular that he had to slap him in the face. Pockmarked face simply closed his eyes and waited to be beaten. He would rather be beaten than fight.

"Cowardly waste!" The middle-aged man put his hand down and cursed. Although he could easily kill this man, if he beat and killed people indiscriminately, it would inevitably make the rest of the people angry.

Pockmarked face lowered his head and muttered in his heart that you are brave. Why don't you do it yourself?

The middle-aged man was silent for a few seconds and said, "since you don't want to, let me do it! But it's a pity that such a beautiful woman was killed like this. Before she died, everyone was happy. Everyone must participate!"

With that, he took out a small porcelain bottle from his clothes, which was a kind of pink liquid, and poured the liquid into the mouth of the unconscious linqizhi.

After a while, linqizhi, still in a coma, had a layer of pink on her body. In the ice and snow, she still seemed to feel hot and dry, her body twisted slightly, and fine beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

Seeing this scene, many people were breathless and nodded their heads to show their willingness. They also felt that it would be a pity to kill such a top-notch woman directly.

Another small group of people secretly scold middle-aged people for being cunning.

As long as you and others take part in it, even if you don't kill this woman, you will never survive if you are discovered by the forces behind the woman!

In this way, even if you don't start, you will become a grasshopper on a rope. No one can sell anyone!

Although some displeasure is calculated, no one dares to speak against it. After all, if this method is used, no one can stay away from it. It is fair.

A young man looked at Lin Qizhi, swallowed his saliva and said, "who will come first?"

"This woman is still a virgin. Do you want to be the first?"

The middle-aged man could not help but slap the young man on the head and scolded, "I don't understand any rules! Do you still need to say this? Are you the boss or am I the boss? Of course, I am the boss first!"

He walked to linqizhi step by step. Seeing that linqizhi was sweating all over, he still didn't wake up. He complained:

"This potion is used to deal with monsters. Even the cultivator of the Taoist realm can't bear it. Unexpectedly, she can't wake up immediately. It's a serious coma. Just, although people don't wake up, it's boring, but it's better not to waste time!"

With that, he squatted down and wanted to tear off linqizhi's clothes.

Other people nearby, in a circle, with their heads down and their eyes wide open!

When the middle-aged man's hand was about to touch linqizhi's clothes.



An object fell to the ground and rolled in front of the middle-aged man!

It's the head of the young man who asked "who comes first"!

His eyes were still wide, full of expectation to see something, giving people the feeling that his head had been separated from his body before he found it.

The round eyes were immediately in line with the middle-aged man's vision.

The middle-aged man's heart, with a fierce pumping, stopped beating for a short time. After stunned, he screamed loudly!

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