The sudden gasps of breath came and went, and every man seemed to turn into a lustful beast. The atmosphere was full of charming colors. At this time, a head rolled down, frightening everyone as if dumbfounded!

The sound of rapid breathing is one of stagnation!

"Who? Who is it?"

The head of the middle-aged man shouted with surprise and anger.

The rest of the people couldn't care to look at the beauty lying on the ground. They all looked around in panic. No matter how beautiful a woman was, it was far less important to them than their own life!

They soon saw a young man with an indifferent face coming slowly towards them.

The young man's eyes fell on linqizhi on the ground, and he seemed too lazy to look at them more.

"Who are you? Did you kill my men?"

The middle-aged man pointed to the head on the ground and stared at Lin Chen. His face was fierce and his heart was a little uneasy.

The young man suddenly appeared, so the death of his men was mostly related to him.

This man can kill his men when he is unaware of it. His strength is absolutely not simple.

At present, I didn't notice any strong breath from him, and it seemed that the young man was very strange.

"Boy! Our boss is talking to you. Are you deaf? Stop!"

A young man saw Lin Chen as if he hadn't heard the words of the middle-aged man. He still walked in silence. He looked ferocious and shouted with threats.

Although the strange death of their companions and the sudden appearance of Lin Chen made them feel uneasy, they still had some confidence because they had a huge advantage in the number of people.

As soon as the young man said something, his head rolled down from his neck and fell to the ground with a plop. His eyes were round. It seemed that he had never thought that his head would be cut off suddenly.

The scene was silent.

Everyone was numb.

When Lin Chen came to Lin Qizhi, he saw that she was safe and sound. He was relieved. He looked at the middle-aged man headed by Lin Qizhi coldly and said:

"What have you done to her, and where is the other girl with her now?"

If the first subordinate just died, the middle-aged man can comfort himself. It is because of carelessness that the other party can kill people without being aware of it.

Then another subordinate died, and the alert self still didn't react, no doubt let the middle-aged people understand that the strength of this young man is far better than himself.

I'm afraid if he wants to kill himself, he can't react at all!

Hearing Lin Chen's words, he thought that the man and the two women still knew each other and knew that there was another girl.

"Misunderstanding! All this is misunderstanding!"

A friendly smile appeared on the middle-aged man's face, and he hurriedly explained, "we met two girls by chance. At that time, we almost died at the hands of a demon animal who testified to the Taoist realm. Two girls saved us.

They have saved our lives. How can we bite the hand that feeds us? If you avenge me, I would be worse than an animal! "

Lin Chen looked at the middle-aged man and asked:

"What's the matter with her?"

The middle-aged man was secretly happy and said with a sad face, "the two girls said they were going to look for the Tianren clan. Although I don't know the specific location of the Tianren clan, I have heard it mentioned by chance, but I also know the general location.

In order to repay the two girls for saving their lives, I took them to the place I knew. On the way, I met a strange altar.

Curious, the two girls ran to the altar and fainted behind them. One was still on the altar, and the other was thrown off the altar.

A vague figure of a woman appeared on the altar. She ran into the body of the girl on the altar and told us to get out of here! We knew we could not defeat each other, so we had to take this girl and run away.

We don't know why she became like this, but it definitely has something to do with the altar! It should be the hands and feet of the mysterious figure on the altar! "

Middle aged people's subordinates give their boss a thumbs up secretly and think that their boss is a genius who lies.

The most believable lies must be mixed with a lot of real information. What the middle-aged people said can be said to be seven true and three false. If they hadn't experienced everything, they would have been fooled.

The middle-aged man was also complacent about his intelligence. As a result, Lin Chen's eyes clicked in his heart. Lin Chen's eyes were gloomy, like looking at a dying man.

The middle-aged man's smile became somewhat reluctant, "do you not believe me? If you have any questions, just ask them, and I will give you a satisfactory answer!"

Lin Chen was expressionless and said slowly, "I am a monk and a doctor."

The middle-aged man and his men were full of fog. They didn't understand what Lin Chen meant.

"I can tell her at a glance. You said that the figure on the altar stunned her and threw her down the altar. But you told me why the woman made her take aphrodisiac drugs after she stunned her? Is she too busy to find anything to do?"

Lin Chen's cold voice, like a howling wind, made the middle-aged man and his men feel like falling into an ice cave.

Poop! Poop! Putong——

Heads, rolling off their heads.

Headless bodies fell in the snow.

Not for a while, the man who was still standing, except Lin Chen, who picked up Lin Qizhi, was left with a pale face.


Another burst out. This time it was not the falling of the head, but the middle-aged man who was so scared that he knelt down and begged for mercy:

"Spare my life! Please spare my life! I am wrong. I promise I will never lie again. As long as you spare my life, I will say anything. I -"

Before he finished, Lin Chen appeared in front of him.

When his eyes met Lin Chen's, he felt that Lin Chen's eyes were like two black holes that devoured everything, and his consciousness fell into complete darkness.

"Next, if I ask you anything, you will answer honestly."

"Yes." The middle-aged man's face was dull and nodded like a robot.

Before long, Lin Chen asked the middle-aged people what he wanted to know. He stared at the middle-aged man: "bite the hand that feeds you. You are really not as good as animals!"

He slapped the middle-aged man's head. The middle-aged man's head was smashed like a rotten watermelon with a "bang"!

The violent explosion finally made Lin Qizhi wake up.

Full of lust, with a kind of blank eyes, fell on Lin Chen's face!

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