Just when Lin Chen thought that Lin Qizhi would be very happy to see her, Lin Qizhi slapped her back at him and scolded:

"Asshole! Don't think I don't know. What I see is an illusion. What have you done to my body? Who are you? Is it the guy who cheated us to the altar? I'll kill you!"

Lin Chen reached out his hand and grabbed her wrist. He could not laugh or cry: "it's not an illusion! Look carefully. It's me, Lin Chen."

Lin Qizhi gnashed her teeth, stared angrily and said, "give your whole family the shit! I was cheated by you once, and I will never be cheated by you again!"

Lin Chen slapped her in the very upturned place behind her. She didn't have a good way: "girls, don't talk so hard! After all these years, your girl's character hasn't changed at all."

"Bastard! You dare to take advantage of me, and I will kill you. Eh, no, it seems that it is Lin Chen who speaks in such a tone?" Lin Qizhi's face showed some suspicion.

Lin Chen didn't have a good way: "who else can it be besides me?"

"How do you prove it?"

"How can I prove it? Just because I know you, a girl, had the title of 'Princess Taiping'. Is that enough?"

Lin Chen looked at the great place on Lin Qizhi.

Linqizhi's beautiful eyes are round. With her current figure, it is impossible for people who are unfamiliar with her to know that she had the nickname of "Princess Taiping" in those years.

Besides, people in the original mainland do not know what the meaning of "Princess Taiping" is. It is estimated that they only think it is a princess called Taiping.

"Lin Chen, is it really you?"

Linqizhi was pleasantly surprised, showing a coy look. "In fact, I'm a lady now. Even sister Xi ran praised me! Just now I was too angry, so I behaved rudely. I'm usually gentle."

Lin Chen rolled his eyes. I believe you.

Linqizhi was about to ask what happened after she fainted, and how Lin Chen appeared in front of her. Before she spoke, her body was like being thrown into a stove. Uncontrollable lust, like bursts of electricity, hit her brain.

"Lin Chen, i... my body -"

Linqizhi looked at Lin Chen, the spring water surging in her eyes, and her face appeared crimson, charming and charming to the extreme.

Lin Chen said what he had seen after he came here.

"It should be those guys who gave you some kind of aphrodisiac, but you can rest assured that I can help you remove the drug from your body."

After hearing this, linqizhi nodded and said, "you are a man. Of course you can solve it!"

"..." Lin Chen was silent for a few seconds. "I mean, you can use the power of the world to help you dissolve the drug in your body!"

Linqizhi pursed her lips and said discontentedly, "we are all old husbands and wives. Why are we so troublesome? It's not the first time anyway. How can a husband dissolve this drug for his wife and use other methods. Are you still not a man, or do you not like me at all?"

If the middle-aged man who died in Lin Chen's hands and his men came back from the dead, I'm afraid they would jump out of their feet with anger when they heard this. Didn't you say that you haven't been trained yet? Why are you with this man's old husband and wife again?

But they didn't know that the girl was always talking about running the train.

Although she is already dozens of years old, she still looks like a girl in her early twenties. Therefore, she always claims to be the eldest daughter of yellow flowers. She also says that Lin Chen wants her to have a child, so she can truly complete the change from a girl to a woman.

If she had no children, she would always be a beautiful young girl.

This theory, which made Lin Chen feel speechless, was also supported by many other childless women in the global city, so that Lin Chen didn't know what to say.

Of course, there are also those who have a thin skin and can't accept this set of remarks, such as Bai Lan. So before, Lin Qizhi said that she hadn't been involved in human affairs. Bai Lan felt flushed and asked her not to say anything.

Linqizhi lost her face: "in fact, I know that you don't like me. It's me who lean against you. You don't want me to have your children."

Lin Chen stared and said, "if you dare to talk nonsense again, do you believe that I really want to punish you?"

Linqizhi seemed to change her face, and her loss was swept away. She said with a laugh: "so you like me so much. Don't worry, husband. Qiqi promised to complete the task!

In the future, we will have a son and a daughter. I even have a name in mind! Would you like to listen? "

She ignored Lin Chen, who was full of black lines, and looked around. She was very satisfied and said: "the snow here is so beautiful. Honey, you should quickly get a bed out of the divine prison tower."

"Be reserved!" Lin Chen felt angry and funny.

Linqizhi hummed: "in front of other men, people are so reserved! But in front of their future child's father, what is so reserved?"

After half an hour, there will be endless charming scenery.

"Oh, Lin Chen, hurry up! Let's hurry there! Lan Lan must not have anything wrong. I remember this huge stone. The altar is not far in front. It will be here soon!"

Linqizhi's thick red color has disappeared, replaced by a light pink.

She was held in her arms by Lin Chen as a princess. Lin Chen took her like an illusion in the wind and snow.

Linqizhi was embarrassed. She was so happy to meet Lin Chen again after a long separation. She just wanted to get tired of being with Lin Chen and forgot her best sister for a while

"That's it! Lin Chen, look, it's the altar! Blue is on the altar!"

Linqizhi saw the altar in front of her and shouted to Lin Chen with joy.

A moment later, the smile on her face disappeared, and she said: "no! I remember it was definitely the altar. How could this happen? Blue, how could it disappear!"

There is no one on the ancient altar in the wind and snow.

Lin Chen frowned and fell beside the altar to put Lin Qizhi down.

"Just look around. I'll go up and have a look. Maybe this altar and some independent space are also possible!"

Linqizhi held Linchen's hand and her eyes were full of worry. The altar gave her a very strange and dangerous feeling.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Lin Chen comforted her with a smile and turned into a shadow. He was already standing on the altar in an instant.

Just when he planned to study whether there was any strange place on the altar, a powerful soul force suddenly appeared, like a shock wave, hitting Lin Chen's soul!

When linqizhi saw Lin Chen in the challenge arena, she suddenly stood motionless. Her heart was so scared that she cried out in fear: "Lin Chen, what's the matter with you? Don't scare me!"

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