"Don't worry, I'm fine!"

Lin Chen looked at Lin Qizhi, motioned her not to worry, and explained, "there seems to be some special array mechanism on the altar, but it still doesn't affect me."

The sudden emergence of the soul power impacted Lin Chen's soul, just like the wind was pounding a ten thousand foot high mountain, which could not have any impact on Lin Chen at all.

Lin Chen judged from the strength of the soul energy that as long as the strength reached the immortal realm, he would not be stunned by the impact.

"This force is really weak for me. It means that the people or forces who left this altar at the beginning, at least to me, are probably not as powerful as they are! "

Lin Chen quickly made a judgment.

In his opinion, this is actually a very normal thing.

His current strength, no doubt, is at the top level of the whole continent of origin. It would be a strange thing if some people and forces appeared at random, they would be stronger than him.

The danger in the eyes of many others has long been no danger to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen searched the altar and found nothing strange. He closed his eyes, released his mind and felt it carefully.

Previously, the middle-aged man said that there was a vague figure of a woman on the altar. He guessed that it was probably a soul that had not dissipated.

If there were soul bodies on the altar, it would be impossible to escape their own feelings.

A few seconds later, Lin Chen opened his eyes.

"How about Lin Chen?" Linqizhi can't wait to ask.

Lin Chen shook his head. "He didn't feel that there was anyone or soul on the altar."

Seeing the blood on linqizhi's face receding, he comforted:

"However, it's not without harvest. I sensed the smell of blue in the air. She was probably controlled by others and had left here.

But soon after we left, according to the remaining breath in the air, as long as we catch up quickly, we will be able to find her! "

Linqizhi was relieved.

Soon, Lin Chen took Lin Qizhi away from the altar and chased Bai Lan according to the remaining breath in the air.

The remaining breath is extremely weak. If it was changed into an immortal realm of great perfection, it would be impossible to detect it.

On the way, Linchen asks linqizhi why they came to the middle part of the country.

At the beginning, Lin Qizhi and Bai Lan said that if Lin Chen was to blame, it would be OK for him to go in one ear and out the other. He was so manly that he almost shouted, "I'm not afraid of him, Lin Chen.".

Now, Lin Qizhi lowered her head slightly and said:

"You haven't been back to Earth City for so many years. Lanlan and I were worried about you, so we came here to find you."

Seeing Lin Chen's eyebrows screwed up, she hurriedly added:

"You don't know. Over the years, people in the global city have found that cultivating in the city is like building cars behind closed doors. It is difficult to improve their realm.

Later, there was a trend. Many young people leave the global city to go out for experience and opportunities.

As those who go out and come back, most of them have made great progress in strength, and more and more people go out and experience later.

Both Lanlan and I have encountered a bottleneck in our strength. We are stuck in the same realm. Even after taking many pills, we have not made a breakthrough.

This trip is not only for you, but also for ourselves! You see, Lanlan and I are already strong in the realm of preaching. We broke through here in the middle.

If we don't come here to experience, we don't know when we can break through! We are not impulsive, we are thoughtful. "

Lin Chen wanted to scold them for taking too much risks, but after hearing this, she couldn't say anything accusing them.

He never thought that his women were his own vassals, and they could also have their own thoughts and pursuits.

Moreover, he had long wanted to understand that if all women wanted to become immortal, or even supreme, they would have to go through many experiences and dangers by themselves.

If you live forever under your own protection and in a greenhouse, you will never really grow up.

"Are you... Are you angry?" Linqizhi thought Lin Chen was angry when she saw Lin Chen was silent.

"I'm not angry." Lin Chen shook her head and sighed, "I know very well that if you want to really grow up, you must go through some dangers. But I can't rest assured."

Linqizhi felt soft in her heart. She grabbed Lin Chen's hand and said: "no matter how dangerous it is, I'm not afraid. I think Lanlan and Xi ran have the same idea as me.

Sister Yiren told us that you must become an immortal supreme being. She hopes that all of us will work hard to become stronger and have a longer life even if we can't have an eternal life!

In this way, I can stay with you longer. She said, "if one day, all of us are gone and only you are left, then you will be very lonely."

Her voice paused and said, "in fact, I thought about this problem before. For me, to live for tens of thousands of years is to make a lot of money. But sister Yiren reminded us that maybe we are very satisfied when we look back on our lives before we die.

But being left alone, you must be very lonely. I... I'm so hateful. I only thought about myself before. In short, I don't want the final outcome. You are the only one left to live alone. So I want to be stronger and have a longer life! "

Lin Chen's heart trembled.

I don't know when to start. I am worried that one day all the people I love will leave, leaving me alone.

It turned out that not only themselves, but also they thought of this problem.

No one spoke again, and their hands were firmly held together.

Two quarters of an hour later, in the wind and snow, a tribe came into their sight.

The houses of this tribe are made of ice. The style of the houses is simple, but there are a lot of them. Lin Chen roughly estimates that the number of people in this tribe may be as many as millions.

Seeing Lin Chen stop and fall on the snow with herself, Lin Qizhi understood something and said happily, "is blue in this tribe?"

Lin Chen nods. Bai Lan is not only in the tribe, but also his breath has been locked.

"If I guessed right before, Lan Lan was possessed by the soul body on the altar. As a result, the soul body brought her here. Is it true that the soul body is a member of this tribe? "

Lin Chen had a little guess in his heart, and took Lin Qizhi and walked straight to the gate of the tribe.

Just when they were twenty or thirty meters away from the tribal gate made of wood.


There was a rapid air breaking sound behind!

A sharp stone spear, like thunder, stabs the empress Lin Chen's heart.

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