With Lin Chen's grasp across the air, a panicked woman flew towards him uncontrollably in the crowd. She was surprised to see this woman, a member of the blood cloud tribe.

"Who is this woman? Why haven't I seen her before?"

"Not from our tribe! If people from our tribe are so beautiful, they can't have no impression!"

"Is it any man in our tribe who found a woman from outside? Maybe it was this woman who brought this man and woman to us?"


What flies out of the crowd is white and blue.

Linqizhi was surprised and wanted to run to Bai Lan, but she was pulled by Lin Chen.

"She is not blue!"

Linqizhi looked at Lin Chen incomprehensibly. She didn't understand what he meant. It was clearly blue. She couldn't admit her mistake!

Lin Chen stared at the "white blue" floating in front of him and said slowly:

"Her body is blue, but it has been occupied by other people's souls. If not, she would not have been hiding in the crowd and would have stood up to recognize us long after she saw us!"

As soon as linqizhi heard this, she immediately came back to her senses.

Yes, with Lan Lan's attachment to Lin Chen, if she sees Lin Chen, she doesn't know how happy she is. How can she hide in the crowd and refuse to come out?

The only explanation is that this man is not white blue!

In other words, it is not the consciousness of Bai Lan that controls the physical body of Bai Lan at present.

After being exposed by Lin Chen, the "white blue" who had been scared became calm and silent for a few seconds, saying:

"If you can easily beat the four immortals of the blood cloud tribe, you should be a perfect existence in the immortal realm. Unexpectedly, a strong man like you would come to her. But that's fine!"

Her eyes were full of hatred. She glanced at the people of the blood cloud tribe and said to Lin Chen:

"I came here to find a chance to avenge the blood cloud tribe. But if I only rely on myself, it will be difficult to achieve my goal no matter how to use the physical beauty!"

Lin Chen was a little surprised. He thought that the other party controlled Bai Lan's body to come here, probably because he was also a member of the blood cloud tribe.

Ganqing is not a member of the blood cloud tribe, but an enemy of the blood cloud tribe.

Come here for revenge?

The people of the blood cloud tribe heard the speech, and there was an uproar.

Many people were uneasy. The mysterious strong man suddenly appeared, and immediately took his own leader and three elders. If he wanted to destroy the blood cloud tribe, the blood cloud tribe might be finished!

Someone was shocked and angry and said, "who are you? What grudges do our tribe have against you?"

"Bai Lan" saw the people of the blood cloud tribe and showed a frightened look. She smiled brightly and said bitterly in her voice:

"Who am I? I'm Yue Ling, the elder of the frost tooth tribe! The people of your tribe destroyed our tribe. When my body was destroyed, only my soul escaped. Have you forgotten all these things?"

"What! Are you the remnant of the frosttooth tribe?" There was a cry of surprise and anger.

The blood cloud tribe has developed to today's scale. Its hands are stained with a lot of blood. Many tribes were destroyed by them, and the frost tooth tribe is one of them!

The blood cloud tribe leader's face changed. He was deeply impressed by the frost tooth tribe. He also remembered that there was an elder named Yue Ling in the frost tooth tribe, which existed in the early days of the immortal realm.

Yue Ling was full of hate and said, "at the beginning, my soul body was seriously damaged. It would have dissipated automatically before long.

But I was so lucky that I met an old altar in the snow. If I attached to it, my soul would not continue to collapse. More than ten years have passed before my soul has recovered. "

She looked at linqizhi and said slowly, "at this time, you just came. I also need a suitable body to attach to this girl.

Originally, I intended to use this girl's beauty to create some big trouble for the blood cloud tribe, and then I ran away immediately. I didn't expect you to catch up. "

"Don't worry, I'm just occupying this girl's body, not destroying her own soul. As long as I leave her body, she will recover."

She looked at Lin Chen and looked forward, "I ask you to help me kill everyone in the blood cloud tribe immediately!

As long as you exterminate the blood cloud tribe and avenge my people, then I will return this girl to you! She must be very important to you. I'm sure you don't want to see anything happen to her? "

Linqizhi felt relieved when she heard that Bai Lan was all right. She immediately felt uncomfortable. Why should this woman threaten herself and Lin Chen with Lan Lan's life?

"You're threatening me. If I don't do what you say, you're not going to give her back to me, are you?"

Lin Chen's face was expressionless, his eyes were indifferent, and he walked towards Yue Ling step by step.

Yue Ling had a strong fear in his heart. He felt as if a god of death was coming towards him step by step.

Her heart beat wildly, and she suddenly realized that she might be a little too big, or that she might not be able to threaten his strength at all?

She hurriedly said: "our tribe has a secret soul skill, which can use its own soul body as the nourishment of the soul origin of others! As long as you help me kill the blood cloud tribe, I will use this secret skill.

In this way, the girl's soul level can immediately change from the six levels of the Taoist realm to the nine levels of the Taoist realm! You should also understand that although she is young and already exists in the realm of preaching, she still has a high probability that she will never be immortal in this life.

If the soul realm can be upgraded to the Ninth level of Tao realm now, then the possibility of becoming immortal in the future can be improved a lot! "

Lin Chen stopped and had to say that this was a very tempting proposal.

But he really hated being led by the nose and being threatened by his woman.

At this time, the leader of the blood cloud tribe rushed to Lin Qizhi with a ferocious face, and a long sword appeared in his hand, touching Lin Qizhi's neck.

Seeing this scene, the three elders of the blood cloud tribe were elated.

The leader of the blood cloud tribe stared at Lin Chen and laughed proudly:

"Boy, now we have hostages in our hands! I'd like to see how you can fight us! If you don't want to see this woman die in my hands, cut off your own hands and feet, and catch her!"

He thought that Lin Chen's face would become very ugly, but he didn't expect that Lin Chen was still expressionless, turned to him and said coldly:

"It's really rare that you are so eager to die. Who gave you the illusion that you have the strength to threaten me?"

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