The leader of the blood cloud tribe was proud and thought that he took advantage of Lin Chen's carelessness and completely took the initiative. However, his behavior was like a clown in Lin Chen's eyes.

At the beginning, Lin Chen had hostages in his hands, but he still didn't talk to the Reggae leader at the beginning.


Because in the world of monastics, the two sides whose strength gap is too large are completely unequal. One side will be completely under the control of the other side, and there is no possibility of talking about conditions.

However, the leader of Xueyun tribe and the three elders did not know xiaolinchen's real strength, nor did they think that the strength gap between the two sides was so large.

"Boy, don't think we can't see it. You're just pretending to be calm! I order you to kneel down and kowtow to us immediately if you don't want this woman to die! Do you hear me?"

"That's right! He must be pretending to be calm. Now he is absolutely afraid that the leader will kill the woman!"

"If you dare to make us lose face like this, you can't spare him! He is powerful and may have a lot of treasures. Killing him may be a surprise!"


The three elders sneered.

Many people of the blood cloud tribe laughed with pride, and felt that Lin Chen was pretending to be calm. His heart was like a mess!

The leader of the blood cloud tribe came back to his senses and felt that Lin Chen was pretending. He threatened: "do you really want me to kill her in front of you?"

Yue Ling's face is very ugly. The situation is beyond her control. Now the other party has hostages, so her advantage is completely gone.

Now, I'm afraid I can't take revenge, and even I can't leave the blood cloud tribe.

Lin Chen's eyes became colder and colder. He didn't answer, but he saw that the space in all directions began to distort, turning into stars that burned black flames and filled with fog. The middle position of many stars was the source of the larger world.

For a while, the stars changed, and everyone seemed to be somewhere in the sky!

"This... What is this?"

"Hallucination? Did this man bring us into the illusion?"


The people of the blood cloud tribe were panicked and did not understand what had happened. Many people shouted out, but did not dare to move, so that the scene was not in a mess.

The leader of the blood cloud tribe and the three elders seemed to think of something when they saw the scene in front of them. The blood color on their faces quickly faded, and their faces were as white as paper.

Yue Ling gaped and said in a trembling voice, "this... This is the means of the supreme power? I am for the world! You, you are the supreme?"


These two words, like a bomb, detonated in the minds of the people of the blood cloud tribe, making their angry sons buzzing and their eyes dark!

For them, the immortal strong, like heaven and man, is the strongest existence they can touch in this life!

The supreme power who is stronger than immortality is like a myth. He has only heard of it but never seen it with his own eyes.

They do not know how powerful the supreme is, but in their understanding, the supreme represents the supremacy and omnipotence!

Is this young man in front of me a supreme?

Are the leaders and elders of their own tribe threatening a supreme?

People of the blood cloud tribe are cold at the thought of here!

"You, you -"

The leader of the blood cloud tribe trembled uncontrollably. His eyes stared round. He saw Lin Chen coming towards him step by step and shouted angrily:

"Don't come here! What if you are the supreme power? Now your woman is in my hands. If you dare to step forward again, I will kill her!"

Lin Chen ignored him, looked at Lin Qizhi and said softly, "don't be afraid, he can't hurt you."

Linqizhi nodded with a strange light in her eyes. She was really not afraid at all, because she believed Lin Chen from her heart. Since Lin Chen was so calm, it meant that she would not have any danger.

At this time, she had no fear in her heart, but felt that Lin Chen, who was walking slowly with his back to the stars, had a very charming temperament.

The leader of the blood cloud tribe was driven crazy by the amazing pressure, and his face was ferocious. He wiped the long sword on Lin Qizhi's neck.

"Since you are so ignorant, even if I die, I will take your woman with me!"


However, before the long sword touched Lin Qizhi's neck, a black flame, like a sickle, passed over the shoulder of the leader of the blood cloud tribe and cut off his whole arm!

"Ah -"

The leader of the blood cloud tribe screamed.

Lin Chen stretched out his hand, and Lin Qizhi flew to his side and immediately put his arm around him. Although she didn't have much fear just now, she was still scared when the leader of the blood cloud tribe kidnapped her at the beginning.

"If you want to die yourself, go to hell."

Lin Chen said coldly.

A star behind him flew a flame, like an arrow, which instantly penetrated the leader of the blood cloud tribe.

The body of the leader of the blood cloud tribe ignited a raging fire and turned into ashes in the blink of an eye!

Lin Chen looked at the rest of the blood cloud tribe.

Boom! Boom! Boom——

Without any sign, the three elders and others who just spoke evil words and were elated lit up with black flames.

They screamed and struggled for mercy, but they had no effect. Soon, they all turned into ashes.

When Yue Ling saw the people of the blood cloud tribe, they turned into ashes one by one and shouted excitedly, "yes! That's it! Kill them all! Elder, as long as you kill all the people of the blood cloud tribe, I will immediately return the girl to you."

She seemed to realize that she might not be able to threaten each other at all. She quickly added:

"In addition, I will use the secret skills I said before to make my soul become the nourishment for this girl, which is of great benefit to her!"

Soon, she frowned and found that Lin Chen had just killed those who had spoken evil before, and many people of the blood cloud tribe. There was no fire on her.

Lin Chen looked at her and said slowly, "are you sure you want to kill the rest of these people?"

Yue Ling was stunned and looked carefully at the rest of the people.

It was discovered that most of the remaining people were old and weak women and children. At this time, they all looked at themselves and Lin Chen with fear.

Seeing Yue Ling, they looked like frightened birds. Many women knelt down and begged for mercy. They begged Yue Ling and Lin Chen to let their children go. As long as they let their children go, they would be burned to ashes!

Yue Ling was speechless for a moment. It seemed that when the frost tooth tribe was destroyed, those people who were eager to live were begging for mercy.

At present, I want to exterminate the blood cloud tribe indiscriminately. Is there any difference between it and the original blood cloud tribe?

The idea came to her mind.

Lin Chen's voice rang again. "Let me ask you again. Are you sure you want to kill all these people?"

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