Yue Ling was silent for a long time. Xueyun tribe destroyed Shuangya tribe, but not everyone took part in it. Now the leaders and elders of Xueyun tribe, as well as many other strong men, have been killed.

The blood cloud tribe is doomed to lose its vitality, and it is difficult to return to the previous height.

Are you going to kill all the remaining old, weak, women and children?

In my mind, out of control, I came up with the ugly faces of those people in the blood cloud tribe when they indiscriminately killed innocent people.

"Just......" after a long time, Yue Ling sighed.

Lin Chen's eyes were cold. He hated being threatened and didn't like killing people indiscriminately. If Yue Ling continued to threaten him to kill people, he would not kill the people of the blood cloud tribe, but would let Yue Ling's soul dissipate.

"You go. Leave the white and blue body at once." Lin Chen said in a deep voice.

"You want to let me go?"

Yue Ling was shocked and shook his head again. "Although my soul has recovered, it is almost impossible to find a perfect body for me. In fact, even if I still have the original body, I know that with my qualifications, I can't become a supreme being like you.

It's impossible to live forever. It's just another period of time. My people, husband and children have all died. What is the point of living alone? "

After that, the strong soul wave surged out of the "white blue" body, and her eyes rolled over and she fainted.

"Blue blue!"

Linqizhi looses Lin Chen's hand, runs over to embrace Bai Lan, looks at Lin Chen, and says in panic, "what did she do?"

Lin Chen sighed: "the wave of her soul has disappeared. It should be to use the secret technique she said before to make her own soul body become the nourishment for the origin of the blue soul. This woman is also a character."

Linqizhi completely didn't expect this situation. That is to say, the current situation is not a bad thing for Lanlan, but a good thing.

When Lan Lan wakes up, can he reach the Ninth level of Tao realm?

She felt that she could not understand Yue Ling's behavior, but then she thought, if one day, the people in the global city were slaughtered and Lin Chen died, would she still choose to live?

"Bah! Bah! There can be no such day!"

Linqizhi hurriedly shook her head and drove the idea of her fear out of her mind.

The stars dispersed, everything recovered to calm, the white goose feather and heavy snow fell, and it seemed that nothing had happened. Only the leader of the blood cloud tribe and many strong men had disappeared.

Lin Chen picked up Bai Lan, took Lin Qizhi, and disappeared into the snowstorm with the eyes of the rest of the blood cloud tribe.

Until Lin Chen's three figures disappeared in sight, someone trembled and said: "now... What do we do now? Think, think of a way to revenge?"

As soon as he said this, the man found that the people of the clan looked at themselves like crazy people and fools.

"That is a supreme master!" An old man murmured.

"You'd better not have the idea of revenge. Just assume that today's incident hasn't happened! If you have the idea of revenge, then... Don't blame us for being ruthless! After all, if the tribe is dragged down by you, it will really be completely destroyed. You can't imagine the supreme anger."

Another old man spoke very plainly and instantly extinguished the flames of revenge in many people's hearts.

They also thought that they did not kill all the people, not that they did not expect that there might be future troubles, but that they were not afraid of their own people to take revenge!

In fact, not afraid of them to take revenge is part of the reason, and part of the reason is that Lin Chen doesn't want to implicate innocent people. He doesn't have the idea of "one person breaks the law, and all families are killed together".

Although Bai Lan hasn't woken up yet, after confirming that there is no danger, Lin Qizhi has no pressure in her heart. She asks Lin Chen about her experience in Central China over the years.

As a result, although Lin Chen only briefly told her some of the key things, she was still stunned.

She thought that her experience with Bai Lan over the years was also wonderful. As a result, compared with Lin Chen, she became a pediatrician!

On this day, the three finally arrived at the Terran.

Snow scar was surprised to see linqizhi and Bai Lan. He also didn't expect that they would appear here.

After talking to Xue hen about the two girls, Lin Chen inquired about the affairs of the Terran side. How is the arrangement going.

"The people scattered in Central China have basically returned after hearing that the magic eye clan was destroyed. As you can see, the buildings in the clan have almost been rebuilt. I have arranged everything that should be arranged. But..."

Seeing the snow trace, Lin Chen hesitated. "But what?"

Xue canglan smiled and replied, "Miss wants me to be the clan leader of the human race that day, but I think it is most appropriate for her to be the clan leader!

Miss and you go to the global city. I can help her manage the Tianren clan on her behalf. That is to say, the clan leader is still her.

In any case, I can't hold the position of clan leader. Only a young lady can be the most suitable and convincing person in the clan! "

Lin Chen looked at the hesitating snow mark in her eyes, and knew in her heart that it should be xuecanglan's proposal. What made her feel uncomfortable.

If it is only for her to hang the name of the patriarch, it does not prevent her from going to the earth city with herself. She should not let the snow trace show such an expression.

Thinking of the situation of the Terrans today, Lin Chen soon understood what the situation was.

He looked around and didn't see Mo tu. he asked, "where's Mr. Mo?"

"Master MOTU, he left soon after you left. After all, he has many things to deal with. He can't stay with us forever." Snow canglan hurriedly explained.

Lin Chen nodded and said to Mo Tu, "OK. Then the clan leader of the human race on the day when xuescar came. If Tianren encounter any trouble, you can directly send someone to the earth city to inform me."

Xuecanglan was overjoyed and nodded busily.

Snow scar knew that Xue canglan and others wanted to be the clan leader of the same day. Although their father was the clan leader of the previous generation, they still wanted to tie Lin Chen firmly with the Tianren clan with their own help!

She also understood the thoughts of xuecanglan and others.

At present, the Tianren clan has destroyed the magic eye clan, but in fact, there is not even one supreme master, which is really in a very embarrassing situation.

If you can tie Lin Chen in the same boat with the help of yourself, you don't have to worry about anything, and the people's mood will be much more stable.

But she didn't really like it. It seemed that she was using Lin Chen's feeling.

She believed in this kind of thing. Lin Chen couldn't see it. However, Lin Chen agreed without even thinking about it. Her charming body could not help trembling.

Moved in his heart, he subconsciously reached out and held Lin Chen's hand tightly. As a result, he noticed that a glance fell on him. At this time, he remembered something.

Turning around, it turned out to be linqizhi's eyes!

After Lin Qizhi glanced at her, her eyes fell on her palm holding Lin Chen!

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