Seeing Lin Qizhi's ambiguous eyes, snow scar blushed. She wanted to loosen Lin Chen's palm, but she found that her hand was held by Lin Chen in turn. She couldn't break away. She had to let Lin Chen hold it and lowered her head slightly blushing.

Snow scar thought Lin Qizhi would say something, but Lin Qizhi soon looked away and looked curiously at the valley where the Tianren people lived. For her, this living environment was like the north and south poles of the earth, which was very interesting.

After staying in the Terran for a few days, Bai Lan finally woke up.

After seeing Lin Chen, Bai Lan was naturally delighted, but she was not surprised. In fact, she had already known Lin Chen's arrival.

After her body was occupied by Yue Ling's soul, she could still feel everything in the outside world, but she was like a bystander locked in a glass window, unable to control her body at all.

She told Lin Chen that, as Yue Ling said, her soul had an amazing growth when she was in a coma. At this time, the realm of the soul was already the ninth grade of the Tao realm.

For a while, Lin Qizhi was envious.

After Bai Lan wakes up, the people don't stop. Lin Chen immediately says goodbye to the people of the Tianren family and starts back to the earth city with the three women.


Global city, the main hall of the city.

When yeyi entered the hall, he saw a tall, dignified old man in golden robes sitting on a chair in front of him.

Seeing her coming in, the old man glanced at her indifferently, with a condescending look, like the master looking at the coming servant.

When yeyi saw the old man sitting on that chair, he was a little annoyed. After all, what was sitting there should be the owner of the global city, not the outsider in front of him. What's more, he sat on it without permission!

Just like the ancient Chinese queen, how can you feel good when you see an outsider sitting on the Dragon chair in the hall?

To this extent, it is clear that you don't pay attention to yourself and other people in the Lord's residence.

Just because of the old man's identity and strength, she could not attack, and said expressionless:

"I don't know why you are here again. What can I do for you? I have made it clear that Lin Chen is really not in the global city. He went to central China and hasn't come back for many years. You can find out whether he lied or not by investigating.

Moreover, even if Lin Chen comes back, there is no possibility to give you the 'abyss star'‘ The star of the abyss once belonged to Haotian divine realm, but now it belongs to Lin Chen. Why should he give you what he got with his skill?

You came to the door and directly asked us to hand over the 'star of the abyss'. It was unreasonable! "

Zhangqikun, an old God, was always there. He heard the irony in yeyi's words, but he was still expressionless. When yeyi finished speaking, he slowly stood up with a funny smile on his face and said: "finished?"

Ye Yiren frowned and was very annoyed at the other party's lofty posture.

Zhangqikun walks slowly to Ye Yiren.

Yeyi people felt a great pressure on her.

Not only did she feel hard to breathe, but she even couldn't move. A sense of despair grew in her mind uncontrollably. This person's strength was so powerful that she could not compete with anyone in the global city!

"I sent someone to check, but you really didn't lie to me. As you said, the global city leader hasn't been here for years. The problem is, I don't have the patience to wait, so now you need to find a way to contact him quickly and get him back."

Zhangqikun walked up to Ye Yiren. His tone was flat, but he made people feel very strong. It seems that as long as he said something, everyone must listen to him.

Ye Yi said angrily, "don't deceive people too much. I said, even if Lin Chen comes back, why should he give you the 'star of the abyss'?"

She felt bitter in her heart. The battle in which the leader of Haotian divine realm was killed did indeed make the leader of the Earth City famous in the west, but it also scared some other supreme divine realms in the West and secretly investigated the whole story.

Later, Lin Chen was found out by some of them that he killed the leader of Haotian God domain by relying on the "abyss star".

Most people are just jealous of such a treasure, because they are not sure to deal with the lingzu ancestors and Lin Chen, so they dare not do anything.

But there are also some forces who think they have the strength to sweep the spirit clan and Lin Chen and want to get the "abyss star".

Zhangqikun came from such a force.

In the face of Ye Yiren's question, zhangqikun did not take it seriously: "we have found out that the 'abyss star' is a supreme artifact, which is more precious than you can imagine, and you are not qualified to have it."

Yeyi angrily said, "no matter how precious it is, it belongs to my man. What does it have to do with you? What is it? It is not what we are entitled to have? It is ours!"

Zhangqikun shook his head. "You're wrong. This kind of treasure doesn't belong to anyone, or it only belongs to the strong. For example, in those days, you grabbed it from Haotian Shenyu. Now, we will also grab it from you."

Ye Yi retorted, "we didn't rob the Haotian divine realm. It was the Haotian divine realm that provoked us first that Lin Chen became enemies with them! But we, the Earth City, have never provoked you!"

"What's the point of saying that?"

Zhangqikun shook his head funny, as if he had heard a very childish joke.

He spoke again, but this time the voice sounded not only in the hall, but in the whole Earth City, startling everyone.

"I only give you one month to find the global city leader and ask him to bring the 'abyss star' to me! Otherwise, this woman will be completely hopeless. After her death, I will come again and kill one of his women every month until he obediently appears in front of me!"

Ye Yiren is so smart that she immediately knows that the other party wants to attack her. She just wants to escape. But at the moment, her body can't move at all, so she can only let the other party kill her.

Zhang Qikun's right index finger, like a dead tree branch, stabbed Ye Yiren's eyebrows. The fingertip had not touched Ye Yiren's forehead, but it seemed that there was a sharp blade that could not be seen by the naked eye.


Looking at Ye Yiren with unwilling eyes, zhangqikun's tone was cold:

"Today, I will teach you a truth. In this world, never ask a person who is stronger than you why. The weak are not qualified to ask these three words!

In front of me, all of you in the global city add up, but ants. From the very beginning, it was an extremely stupid thing for you to try to reason with me. "

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