The streets were quiet in the early morning.

Lin Chen stood in front of the gate of the city Lord's residence. While excited, he thought that he would soon see the daughters, parents and children who had been separated for many years. He felt a little uneasy.

Beside him were Bai Lan, Lin Qizhi and Xue scar.

"Open the door! Open the door quickly. The city Lord's wife is back!"

Linqizhi is not a person who likes to mourn the spring and hurt the autumn, and she has not left the city Lord's residence for as long as Lin Chen. At this time, her pretty face is full of joy. She patted the gate hard, and the gate as high as fiveorsix meters roared, which was almost knocked down by her.

According to Lin Chen's idea, in fact, you can directly tear the space into it. However, Lin Qizhi said that this is going back to her own home. There is no reason to sneak in. Isn't that like a thief.

You should walk through the gate and let people welcome you in.

Soon, the door was opened and a middle-aged man with the appearance of a guard appeared behind the door.

Seeing Lin Qizhi, he was surprised and said, "madam, it is really you who have come back!"

He soon saw Lin Chen beside Lin Qizhi. At the moment he saw Lin Chen, his eyes were full and he let out a cry of surprise. Immediately, he turned and ran out a few steps in ecstasy and shouted in the yard:

"The city Lord is back! The city Lord is back!"

In the city Lord's residence, there was an instant of noise, countless cries of surprise sounded, and many people rushed here.

After the middle-aged guard shouted, he realized that the city Lord was still standing at the door. He hurried to Lin Chen and said excitedly:

"My Lord, why are you still standing at the door? This is your home. You are the master here. You don't need to say 'please come in' to me. I'm not qualified!"

Lin Chen stepped into the gate with a smile. He had some impression of the middle-aged guard, but the man in his memory was younger than now.

For him, more than ten years is just a flash, but for ordinary global city residents, it is extremely long.

A series of figures appeared not far away and rushed to Lin Chen.

"Lin Chen!"


"You are willing to come back at last, you dead child!"




There was a lot of noise. Lin Chen saw a group of women such as Su Xiran and Irina, as well as his parents, Lin Panpan, who had red eyes, Lin Tian and Xiao Qi, who were excited, and many other familiar faces.

"I'm back."

Lin Chen was also a little excited and hurried to the crowd. It was at this moment that he really felt like he was going home.

"Home" never refers to a place or a building, but the place where the family is located.

Chenlanzhi grabbed Lin Chen's hand and looked him up and down for a while. It seemed that Lin Chen was afraid of missing some parts, which made him cry and laugh.

"Mom, with my current strength, even if my hands and feet are cut off, they will soon grow again. As long as I am still alive, there will be no part missing!" Lin Chen laughed.

"Bah! Bah! What does it mean to have your hands and feet cut off? Don't talk nonsense. How big a person you are! You still can't talk like that!"

Chenlanzhi was not happy at once. She poked her finger on Lin Chen's forehead, which made Lin Chen embarrassed. At the same time, it seemed as if she had returned to her childhood, and her heart became more and more warm.

After a long separation and reunion with Lin Chen, the girls only felt that they had a thousand words to say to him, but they could not let go of the current environment. They just looked at Lin Chen with joy.

Su Xi ran looked at the snow mark with a smile on her face and said softly:

"More than ten years ago, the ancestor of the Cang clan came to our side and told us what happened to you in the beast kingdom. Now, has the matter of the Tianren clan been solved?"

Seeing Xue scar and Lin Chen coming back together, she guessed that the Tianren issue should be solved. She soon got a positive answer from Lin Chen. Everyone was very happy.

"What about Yi Ren? Why hasn't she come yet? Is she not in the global city and is she out to do something?"

After the excitement of the crowd calmed down a little, Lin Chen looked around again and found that yeyi still hadn't arrived, so he asked in some doubt.

However, as soon as he said this, the people who were excited were all stiff. Although they were still smiling, their smiles looked reluctant.

Not to mention Lin Chen, even Lin Qizhi, a nervous person, realized that something had happened to yeyi.

"Sister Xi ran, is something wrong with sister Yi?" Linqizhi grabs Su Xiran's hand and asks with concern.

Su Xi opened her mouth, but said nothing. She seemed to be hesitating whether to say it or not.

Seeing her like this, Lin Chen's heart thumped and understood that his fairy sister must have really had an accident!

"What the hell is going on?"

Lin Chen's heart sank slowly, and his face became pale. With his current disposition, there were few things that could affect his mood. But when he thought that yeyi had an accident and might even be gone, he felt cold and could not control himself.

"Tell him. Anyway, he needs to know sooner or later. It's impossible to hide it from him."

Linmingyuan sighed and said with a sad look, "don't worry, she is still alive, just..."

"What is it? Dad, don't hesitate. Tell me quickly. Do you want to kill me?"

Lin Chen was so anxious that if it wasn't his father, he couldn't help controlling the other party's consciousness, and then asked the other party to explain everything quickly!

"Come with us, and we'll take you to her now."

Linmingyuan didn't answer Lin Chen's question. He sighed again and turned to lead the way.

Lin Chen immediately followed, and the others hurried to follow, but the original atmosphere of joy and joy had become dignified and dreary, which was almost breathless.

Before long, Lin Chen met Ye Yiren in her room.

When she saw Ye Yiren, Lin Chen's heart beat hard. She saw Ye Yiren curled up in the corner like an abandoned dog. When she saw Lin Chen and others coming in from the door, she was not happy at all, but rather a nervous scream of fear.

Desperately trying to retreat, he stared at Lin Chen and others, and said that when the beast was threatened, the low roar was like warning Lin Chen and others not to get close to her.

Seeing yeyi people who once looked dignified, noble and elegant forever, Lin Chen became a crazy woman with fear in her eyes. Lin Chen was numb!

The next moment.

All the people in the room felt that the world was suddenly cold enough to freeze them, and the terrible chill came from Lin Chen beside them.

"Who made Iranians like this?" Lin Chen's simple words, in a cold tone, contained a murderous intention!

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