"Give the 'abyss star' to the Xuantian divine realm? Why? It's our stuff. Why give it to their hateful fellows? It's beautiful!

What's more, they dare to cheat on Yi Renjie. What we want to do is to avenge them! "

Hearing Li Junji's words, Lin Chen had not said anything. Lin Qizhi had already expressed her dissatisfaction with indignation, just like a detonated bomb.

Lijunji seemed to have expected that he would encounter this situation. Looking at Lin Qizhi, he said: "there are six supreme beings in the Xuantian divine realm, one in the later stage of the supreme realm, one in the middle stage of the supreme realm, and four in the early stage of the supreme realm!

In the west, no one and forces dare to disobey them. Otherwise, they will end up being destroyed by Xuantian divine realm. Isn't that enough? "

The simple words made Lin Qizhi angry but speechless.

She knows that Lin Chen is also a supreme master now, but in any case, he can't be the opponent of Xuantian divine realm. Can you beat others six times if you are a supreme master?

If you think about it carefully, you may be unwilling to hand over the "star of the abyss", but in this way, you can avoid a disaster. In fact, it is a good choice.

The scene was silent, and everyone's eyes fell on Lin Chen, waiting for Lin Chen to speak.

Lijunji didn't say more. He was also waiting for Lin Chen to give a response. After all, he had already said what he should say.

He also knew that although the young man in front of him was young, he was no worse than himself in terms of wisdom. He should have thought of everything he thought of.

His only fear was that Lin Chen was too impulsive, which eventually led to a terrible ending.

"Thank you for your advice." Lin Chen looked at Li Junji with a smile on his face.

Lijunji thought Lin Chen was listening to his words. He breathed a sigh of relief. As a result, he soon listened to Lin Chen again: "I can't accept your suggestion. The 'star of the abyss' can't be handed over to the Xuantian God domain!"

Lijunji was stunned and immediately wanted to say something. Lin Chen shook his head and said, "you don't have to say anything. I know you are thinking of me, but I hope you understand one thing. If anyone dares to hurt the people around me, I will make them pay the corresponding price!

It can be said that this is my basic principle as a person and will not change under any circumstances. Therefore, I will not give the 'abyss star' to the Xuantian divine realm, and I will make zhangqikun pay the corresponding price! "

When Li Junji saw Lin Chen's face was firm, he couldn't help shaking his head and sighing. He didn't say anything more. He saw that Lin Chen was too emotional and made a stupid decision because of Ye Yi's affairs.

The problem is that no matter what he says, he can't listen to the other party's mentality.

Lijunji hesitated and asked, "what are you going to do next?"

Lin Chen said, "do nothing!"

"Do nothing?" Li Junji was stunned.

Yeyi took the initiative to explain to him: "people in the Xuantian divine domain must have arranged a lot of eyeliner in the Earth City. Lin Chen doesn't have to do anything. Soon, the news of his return will also be spread to the Xuantian divine domain.

At that time, when zhangqikun saw that Lin Chen didn't come to the door, he would run to the door and ask Lin Chen to take the initiative to hand over the 'star of the abyss'. To use one of our Chinese idioms, that is to wait for the hare. "

Over the years, the two of them are still like a soul in their hearts. Lin Chen doesn't need to explain. Yeyi also knows what Lin Chen is thinking.

However, yeyi people also have something they don't understand.

That's where Lin Chen came from. He wanted to fight with Xuantian Shenyu?

In fact, she also thinks that Lin Chen's decision at this time is too emotional. She plans to discuss with him after Lin Chen completely calms down.

The speed of Xuantian divine realm getting the news is faster than the people in the Earth City expected.

Late that night.

The five supreme masters of the Xuantian divine realm, including zhangqikun, were called over by the domain leader Luo Wen.

"What! That guy has returned to the Earth City? Very good! In this way, the 'abyss star' will soon fall into the hands of our Xuantian divine realm."

"Hum! If Zhou Taichang had known that there was such a treasure in his hands, it would have fallen into our hands. Zhou Taichang is also damned. He has no self-knowledge. How can he have the supreme artifact?"

"Ha ha! Anyway, the baby will eventually fall into our hands. It doesn't matter whether it's earlier or later."


Hearing the news, several supreme masters were all overjoyed. Zhang Qikun said with a light smile:

"I did some tricks on his woman. If he didn't want to see his woman die, he had to run over by himself and give us the 'abyss star' obediently."

Luo Wen is a small old man with a shifty look. He looks like a huge standing mouse. His temperament is cold and cold. He gives people a sense of cunning and ferocity. He is the kind of appearance that ordinary people would never dare to provoke after a look.

His tone was flat and he said in a sharp voice, "but according to the news I got, Lin Chen has returned to the city master's mansion of the Earth City for a day and hasn't left the city master's mansion for half a step. It seems that he doesn't plan to give us the 'abyss star' at all."

Zhangqikun frowned.

A tall, Round faced middle-aged man sneered: "this is normal! How can a woman be compared with the supreme artifact no matter how beautiful she is? Who in the world would think that a woman is enough to be compared with the supreme artifact?"

When they heard this, they thought it was true.

In their view, the value of the supreme artifact is far from that of a woman. As long as there is no brain problem, no one will hand over the supreme artifact to a woman.

Zhangqikun turned gloomy and said slowly, "in that case, I will go to the earth city again. Don't worry, domain master. I will bring back the 'abyss star' soon!"

His eyes were full of cold. After that, his body gradually became unreal and disappeared in front of everyone in the hall.

Another middle-aged man with a Chinese character face smiled and said: "that idiot global city master dares to ignore Zhang Qikun's words that he asked him to take the initiative to hand over the 'star of the abyss'. Before long, his intestines will be green with regret!"

The rest of them were impressed by the speech. They knew very well that Zhang Qikun looked like a kind old man on the surface, but in fact, he was extremely cruel!

As the second strongest man in the Xuantian divine realm, zhangqikun will go to the global city this time. There is no doubt that the global city is destined to usher in a bloodbath.

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