In the early morning, the streets in the global city are busy with traffic.

The sudden cold cry, like a thunder, blew up over the Earth City, startling everyone.

"Lord of the Earth City, get out of here now!"

The sound continued to reverberate over the Earth City, making everyone suddenly turn pale.

Because they recognized whose voice this was. Not long ago, this voice also sounded in the global city, threatening everyone in the global city, saying that the city master Lin Chen must offer the "abyss star" with both hands within a month.

Otherwise, one month later, he will come here again and kill a city master's woman every other month until the global city master appears.

There is no doubt that when he kills the woman of the city master, if the city master does not appear, it will be the turn of other people in the Earth City.

Hearing the sound again, everyone was shocked and angry.

"That damned fellow again! He's here again!"

"Asshole! He is so rampant. In my opinion, I might as well fight with him!"

"Fight a fart! If we all fight together, we may kill him or hit him hard. That's called desperate. The problem is that if we all go together, we will just be killed by him. It's just death. What shall we fight for?"

"Strange! What did he mean by that? Did the city Lord come back?"

"Alas. What can the city Lord change when he comes back? It is said that this guy is much stronger than the original master of the Haotian divine domain. What's more, behind him is the most powerful Xuantian divine domain in the West!"

"In my opinion, I might as well give him the 'star of the abyss'. Although it's a bit embarrassing, at least -"

"What a fart! You shut up your dog's mouth for me. I'm so sorry!"


In the global city, there was a lot of noise. Some people were angry, some panicked, some were glad that the City Master seemed to have returned, and some sighed that the city master's return was useless.

Above the sky, there was an amazing storm.

The strong wind converged and turned into a figure. Standing at a high altitude overlooking the ant like crowd below, it was zhangqikun.

He looked at the city Lord's residence and was about to continue to speak when he saw a figure flying out of the city Lord's residence and coming towards him.

Although zhangqikun had never seen Lin Chen, he had seen Lin Chen's portrait, so he recognized that it was Lin Chen, the leader of the global city who had left for many years, who flew to him.

"Not bad! You are back."

Zhangqikun smiled. As long as he was seen by himself, he was doomed to be unable to escape from his palm.

When Lin Chen came to him, he immediately changed his face and said in a cold voice:

"You are not very sensible. Could you not have heard what I said before? After you come back, go to the Xuantian divine realm and give me the 'abyss star'? Stupid thing without a long head, I will let you have a long memory today!"

He stretched out his hand and said coldly, "now give me the 'star of the abyss' immediately. In this way, I can lower my hand a little later. Otherwise, even if you kneel on the ground and beg for mercy later, it won't have any effect!"

When he spoke of the "star of the abyss", his eyes were full of greed. He dares to come alone and completely ignores Lin Chen. It is also because he knows that the "abyss star" can only be used once every 5000 years. It is only a few decades since Lin Chen used the "abyss star" to kill zhoutaichang. Lin Chen can't

Use the "abyss star".

Otherwise, let alone him, Luo Wen, the leader of Xuantian God domain, did not dare to appear in front of Lin Chen.

People in the Earth City were pleasantly surprised when they saw Lin Chen flying to zhangqikun. Someone shouted: "the city master is back! It is the city master who is back!"

Before the people had time to cheer, just a little high morale was suppressed by Zhang Qikun's overbearing words.

In the face of Zhang Qikun's arrogant words, Lin Chen said coldly, "are you Zhang Qikun?"

"It's me."

"Is it that you have moved your hands and feet on the origin of Iraqi soul?"

"That's right!" Zhangqikun was impatient and didn't take Lin Chen's cold eyes seriously at all. "Did you hear what I just said? Immediately give me the 'abyss star' by myself. Otherwise, I will rob it myself! You will definitely regret it."

He sneered in his heart. After you hand over the "abyss star" obediently, I will still give you a good meal. Unexpectedly, I have to let me run here. It's just a thing without eyes.

"The star of the abyss is on me. You can try and take it away from me." Lin Chen's face was flat, and his words were obviously provoking the other party.

Seeing this, Li Junji held his forehead with his hand and said with a wry smile:

"This time, he was really too impulsive. I still think that taking the initiative to hand over the 'abyss star' is the best way. Now, it's really troublesome."

Zhangqikun laughed angrily, and his eyes were full of murders.

The fingers of his right hand were bent, and the sky and the earth turned pale in an instant. The storm came, as if the end had come. The global city was affected, and there were bursts of screams. The people on the street were blown upside down, and many items flew high into the air. It was a mess!

The violent wind converged on zhangqikun's right hand.

"A dog who doesn't respect me. I really think that if he killed zhoutaichang, he would have the ability to fight with me? To die!"

Zhangqikun shouted like a bell, and the violent air wave poured out of his right palm and turned into a huge blue animal claw, like a hill, and grabbed Lin Chen.

Where you pass, the space is shattered inch by inch!

At the sight of this amazing attack, there were already some worried women in the city Lord's residence, and their faces changed.

"Lin Chen, be careful!"

"Honey, get away from him and don't fight him!"


All kinds of sounds came into Lin Chen's ears. He was like a stone statue, standing still, like a prisoner waiting to be beheaded.

Zhangqikun hissed. At the same time he launched the attack, Lin Chen was covered with terror. In his opinion, Lin Chen didn't want to avoid it, but was suppressed by himself. He couldn't avoid it!

"You son, it's far worse than zhoutaichang! If it hadn't been for someone's help and the 'star of the abyss', you wouldn't have killed zhoutaichang at all. It would have blinded your dog if you dared to fight against me with this skill!"

Zhangqikun looked contemptuous.

Just when the green animal claw was about to catch Lin Chen.

Dark red armor appeared on Lin Chen.

Yan magic armor!

"I think it's you, not me, who are blind."

Lin Chen said coldly, staring at zhangqikun without looking at the blue animal claw, and letting it grasp him.

Boom! The deafening sound sounded like two mountains collided!

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