Seeing the blue animal claws turned by the storm grasping Lin Chen, Zhang Qikun's mouth began to grin, and the picture of Lin Chen's body being torn up came to mind.

With the deafening sound, the smile on his face, which seemed to control everything, gradually froze.

If the green animal claw was compared to a terrible wave, Lin Chen would be like a mountain. This blow not only didn't hurt him, but also didn't take a step back. It had no impact at all.

The cyan animal claws, like foam, dissipated in everyone's sight.

"With this skill, it's a good idea to come to the global city and shout loudly?" Lin Chen looked at zhangqikun with disdain as if he were looking at a fool.

Zhangqikun yanked at the corners of his eyes, his face burning.

People in the earth city below, after a short period of consternation, cheered like torrents and tsunamis.

Lijunji in the city Lord's residence was so confused that his mind was booming.

"I see. It's your armor, isn't it? It's a treasure. You can only rely on it to stop my attack!" Zhangqikun quickly showed a sudden look, regained his pride, and smiled, "don't be complacent. Just now it was just a hit! Even if you can resist with this armor, you will still be beaten down by me soon. Dare you

If you are so disrespectful to me, I will destroy your body first as a punishment! "

When he grasped it with his right hand, a long green knife appeared in his hand.

The ethereal and sharp breath diffused from his body.

In the Earth City, people's hearts are cold, just like being watched by the God of death and feeling fear from the bottom of their hearts.

Feeling the terrible breath, Lin Chen said slowly, "do you know the most Shinto martial arts?"

"A little eyesight! To tell you the truth, it's all your ignorance. Otherwise, we may develop you into the seventh supreme in the Xuantian divine realm."

Zhangqikun sighed, as if Lin Chen had done something extremely stupid.

Tear and pull——

Next second.

He cut it out with a knife, making a sound like the space was cut apart.

The blue Sabre light shining like a star, like a crescent moon flying out, flies towards Lin Chen. It has a dreamlike beauty and implies a monstrous killing!

"Yuehua war!" Zhangqikun drank low.

Looking at the light of the sword flying to Lin Chen, everyone held their breath. At this moment, even their breath was forgotten.


Lin Chen still stood still and let the light of the blue knife hit the dark red armor on his body. Just as before, he was not injured, nor even stepped back.

"That's it?" Lin Chen stared at Zhang Qikun with a disappointed expression, as if to say, can you give some strength with this skill?

Zhangqikun's face is black!

The sense of satisfaction that seemed to control everything had already disappeared, and everything in front of him had never been expected before he came.

Completely beyond his imagination!

"What kind of treasure is this? Is it also a supreme artifact?" Zhangqikun looked at Lin Chen's dark red armor with shock and anger. "Don't talk nonsense! You still have more powerful means, so show them to me quickly. Or do you mean that the second strongest player in the Xuantian divine realm has no other means? Your strongest blow can't even break my defense. It's really a little

It's disappointing. " Lin Chen looks disappointed.

Seeing this scene, the people who looked up in the earth city felt that the blood in their bodies was boiling, and they wanted to roar up to the sky!

At this time, they suddenly felt that the supremacy of Xuantian divine realm seemed to be no big deal!

At least not, the global city is not qualified to provoke!

Let them have this kind of mentality, it is precisely the purpose of Lin Chen to act with such a high profile!

He found that no matter the people in the city master's mansion, Li Junji, or the ordinary residents in the Earth City, they all seemed to have a fear of Xuantian divine realm.

What he had to do was to dispel the fear in their hearts!

"Boy! You're looking for death! You're looking for death at all! Do you really think you can fight against me with a more powerful defense treasure? Naive."

Zhangqikun was completely enraged. His eyes were red with blood. He looked down at the people and said with a grim smile: "open your dog's eyes and watch carefully. How can I beat your city master to death!

Today, I will let you understand that if you encounter an enemy that is impossible to defeat, you should honestly surrender, not jump up and down, and eventually end up dead without a whole body! "

"I am for the world!"

The distorted space in all directions, such as the water surface disturbed by the wind, plunged into darkness between heaven and earth, and stars twining the blue air flow appeared behind Zhang Qikun.

The amazing forces of the world, like rivers, flow into Zhang Qikun's body.

He stared at Lin Chen with a sneer: "if you have the ability, you can try again. Can you resist this attack? If you really have that ability, I'd like to cut off my head and give it to you as a kick!"

In the city Lord's residence, Li Junji said with a firm look in his eyes: "the supreme magic skill! He is going to perform the supreme magic skill."

Zhangqikun cut out again!

In this heaven and earth, there were many illusions, such as mountains, rivers, sun, moon and stars, which turned into a huge vortex and poured into the long knife in his hand.

With a knife cut out, the invisible waves rushed to Lin Chen in an instant.

The movement of this knife was not as big as before, but it gave people a more terrible feeling.

Beside Lin Chen, there were all kinds of illusions. The wind surged, and the illusion began to distort. The amazing power was tearing his body, as if to make his body become distorted.

Hundreds of blue streamers flew out of the illusion, like a whirlpool, all of them rushed towards Lin Chen in the middle and hit Lin Chen!

"Go to hell!"

Zhangqikun smiled grimly.

Under countless eyes, Lin Chen's body turned into a dark flame. In addition, there was no other change.

He is like a boulder that is constantly impacted by the current, but is not affected at all.

A moment later, the illusion disappeared, and the blue streamer dissipated. Lin Chen still stood where he was. He was not hurt and did not step back!

"No, that's it?"

Lin Chen was disappointed. His simple words made zhangqikun crazy.

The earth city below fell into a brief silence, and then burst into cheers.

"I thought you were so fierce that you dared to come to the door on your own initiative. Dare you come here to die without self-knowledge?" Lin Chen's eyes were gloomy. The Xuanyuan gun flew out of his eyebrows and was held in his hand. "What did you say just now? If I can fight hard, I will cut off my head and give it to me as a kick? Then you should cut it quickly! You are the Supreme Master of the Xuantian realm, and you don't even have basic credit?"

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