The black spear, like a flash of lightning, was so fast that it was hard for Lin Panpan or the snow mark to react. However, before he came to Lin Panpan, he saw a black flame spear flying behind him. It collided with the black spear with a loud bang!

The black spear and spear were blown to pieces at the same time.

The violent air waves surged in all directions.

Luo Wen saw a figure, swept out from behind the snow mark and Lin Panpan, and stood between himself and the two of them. He could not help shrinking his pupils and said angrily:

"How did you find out that I was sneaking into this mansion?"

Only Lin Chen, who is the leader of the global city, can make Luo Wen turn pale.

Seeing Lin Chen appear, Luo Wen is not flustered. In fact, he is confident that even if he meets Lin Chen face to face, he can defeat Lin Chen and sneak in quietly, just out of caution.

Lin Chen's appearance made him feel puzzled.

If you don't understand that the other party's realm is lower than your own, how can you detect it and sneak into the city master's mansion?

Snow scar was relieved to see Lin Chen appear, and pulled Lin Panpan back to the distance to avoid being affected by the battle.

Lin Chen stared at Luo Wen, looked at him, and said with a smile:

"As the leader of the global city, I naturally know everything in the global city like the back of my hand! Even if only a small mouse breaks in, it can't escape my perception."

"Asshole! How dare you call me a mouse?"

Luo Wen was furious.

His shifty appearance, coupled with his thin stature, made him look like a standing rat. He hated people saying that he was a mouse.

In particular, Lin Chen said he was a little mouse.

There was a kind of disapproval in his words. It seemed that he did not pay much attention to the strongest man in the west at all.

"Hum! You want to irritate me? It's not that easy!"

Luo Wen sneered and quickly adjusted his mind. In a cold voice, he said, "you can't rely on your own ability to detect my arrival! Obviously, it's with the help of some foreign object. You have a lot of treasures! However, they will soon be mine."

Lin Chen's eyelids jumped. The old man was very clever.

Indeed, Lin Chen couldn't notice him sneaking into the Earth City by himself.

Fortunately, Lin Chen was cautious. He had already used the picture of the meteoric holy mountains and rivers to keep the whole global city under his absolute control.

If his strength is several levels higher than that of Lin Chen, even with the help of the picture of the meteoric holy mountains and rivers, he is afraid that Lin Chen will not find the arrival of the other party, but Luo Wen's realm is only one level higher than that of him.

When Luo Wen sneaked into the Earth City, Lin Chen found him.

I was just curious about what the old guy was up to, so I didn't do it immediately.

"Birds of a feather flock together. This old saying is true. You and zhangqikun are both dogs of virtue. If you want to threaten me with the help of the people around me, you don't dare to fight me openly? Thanks to your higher level than me, are you so unsure?"

Lin Chen's words were full of disdain.

Luo Wen was not irritated by his words at all. He snorted coldly, "I am naturally stronger than you. But if you can achieve your goal without doing anything, it is better not to do anything!

If you think that my plan is to sneak here to catch people, then you are very wrong! This is just a part of my plan. "

Speaking of the back, a cold smile appeared on his face, like a wily and vicious fox.

Lin Chen looked gloomy and said, "what else have you done?"

He thought about Zhang Qikun's death and thought that there were still five supreme masters left in the Xuantian divine realm. According to reason, the old man was so cautious that he shouldn't come here alone.

The other four Supreme masters should also come.

That is to say, his successor is the Supreme Master of the other four Xuantian God domains?

Sure enough!

Luo Wen sneered: "besides me, the other four Supreme masters of the Xuantian divine realm have also come. I let them lurk outside the Earth City in four different directions.

As long as I give an order, they will destroy the global city at the same time! No matter how strong you are, you can't leave in front of me with me staring at you.

Although the four of them can't hurt you, it's very easy to destroy this city and kill all the people in it! If you want to see this city turn into ruins and the residents of the city end up dead, then continue to fight against me.

If you don't want to see this result, give me the 'abyss star' and the dark red armor! Also, tell me what treasure did you use to sense that I was sneaking here? "

His heart was filled with pride.

Take those four guys and besiege Lin Chen together. Compared with Lin Chen's defense, the attacks of those four guys can be ignored directly. In other words, taking them four is no different from not taking them.

In that case, why take them with you?

Because it won't have any effect to take them to besiege Lin Chen, but if you stop Lin Chen, let them do something else.

Then, no one else in the earth city can hinder them!

If Lin Chen doesn't want to see the global city destroyed and countless people die suddenly, he can only listen honestly.

"Despicable! Shameless! You will be shameless!"

Lin Panpan was so angry that he gnashed his teeth. This guy is really hateful. He only used some despicable methods from beginning to end. He never thought of fighting his father head-on.

The key is that she knows her father's character very well, and he will never watch an accident happen in the global city.

In other words, you can only choose to yield!

Luo Wen was as thick as a wall when he lived this age. No matter how much Lin Panpan taunted and abused, he just didn't hear it. He looked at Lin Chen proudly and said:

"I'll give you three breaths. After three breaths -"

"No. you just let them do it!" Lin Chen said coldly.


Luo Wen's face froze. He almost doubted that he had heard wrong. Even though he was angry, this guy didn't seem to care about the life and death of people in the Earth City?

Of course, it's also possible that this guy is cheating himself and pretending to be indifferent!

"Well, that's what you said. Don't regret it!"

Luo Wen's face sank and he drank like thunder in the Earth City!

"Do it!"

The sound is echoing in the Earth City.

At the same time, Lin Chen's lips moved and seemed to say something.

A few seconds later, because of the roar of Luo Wen, there was a lot of noise in the global city, and all kinds of sounds came out!

In Luo Wen's imagination, the scene that the four Supreme masters arranged to destroy the Earth City at the same time did not appear.

Luo Wen is furious. Are the four losers deaf? Didn't you hear that you asked them to do it yourself?

He shouted again, "do it for me!"

But he didn't notice Lin Chen's joking eyes in front of him.

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