"Do it for me quickly!!"

Luo Wen's another angry cry, like the thunder, once again made the eardrums of countless people in the Earth City buzzing. Panic filled people's hearts, and all kinds of conversations were noisy like a torrent.

"Who is it? Whose voice is it just now? It dares to shout in the Earth City. And what does it mean to let someone do it? Who does it mean?"

"The city Lord killed zhangqikun. Now ordinary people don't dare to come here to cause trouble. It's not true. Is the master of Xuantian God domain coming?"

"I guess he is also the master of Xuantian God. He even sneaked into the Earth City. Was it because the master found him and asked the people who came with him to fight?"


People in the global city are full of worry and panic.

However, those who came here from other places to watch the opera were very excited. But they waited until the leader of Xuantian divine domain came here to smash the arena. This trip was really not in vain.

I don't know, if they know that Luo Wen wants the four Supreme masters he brought to destroy the Earth City, can they still laugh?

After all, the four Supreme masters shot at the same time, and the outsiders mixed in the city will inevitably be affected.

What makes people puzzled is that after another moment, there is still no huge movement in the Earth City.

In the Lord's residence.

Lin Chen looked at Luo Wen with a gloomy face and said with a smile, "it seems that the people you brought don't listen to you very much! They don't seem to take it seriously if you let them do it. Or, if you didn't hear your voice, would they suddenly become deaf?"

"What have you done?"

Luo Wen looked at Lin Chen in shock and anger.

He concluded that Lin Chen must be playing tricks in the dark, but he couldn't figure out what was going on anyway.

Those four guys are not Lin Chen's opponents, but they stay outside the city. How can Lin Chen control them?

In the global city, there is no other Supreme Master except the global city master. Now he is entangled by himself. No one should be able to cause trouble to those four guys!

Even though Luo Wen has experienced countless strange things in his life, he can't think of any reason why.

At this time, ripples appeared in the space in all directions and became extremely distorted. An ancient stone map more than one meter long and about half a meter wide appeared in front of Lin Chen.

The corners of Lin Chen's mouth started up.

Several figures flew out of the stone map.

It was the four Supreme masters brought by Luo Wen!

Their bodies became very strange, just like paper people. It was like their bodies were flattened and could not move, but their eyes were full.

When they saw the plague, their eyes glowed and were full of supplications. It was obvious that they were begging the plague to save them.

They themselves do not understand what the situation is.

After hearing Luo Wen's voice, they immediately started to fight. As a result, the surrounding space was distorted, unable to move, and their bodies became flat. Then a stone map appeared in front of them, which included them.

At this time, like Luo Wen, they were confused and did not know anything at all.

Lin Chen's lips wriggled before, and the four words he said silently were "a picture of mountains and rivers"!

The picture of the meteoric holy mountain and river has already covered the Earth City. The four people can feel their presence if they hide near the Earth City and at least expand the range a little.

Lin Chen's ability to display the "picture of mountains and rivers" in the picture of the holy meteorite mountains and rivers, if he were to exist at the same level as him, he would at most suppress the other party at such a distance.

However, the realm of these four people was not as good as Lin Chen. In addition to the powerful power of the river map of the meteoric holy mountain, they were finally included in the river map of the meteoric holy mountain before they could react.

"Supreme artifact?"

Luo Wen looked at the stone map in front of Lin Chen, and his pupils contracted.

Although the opponent's strength is stronger than the four guys he brought, he can clean up all the four people from such a long distance. No doubt, it is with the help of this stone map.

It is very likely that this is also a supreme artifact!

The reason why he can sense that he has sneaked into the earth city is that it is highly probable because of this stone map.

Luo Wen was shocked and jealous. How could there be so many treasures on this guy? Plus the previous two, he had three supreme artifacts on his own?

I'm afraid there may not be so many treasures in the middle and the upper God domain!

Just when Luo Wen was shocked and angry, the four paper - Flat Supremes, like kites, flew into the sky. Soon, they were discovered by people in the Earth City.

"Look! Look at the sky. What's that, like a huge human kite?"

"No! It's not a kite. Where can there be such a real kite? How do I feel? It looks like people are crushed after dehydration?"

"God! These four people are the four Supreme masters in the Xuantian divine domain except the domain leader Luo Wen. I will never admit my mistake. How did they become like this? Was it Luo Wen who asked them to do it earlier? Is this the handwriting of the global city leader? It's unbelievable!"


When people whispered and looked shocked.

Lin Chen's voice came into everyone's ears.

"These four guys are secretly lurking around the Earth City, trying to destroy the Earth City and kill everyone in the Earth City. As I said, I will kill those who violate the Earth City!"

With the sound falling, the four people in the sky lit up black flames and soon turned into fly ash!

Seeing this scene, countless outsiders were scared to death. The four Supreme masters were burned to the ground?

The citizens of the global city cheered. They all knew that their own city leader would make an example of others. From now on, we should see who else dares to make trouble in the global city!

At least, in the western part of the original mainland, there will never be any more people and forces who dare to provoke the global city!

After killing these four people, Lin Chen looked at Luo Wen again and said coldly, "the four of them are dead. Next, it's your turn!"

There was some excitement in his heart.

He believes that all kinds of means come out together, and there are means to compete with the later stage of the supreme realm. Now, there is an opportunity to practice.

"I have a lot of treasures. If you can kill me, everything will be yours!" Lin Chen said with a smile.

What made him speechless was that Luo Wen, with an ugly face, did not even think about it. He turned and turned into a black light, and ran away toward the distant horizon.


Lin Chen couldn't help scolding. This guy is so old and timid that he didn't dare to fight with himself?

He gave a sneer and immediately ran after him.

As a result, Luo Wen, who seemed to be scared to flee in a hurry, suddenly turned around, and black lights, like the falling stars in the sky, shrouded Lin Chen in all directions!

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