"Lin Chen, be careful!"

Snow scar also thinks that Luo Wen wants to escape, but unexpectedly, Luo Wen pretends to escape, and comes back with a shot while Lin Chen is careless.

The scepter of "goddess's embrace" appeared in her hand.

The light between heaven and earth became much darker, and the wind howled. It was clear that it was a blue day, but a blue crescent moon appeared on the sky, and the blue moonlight fell on the earth.

Also on Luo Wen.

A sigh suddenly sounded, as if it contained endless sadness!

It was like the helpless voice of the gods after seeing the human suffering.

Luo Wen's face changed wildly. He just felt that the ethereal and illusory blue moonlight seemed to have the weight of a big world on him, making it difficult for him to breathe. He felt that his body was about to burst.

We can only run the power of the world in our bodies madly to counter the terrorist power that acts on us.

Lin Chen grasped his right hand, and the Xuanyuan gun appeared in his hand. The long gun danced, and with the sound of explosion, the black streamers were smashed into oblivion.

He took a look at the snow mark displaying "the sigh of the goddess" and looked at Luo Wen with unhappiness.

Originally, he didn't intend to let Xue scar take such a quick shot, and took Xue scar's "goddess's embrace" Scepter as a safe card.

As a result, Luo Wen's action startled Xuehong. He was worried that something might happen to Lin Chen. Even if Lin Chen didn't speak, he took the initiative to help!

Naturally, Lin Chen can't blame xuescar. He just thinks that the old guy lifted a rock and hit himself in the foot. He wanted to fight with him alone, but he had to force xuescar to do it.

"Supreme artifact?"

Luo Wen looked at the scepter in Xue scar's hand and his heart jumped wildly. It was absolutely the supreme artifact. Otherwise, a woman who is not even the supreme would never bring such great pressure to herself!

Luo Wen was so shocked and angry that he bent his face.


Are you kidding me!

It's ok if this boy has more than one supreme artifact. Why does this woman who is not even the supreme have the supreme artifact?

When did the supreme artifact become an object in the rotten street? Did you have any special hands?

The master of the Xuantian divine realm did not have a treasure of this level. As a result, when he came here, the other party directly took out several supreme artifacts to deal with him!

Nima is so ridiculous!


At this time, the sky and the earth changed and the space was distorted. Stars were developed behind Lin Chen. Black light flew from his eyebrows. The sky and the earth were shrouded in golden light and integrated with the blue moonlight.

The shadow of a huge pagoda appeared on Luo Wen.

As the shadow of the giant pagoda appeared, Luo Wen felt that another force was enveloping him. This force could not wait to squeeze his body into powder.

With a roar, he made the space vibrate continuously, and frantically operated the power of the world in his body to resist the two forces enveloping his body at the same time.

"A picture of mountains and rivers!"

Lin Chen whispered, and the picture of the meteoric holy mountain and river, which had already disappeared, appeared in front of him again.

Luowen's space in all directions is like a wild grass blown by a high wind. It shakes violently, and there is a virtual shadow of mountains and rivers. An invisible space force is enveloped in Luowen.

Luo Wen only felt that he was in a huge millstone, which seemed to grind himself into a piece of paper. The flesh and blood again felt like they were about to burst.

His face is green.

"Asshole! Are you finished?"

Luo Wen roared and ran the power of the world inside him crazily, fearing that his body would burst if he was not careful.

He has experienced countless battles, and he has also encountered the means used by the other party to suppress his strength. But NIMA's family only suppressed him once. Before you start fighting, you suppressed him three times. It's outrageous!

Lin Chen smiled, "it's over. Don't worry. Next, I won't continue to suppress your strength. Or even if I want to continue to suppress your strength, I'm powerless."

Luo Wen breathed a sigh of relief.

A grim smile appeared on his face. Although his strength at this time was less than 30% of that at the peak, he still had absolute self-confidence, enough to clean up a guy who was one level lower than himself.

But the next second, he saw Lin Chen's body turning into a dark flame, and his breath was rising!

"Secret method?" Luo Wen's face turned black and he could hardly help shouting abuse. After the boy used various means to suppress his own strength, he still had the means to improve his own strength?

The snow trace below was afraid of Lin Chen's accident. After all, she was not afraid of 10000. Just in case, she didn't want Lin Chen to have any accident at all.

So, without Lin Chen's command, she whispered: "the blessing of the goddess."

The scepter in her hand burst into a dazzling blue light.

The blue moon flowed down from the sky like a tide, like a river, into Lin Chen's body. At the same time, Lin Chen's breath made another great leap!

Luo Wen's eyes were round. He glanced at the snow mark below, which showed a satisfied look. Then he looked at Lin Chen, whose breath was several times stronger than before. His face turned pig liver color. He was so angry that he trembled and scolded:

"Beast! What a beast! Boy, despicable! Shameless! You are the most shameless person I have ever seen! If you have the ability, don't use so many shameless means to fight me squarely!"

Luo Wen was so oppressed that he was almost spewing out a mouthful of old blood.

This feeling is like two people had to fight each other. As a result, he was handcuffed and the other person had a big knife on his hand. This is simply outrageous!

Lin Chen was also embarrassed. After all, he didn't expect Xue scar to help him suddenly.

However, he was very calm and said coldly, "don't talk so much nonsense! If you are really better than me, you can definitely beat me. If you can't beat me, it only means that you are not as good as me. It's no use talking more!"

Luo Wen was so angry that his eyes were red. It was shameless!

Lin Chen said again, "are you ready? I am ready! Next, I will do it."

Luo Wen was so angry that you asked me if I was ready?

He yelled and looked ferocious: "I'm ready for a fart. What am I going to do? Of course you're ready! You're shameless and shameless. I've never seen anyone as brazen as you!"

Lin Chen didn't seem to hear his abuse. He said to himself, "are you ready? In that case, we will divide life and death today!"

With that, dark red armor appeared on his body, and flame wings appeared behind him. With a bang, he rushed to Luowen.

Luo Wen felt numb when he saw Lin Chen's armor and wings... How many treasures are there in this boy!

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