In a twinkling of an eye, more than three months passed.

The global city has ushered in peace.

During this time, Lin Chen seldom practiced. If he wanted to improve his realm, he either needed external help or needed a long period of hard work. He finally came back to the Earth City. Naturally, he would not just concentrate on cultivation, at least not for a short time.

He will spend more time with the people around him.

That afternoon, Lin Chen was guiding Xiao Wu and Xiao Qi to practice.

Xiao Wu is listless. Lin Chen asks carefully and knows that the girl misses her master Tianfei. In Lin Chen's mind, the gorgeous face of Tianfei emerges.

At the beginning, the heavenly princess was busy with many affairs of the Heavenly Kingdom, so she had to stay on the tianque star. In the twinkling of an eye, Xiaowu had a deep relationship with her over the years, and naturally would miss her.

Lin Chen comforted: "with your master's talent, you will become immortal in the future. At that time, if you get guidance, you will also come to the mainland of origin. At that time, your teachers and disciples will meet."

Xiaowu pursed her lips and muttered, "of course, people believe that Shifu can become immortal in the future. But I don't know how long it will be! People really miss her."

She grabbed Lin Chen's hand and said coquettishly, "big brother, anyway, you don't have anything to do now. Why don't you take people back to tianque star and pick up my master?"

She smiled with a playful and ambiguous smile and said with a laugh, "my master, she is obviously very interested in you. When the time comes, people will help you set it up!"

"Shifu, is Xiaowu's Shifu also Xiaoqi's Shiniang?" Xiao Qi, with his limpid eyes, asked curiously.

Lin Chen's blush, stared at Xiao Wu and said to Xiao Qi, "don't listen to her nonsense!"

He thought for a while and said to Xiaowu, "you are good at cultivation. As long as you step into immortality, I will promise you to take you back to tianque star."


Xiao Wu's face broke down, but seeing Lin Chen's expression, he could only pursed his lips and nodded.

A guard came quickly to Lin Chen and said to Lin Chen, "Lord, someone came to see him. He said that he had a treasure and wanted to exchange some things with you. He also said that you would be interested in his treasure!"

Lin Chen was surprised.

The horror of his combat power is now known to all in the West.

People also know that many of their treasures are worthless in Lin Chen's eyes.

In this case, someone even came to the door and said that he had a baby he would absolutely be interested in.

High probability, the things on the hands are really not simple.

After all, after Lin Chen killed six supreme masters in succession, no one had the courage to run to him and talk nonsense.

Lin Chen asks Xiao Wu and Xiao Qi to continue their cultivation. He takes the guards to the hall.

In the hall, the old and the young looked like a couple of grandsons. They were waiting for him. When they saw Lin Chen coming in, the old man was busy saluting:

"I have seen the city Lord!"

Mu Bohou found that his grandson didn't salute, but stared at Lin Chen with round eyes. He was shocked. He hurriedly pressed his grandson's head and said, "the child doesn't understand etiquette. I'm not strict in discipline. I hope you won't argue with him."

Lin Chen came straight to the point and said, "you said you have something in your hand that I would definitely be interested in? I'm a little curious. What kind of treasure can make you believe that I will be interested."

Mu Bohou respectfully said, "no human cultivator, monster, or any other ethnic group who understands the law of fire in the world is not interested in chaotic fire!"

Lin Chen's eyes coagulated: "what do you mean?"

When Mu Bohou saw Lin Chen's expression change, he immediately knew that the global city master knew chaos and fire.

This is also very normal. As far as he knows, the global city leader not only existed in the middle of the supreme realm, but also traveled in the central region for many years. Naturally, it is impossible not to know chaos and fire.

Mu Bohou did not dare to show off in front of Lin Chen. He took out the two palm sized remnant pictures from the space ring.

What puzzled him was that he had not explained what this was. The eyes of the global city leader became extremely sharp, staring at the remnant map in his hands.

Mu Bohou's heart jumped: "Lord, do you know what this is?"

"Can you show it to me?" Lin Chen didn't answer, and asked with a look of joy in her eyes.

Mu Bohou nods and hands the remnant picture to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen then checked it and confirmed that it was the last chaotic fire remnant map he was looking for. He was ecstatic.

Seeing the happy look on Lin Chen's face, Mu Bohou understood that the other party knew what it was, and seemed more interested than he had expected.

After all, any cultivator who understands the law of fire will be crazy about chaotic fire, but if it is just a map of chaotic fire, and it is still a remnant map, the attraction will be greatly reduced.

He volunteered: "this is a remnant map that our ancestors accidentally got when they were traveling in the central part of the original continent. Our ancestors left a message saying that this is a remnant map of a chaotic map of different fires!"

Lin Chen looked at him and said curiously, "you know this thing is very valuable, but you just give it to me. Aren't you afraid that I will blow you out of the earth city or even kill you after I get it?"

He just asked the other party if he could give the remnant map to himself. He thought the other party would take the opportunity to say various conditions, but he did not expect the other party to give it to him cleanly.

Mu Bohou said frankly, "I'm afraid! I'm afraid! But I also know that since I have come to you, the city master, there is no way out.

If you want to fight hard, no matter what I say or do, I can't change the result; If you are willing to make a fair deal with us, you can hand it over to you directly. Naturally, there is nothing wrong with it. "

Lin Chen showed some appreciation in his eyes.

In terms of strength, perhaps no one in the whole western region can really compare with themselves, but in terms of wisdom and disposition, a large number of people are no worse than themselves.

For example, the old man in front of us is a smart man.

He looked at the little boy who looked at him admiringly and said with a smile, "don't worry, I'm not going to rob you. Just say what you want to exchange!"

Mu Bohou breathed a sigh of relief. His legs were a little weak. He was also afraid that Lin Chen would really rob him. He would not only rob things, but also kill people. Today, both ye and sun would die.

Although Lin Chen is now the strongest presence in the west, Lin Chen is not the only one who can meet his conditions. Why did he appear in front of Lin Chen?

That's because after he came to the Earth City, he asked many people about Lin Chen's character.

As a result, even a person who spoke ill of Lin Chen could not be found!

Therefore, he dared to appear in front of Lin Chen.

The strongest man in the west is really a strange man. He is really willing to make a fair deal with such a weak man!

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