Mu Bohou saw Lin Chen's smile and kindness. He had some confidence in his heart and said what he wanted.

What he wants is a lot of pill resources used to assist cultivation, from Holy pill to divine pill, including a variety of pills. Lin Chen guesses that these pills should be used to cultivate weak young people.

Not surprisingly, it was the little boy next to him.

In addition to these cultivation resources, another condition is that Lin Chen hopes to arrange a residence for them in the earth city to protect their safety.

"To tell you the truth, both of us are being chased and killed by our enemies! When we come to the Earth City, we also want to get a shelter and don't have to live a life of hiding." Mu Bohou confessed honestly.

Lin Chen said with great interest, "why don't you ask me directly to help you get rid of your enemies? In this way, it won't be all done?"

"I did have this idea before. But when I thought about it later, I gave it up. If my grandson can grow up enough to take revenge in the future, he can take revenge himself! If he can't grow up enough, he can just put down his old hatred and spend his life in the global city."

Mu Bohou did consider asking the other side to avenge him.

However, according to the information he got from people, even if he asked the global city leader to help revenge, he would only kill those powerful enemies at most.

We will not kill all the innocent old and weak women and children in the enemy family.

At that time, the other party's living people will also have to take revenge. If some of the other party's descendants grow up to be stronger than their grandchildren and dare not take revenge on the global city leader, they must come to find their grandchildren to take revenge.

My grandson may die in the end!

The best result is that your grandchildren become strong enough to take revenge. As long as they are strong enough, there will be no retaliation from the other side.

He also saw that if his grandchildren could not even become immortal in the future, he would simply put aside all the old gratitude and resentment.

Lin Chen didn't ask any more, nodded and agreed to their terms.

Let's arrange accommodation for them in the global city. At the same time, tell them that in a few days, someone will deliver the pill to their door.

After Mu Bohou and Lin Chen were taken away, Lin Chen took out the other three incomplete drawings and the one he had just got and put them together.

"Sure enough, this is the last one!"

Looking at the complete map in front of him, Lin Chen's face was full of joy.

According to the size of the remnant map, he judged that there were four remnant maps, and this was the last one.

But there are also some fears. After patching up, there will be no key point.

Fortunately, that did not happen!

After carefully looking at the contents of the complete map, Lin Chen's smile became brighter. According to the first three residual maps, only a general area could be judged. Now, the map shows an accurate location!

Although it is still impossible to get there accurately, you can see chaos and fire immediately after you go there. After all, if you condense such a large area into several palm sized maps, it is naturally not accurate.

But Lin Chen didn't worry at all. He couldn't find the chaotic fire.

"If someone else goes to the location marked on the map, it may take a lot of effort to search. However, I can easily find it within a certain range by relying on the interaction between chaos and different fires generated by 'swallow the sky dragon fire'!

Now, the only thing to worry about is never going there. The chaotic fire marked by this map has been discovered and integrated into the body by others long ago! Otherwise, the bamboo basket will be empty. "

Lin Chen is really worried about this.

After all, tens of thousands of years have passed since this map was created. It is also possible that chaos and fire will fall into the hands of others!


The night is thick as ink.

In the dark yard, two figures, like ghosts, swept towards the room with faint candle light nearby without making any sound.

"This old man is cunning enough to come to the global city! At present, the global city is in the spotlight. The global city leader has killed six supreme masters in a row, not to mention us. Even if our master appears in front of the global city leader, he can only be crushed to death. I'm so scared to rush here to kill!"

"There's nothing to panic about. We're not looking for trouble from the global city leader. We're just coming to kill two missing fish of Mu family. After killing them, we leave the global city immediately. The global city leader is a big man. It's impossible to take care of such a small thing!"

"That's right."

The two figures were whispering and moving towards the room. In the room, there were Mu Bohou and his grandchildren who had just moved here.

Just as the two of them moved to the window and tried to break in to give them a fatal blow, the surrounding space was distorted, the world changed, and the dark night receded, turning into a scene of birds singing and flowers smelling like a paradise!

The two were so scared that they didn't understand what was going on.

With a fixed look, a young man with a cold look appeared in front of him.

The young man said lightly, "who says I can't take care of such a small matter? I'll take care of it."

When they heard this, their hearts almost burst, and their eyes blackened. The bolder of them looked scared to death and said in a trembling voice, "are you the master of the global city?"

The person in front of us is the leader of the global city. So why the surrounding scenes suddenly change and why they suddenly come to a completely strange place can be explained!

The means of the global city leader are natural and strange. In their own eyes, they can't understand it!

The two of them are like falling into an ice cave, desperate to the extreme. They really don't understand why such a big man would meddle in this matter?

Those two guys, how can they have anything to do with the global city leader?

But in any case, the global city leader intervened in this matter, and the two of them have no way to live today!

Just when they felt that they were dead, the surrounding scenes changed again, the green mountains and green waters disappeared, and the night fell again. The surrounding scenes became dense jungle. In the distance, there was a city like a lying behemoth!

That city is the global city!

They were both thrown out of the global city!

Lin Chen, who was standing in front of them, disappeared without a trace.

"Go back and tell your master that as long as Mu Bohou and Mu Bohou stay in the Earth City for one day, I will protect them all day! If I dare to break into the earth city again, I will not only kill you two, but all the people in your family!"

The cold voice came from the darkness.

They were surprised and delighted.

It's amazing that the global city leader's means are really unimaginable, and he even wants to protect the integrity of the two people!

Happily, they finally found their lives!

Like a lost dog, they turned and ran away, disappearing into the night.


Another morning is coming.

Linchen said goodbye to the reluctant crowd.

Chenlanzhi complained that he had to leave just a few months after he came back. She didn't smile until Lin Chen told her that it shouldn't take a year to come back.

Flying high into the sky, Lin Chen turned around and stepped into the space crack!

In Lin Chen's heart, he only hoped that the chaotic fire was still at the location marked on the map, and he was curious. What kind of special role did the chaotic fire that the man met have?

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