Lin Chen landed on the stars. At the eye point, it was deserted. It was no different from the surface of Mars.

He released his mind. While the surface of the planet was moving rapidly, he used his mind to explore a large area. As a result, he simply explored the whole planet. There was nothing worth his attention.

The chaotic fire in the body also did not produce any induction.

Lin Chen left this planet with some disappointment. Soon, he flew to another target planet and simply explored this planet again. He also got nothing.

As the third planet also had no harvest, Lin Chen felt a little anxious.

"Is it difficult? The chaotic fire has really been discovered and taken away by others. I am doomed to go there for nothing?"

Although he has the complete map in his hands, it does not mean that he must get the map before he can find the chaotic fire.

For example, the man who drew this map found chaos and fire here by chance.

He can come across it by chance. Over the years, other people or monsters can also find chaos and fire by chance!

It is very possible to be found and taken away by others.

"Forget it. It's mine, and it will be mine after all. If you don't have a chance with me, no matter how hard you try, you can't change the result!"

Lin Chen comforted himself.

After leaving the third planet, it soon landed on the ground of the fourth planet.

This planet is also desolate and uninhabited. Looking around, it presents an unhealthy grayish brown without any breath of life. Different from those previous planets, this planet has continuous volcanic mountains, and the temperature is much higher than those previous planets, which has exceeded the limit that ordinary people can tolerate.

This temperature has no effect on Lin Chen.

As before, he released his mind and began to search.

"What is that?"

Before long, Lin Chen's eyes lit up, and he flew into a volcanic crater emitting bursts of smoke.

Inside the crater, there are rivers flowing with red magma, but these are not worth Lin Chen's attention. What makes Lin Chen curious is that there are dark red spheres in the red magma.

About the size of a baseball, like a transparent crystal ball.

Lin Chen sensed the pure fire energy breath from these dark red spheres, and judged that it was an energy body, not an entity.

He reached out and grabbed it. A dark red ball flew towards him and fell into his hands.

At the moment when the crimson sphere started, Lin Chen felt that there was a suction force coming from the interior of the crimson sphere. It seemed that he wanted to suck his own energy into the sphere!

"Eh, this thing is a little strange!"

This suction had no effect on Lin Chen at all. It was like a child trying to push a mountain. It was impossible.

But this strange situation made Lin Chen curious.

With a firm grip of his palm, the deep red ball smashed like a water ball, turning into a pure energy and pouring into Lin Chen.

Lin Chen absorbed this energy by slightly turning the power of the world in his body.

For him, this energy was so weak that he could ignore it directly, but it was very pure without any impurities, which surprised Lin Chen again.

Lin Chen's eyes became brighter and brighter, and she finally smiled.

"According to my experience so far, wherever there is chaos and strange fire, it will be accompanied by some strange scenes. For example, where 'swallow the sky dragon' is located, there are strange flowers that can be used to stabilize their own realm! This dark red sphere must be generated by the chaos and strange fire here.

This thing just wanted to absorb the energy in my body, and I can also absorb its energy. The chaos and strange fire here must have a special effect on the deep red sphere. What exactly would it be? "

Lin Chen was very curious.

The most important thing is that he has determined that chaos and fire are still on this planet, which is the happiest news for him.

The reason for this judgment is not because of the crimson sphere, but because at this time, the excitement of "swallow the sky dragon inflammation" in his body finally came.

However, the excitement is not so strong, that is to say, chaos and fire are still there, but they should not be around here!

"As long as the chaos fire is still here, I can definitely find it!"

At this time, Lin Chen noticed that there was a lot of breath, and he was approaching here. His body flashed, disappeared from the original place, and hid behind a boulder.

Before long, a spider as big as a house jumped down from the crater and fell to the ground. The ground shook!

These spiders have ferocious faces, sharp fangs and brownish red hair.

The existence of monsters on this desolate star is not worthy of Lin Chen's surprise. To Lin Chen's surprise, these spiders are biting oneortwo human bodies in their mouths.

"Those guys before?"

From the clothes on these bodies, Lin Chen judged that they were the people on the previous spaceship, including the servants who said he didn't know the greatness of heaven and earth.

The immortal men and women are not among them, nor do they know if they are still alive.

The spider threw the corpse into the magma, and immediately they lay down, lowered their heads beside the magma River, and ate the crimson spheres in the magma.

"These spiders, monsters, seem to have known for a long time that the crimson sphere contains pure energy. They can improve their strength by eating the crimson sphere. However, why did they deliberately bring their bodies here and throw them into the magma?"

Lin Chen was curious.

Powerful monsters are no less intelligent than humans. Their actions must have some purpose.

Thinking of the past, the crimson sphere sent out a force of attraction in an attempt to devour its own energy

"Is it possible that the energy in the corpse, which has not yet been dissipated, will soon turn into a crimson sphere when the corpse is thrown into the magma?

If so, it makes sense! If you eat the bodies of these monks directly, most of the energy will dissipate, and a small part of the absorbed energy will also contain impurities. The conversion efficiency is very low.

These spiders, monsters and monsters throw their bodies into the magma, convert them into crimson spheres, and then eat the crimson spheres. The conversion efficiency will be countless times higher!

If this is the case, then this transformation must be affected by chaotic fire. What is the special function of this chaotic fire? Remove impurities from energy? Change the energy form? Or what?

Lin Chen's eyes were full of curiosity. He looked forward to the special role of chaos and fire on this planet.

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