Just when Lin Chen guessed what kind of special function the chaotic fire here had, there were bursts of roars outside, like thousands of horses galloping and the earth shaking.

Lin Chen releases his mind, and his expression becomes strange gradually.

In his perception, xieqingqiu and lianghaoyu are running for their lives with several servants. A group of spiders and monsters are chasing after them.

The master demeanor of the two of them had already disappeared, and they were all in a mess.

While Lin Chen was watching the play secretly, xieqingqiu's voice came from above.

"If we run down on the surface, we will be caught up sooner or later! There are often labyrinthine tunnels inside the mountains formed by multiple volcanoes. If we go inside the volcano and run away separately, the possibility of survival will be greatly increased!"

As the sound fell, shadows fell from the crater above. It was xieqingqiu, lianghaoyu and their servants who had just jumped from the crater above.

Lin Chen murmured in his heart that the woman's proposal was not unreasonable. The problem is, you are just a sheep in a tiger's mouth

He looked down at a group of spiders, monsters and monsters, whose faces were strange.

Xieqingqiu and his entourage, who fell from above, saw a group of spiders, monsters and beasts below. Their eyes were all round. In the process of falling, they all stared at these spiders, monsters and beasts. They were a little confused.


A spider monster spewed out spider silk from its mouth, netted a falling servant, pulled it into its mouth, and with a click, it bit to death and vomited into the lava river.

"Roar -!"

"Roar -!"


These house sized spiders roared with wild animal like excitement. It seemed that they had never thought that food would be delivered to their homes by themselves!

Lines of spider silk as thick as arms shot at xieqingqiu and others who had fallen to the ground.

Xieqingqiu and other people did not expect that there were spiders, monsters and beasts here, and with a little carelessness, people died at the hands of these animals and saw spiders shooting from them.

Xieqingqiu's waist long sword comes out of its scabbard.

Lianghaoyu holds a long gun and stabs it out!

With bursts of roar, the spider silk was shattered, and the huge spider monsters flew backward, some fell into the magma, and some fell on the rock wall.

"Not bad! There is no immortal realm for the monsters below!"

Xieqingqiu breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly said, "let's go! Those guys above will soon catch up."

As soon as her voice fell, she saw a spider monster leaping into the crater. The first three spider monsters were several times larger than other monsters. They had huge sickle like barbs on their legs. They looked terrible!

Xieqingqiu and lianghaoyu's faces changed dramatically. Just now, they had suffered a lot from the three monsters. The ferocious wounds on their bodies were all written by the three immortal monsters.

"Let's go!" Xieqingqiu shouted loudly and took the lead to run to a nearby passage. Before he reached the passage, he saw someone nearby from the corner of his eye. He was surprised. He turned around and saw that there was a man behind the boulder. It was the earth he met not long ago

Come on!

"It's you!"

Lianghaoyu also didn't expect to see Lin Chen here. Cold voice said, "boy, why are you here?"

Lin Chen didn't have a good way: "this isn't your home. Why do you care if I'm here?"

"You -" Liang Haoyu was so angry that he wanted to stab Lin Chen in the throat.

"OK! When are you going to stop arguing? You can see those spiders, monsters and beasts. They are even in the middle of the immortal realm. Hurry up and run with us, or you will lose your life here!"

Xieqingqiu guessed that Lin Chen should have been avoiding the previous weak spiders and monsters. As a result, he and others rushed in and led the spiders and monsters down, which was equivalent to harming Lin Chen!

She felt guilty and wanted to run away with Lin Chen!

"Whatever this guy does, whether he lives or dies, what does it have to do with us?" Lianghaoyu was dissatisfied.

Seeing the spiders, monsters and monsters coming from behind, xieqingqiu also took Lin Chen's hand and dragged him to run for his life, regardless of his nonsense!

Lin Chen was speechless, but it was nice of xieqingqiu to help someone he didn't know.

He was just about to say that I didn't need to run for my life, when he saw a group of spiders and monsters rushing out of the passage in front of me, blocking their way!

For a while, both the front and back were blocked by spiders, monsters and beasts, and they simply became turtles in a jar!

Seeing this scene, xieqingqiu and lianghaoyu both turned very ugly.

Xieqingqiu bit his teeth and said, "we have no way back. Now, we can only fight with these animals!"

Lianghaoyu felt bitter in his heart. If he still had the chance to work hard, it would be fine. The problem is that there are three immortals chasing after the spiders, monsters and beasts, including one in the middle of the immortality realm.

The spider monster suddenly appeared in front of us. Judging from the size, the first one should also be immortal.

With xieqingqiu, even if you are desperate, there is no possibility of escaping! "Are you really going to die here today?" Lianghaoyu thought that after arriving in the mainland of origin, he would fly high and become the top presence in the mainland of origin. However, he never thought that before he arrived in the mainland of origin, he would have to explain that

An unknown planet!

"Why don't you keep running?"

In the back, the largest spider monster, with sneers in its eight eyes, spoke in a low, hoarse voice that made people shudder.

Lin Chen, who wanted to clean up all these monsters, immediately patted his forehead when he heard the other party speak. How could he forget this.

It's normal for monsters to speak when they reach the immortal realm.

In that case, maybe I can try to ask for information about chaos and fire from them?

These monsters are equivalent to the aborigines of this planet, and they feed on the crimson sphere. They should know some information about chaos and fire!

Lin Chen looked at the opening spider monster and said, "I ask you a question! Do you know where the chaotic fire on this planet is? As long as you can provide me with useful information, I can let you live!"

Xieqingqiu, lianghaoyu and several servants almost suspected that something was wrong with their ears.

What did this guy say? Give him a break?

Is he out of his mind? The spider monster was stunned, and immediately flew into a rage. He opened his mouth and spewed out a smelly smell. At the same time, the red spider silk as thick as the thigh of an adult man, like a spear, shot at Lin Chen's forehead!

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