Xieqingqiu is right next to Lin Chen. When she sees the spider silk flying like a spear, she will use her sword to resist. Although Lin Chen's behavior of provoking the other party is too reckless in her opinion, it is impossible to avoid the war anyway. What he says doesn't matter.

However, as soon as she was about to wield her sword, she saw the red spider silk. Without any sign, she lit a black flame.

Black flames, like gangrene, spread toward the mouth of the giant spider.

"Roar -!"

It seems that the threat is perceived from the black flame. The giant spider immediately closes its mouth, and the spider silk breaks. Before it falls to the ground, the broken spider silk is burned to ashes by the black flame!

"What happened?"

The sudden scene made xieqingqiu, lianghaoyu and several servants full of fog.

Xieqingqiu and lianghaoyu were shocked. They had a hand with the giant spider. They knew that the spider silk spit out by the other party was like a hard weapon. Ordinary flames could never burn its silk to ashes.

"If this flame appeared on me, I would probably be burned to ashes soon!" Xieqingqiu and lianghaoyu thought of it at the same time.

Immediately, they saw that Lin Chen's palm lit a dark flame, just like the previous flame, and they were all stupid.

"It seems that you don't want to answer my question?" Lin Chen stepped forward, his voice became a little chilly.

Fear appeared in the giant spider's eyes, and the cold voice said, "I don't know what chaos and strange fire is. I haven't heard of it! From your previous conversation, you should have nothing to do with them. I'll give you a chance to leave in front of us right away, and I'll spare you."

"Don't know?" Lin Chen frowned when he saw that the other party didn't seem to be lying.

With a cold hum, he disappeared from his place and appeared in front of the giant spider. He kicked the giant spider upside down and smashed a huge hole in the rock wall behind him!

On the giant spider, there was a hard shell. As a result, Lin Chen easily kicked it to pieces, emitting emerald green blood. The rest of the spiders, monsters and beasts were shocked to keep retreating when they saw this scene.

Many of them do not have wisdom, but the instinct of the beast makes them realize that the man in front of them is very difficult to deal with!

"I, am I right? He kicked the spider monster in the middle of immortality out with one foot, and the spider monster was injured?"

Behind Xie Qingqiu, a servant gaped and said in disbelief.

Not only is he, but also Xie Qingqiu and lianghaoyu have a ghost expression.

At this time, people realized that Lin Chen's previous words were not that the ignorant were fearless, but that he had enough confidence.

Xieqingqiu came back to his senses, and his eyes were full of splendor. Unexpectedly, he was wandering. No matter whether this person is an aborigine of a nearby planet or not, he should be immortal like himself, and his specific realm and combat power are much higher than himself!

"Asshole! Who the hell are you?"

The giant spider in the middle of immortality struggled to stand up and stared at Lin Chen with eight eyes full of resentment and fear.

Lin Chen said coldly, "you don't need to know who I am."

The giant spider said angrily, "I didn't lie just now. I really don't know any chaos and strange fire, and I've never heard of it!"

Lin Chen said, "how do you explain that you eat the crimson spheres in the magma?"

The giant spider was stunned and explained: "because we found that the dark red sphere contains pure energy. After taking it, the energy in the body will continue to grow!

At the beginning, our queen led her people to pass through this planet and found this dark red sphere by chance, so she chose to stay! "


It seems that these spiders, monsters and beasts have a leader!

In front of these guys, they don't know the existence of chaos fire, but the queen in their mouth is very likely to know chaos fire, and it is because of chaos fire that they stay here!

While Lin Chen was meditating, the giant spider winked at the spiders and monsters behind Lin Chen.

Xieqingqiu turned pale and shouted, "be careful!"

But it was too late.

The spiders, monsters and monsters behind Lin Chen spewed out cobwebs, which were many times faster than bullets. In an instant, countless cobwebs entangled Lin Chen like a rice dumpling.

The spider monster in front of Lin Chen, including the leading giant spider, also spewed red spider silk from his mouth. In a moment, Lin Chen disappeared in the sight of everyone and became a huge cocoon!

At the sight of this scene, Xie Qingqiu, lianghaoyu and others were bloodless.

They knew very well how terrible the spider silk of these spider monsters was. It was not only extremely tough, but also had strong toxins on the surface.

Being tied up like this, I'm afraid the people inside have already died and can't die any more!

"Idiot! I don't know whose territory this place is now. You are the only one who dares to fight with our Fei Yan poisonous spiders. You just don't know what to do."

The giant spider laughed ferociously and was very proud.

In his heart, he expected that the guy in front of him should be higher than himself. He threw him into the magma and eventually turned into a dark red sphere. After taking it, he might be able to directly break through the middle of immortality and the later stage of immortality!

"Wind shadow holy sword cut!"


The sword rang out.

The green sword cut on the huge red cocoon with a roar, but it only cut a gully a few centimeters deep!

The outermost layer of the giant cocoon is wrapped with the spider silk from the head Fei Yan poisonous spider, so xieqingqiu's sword, let alone cutting the giant cocoon, can't even break the outermost layer!

Xieqingqiu's face was filled with despair.

The giant spider looked at her and said with a grim smile, "you can't protect yourself now. Do you still want to save him? Dream!"


The sound fell, and its mouth spewed out spider silk, like a spear, shooting at xieqingqiu!

Xieqingqiu's eyes are frozen. She has decided that even if she can't escape death, she will never hold her hands and invite her. At least she will pull a few cushions!

Before the red spider silk reached her, it ignited a black flame again and was burned to ashes in an instant!

Xieqingqiu and lianghaoyu were stunned.

"This -"

The leading Fei Yan poison spider was scared and screamed. Thinking of something, he looked at the red giant cocoon in disbelief. At this time, the whole cocoon lit a black flame!

A human figure appears in everyone's sight again!

"Is that all you can do to attack me?"

Lin Chen said unhappily that wisps of black flames flew from his fingertips like cold rays. Before those Fei Yan poisonous spiders reacted, they had been nailed into their bodies like nails!

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