In all directions, there are surging dark red magma.

There was a crimson world in sight, and the astonishing high temperature came to Lin Chen's face, but Lin Chen was like a fish swimming in the water, not affected at all.

He kept diving downward, and the space became wider and wider. Before long, Lin Chen's face showed a surprised look.

"I have dived thousands of miles, but still not to the bottom. The interior of this planet is actually a magma ocean. The magma rivers in all the volcanoes above are connected with the magma ocean, or is it the tip of the iceberg exposed by the magma ocean in the center of the earth?"

This discovery makes Lin Chen more sure that the chaotic fire should be somewhere in the magma ocean in the center of the earth. Just trying to find it is really like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"'chaos and fire' is extremely magical. It has self-awareness and knows how to hide. Now it is like looking for a needle in a haystack. It is really a bit troublesome to find it.

However, with the unique feeling of 'swallowing heaven and dragon fire', I only need to find a few circles in the ocean of magma in the center of the earth, and I can definitely find its whereabouts! "

The sword fire divine wing appeared behind Lin Chen. He quickened his speed, turned into a streamer, and looked for it in the magma ocean in the center of the earth. It took about two quarters of an hour.

There was a feeling of extreme excitement in the body. It was like a coyote who could not see a beautiful woman. At the same time, there was a trace of vigilance in the excitement.

"Have you found chaos?"

This is not the first time. Lin Chen is surprised.

The dark flame burst out of Lin Chen's body and turned into a black fire dragon. He hurried to the front left.

Lin Chen followed Tianlong Yan behind and said to himself that he could use Tianlong Yan to track down another chaotic fire. Otherwise, he might not be able to find the chaotic fire by himself.

At present, I am not aware of another kind of chaotic fire.

It is likely that the chaotic fire has long been integrated with the atmosphere of the magma ocean, so I can't sense its existence.

"Now it seems that my previous guess should be correct. The queen of Fei Yan poison spider probably stayed on this planet because of the chaos fire, but it doesn't have chaos fire itself. So over the years, although it was determined that the chaos fire was on this planet, it couldn't be found!"

The black fire dragon, who was rushing towards the front excitedly, suddenly stopped. His eyes were a little annoyed. He swam back to Lin Chen's side, and his mouth gave out a low roar of injustice.


Lin Chen was stunned.

The meaning of swallow sky dragon inflammation is that the breath of chaos and strange fire disappeared out of thin air. It can't be sure where the other party went. What's certain is that the chaos and strange fire pulled away from it in an instant.

The reason why it cannot sense each other is that the distance becomes too far.

Lin Chen frowned, unable to figure out why. He took tianlongyan back into his body, flapped his wings behind him, and once again increased his speed to the extreme, looking for it in the ocean of magma.

Another quarter of an hour has passed.

Swallowing the sky, Longyan felt excited again. Obviously, he noticed another kind of chaotic and strange fire. He rushed out of his body and rushed to the northwest.

Lin Chen's eyes were happy and he immediately followed.

But after a while, tuntianlongyan swam back to him discouraged and told him that the smell of chaos and strange fire disappeared again!

Lin Chen's face was a little ugly after taking Tianlong Yan back into his body.

He returned without success twice in a row, which didn't discourage Lin Chen, but he also realized that if he continued to search, he would never find another kind of chaotic fire.

This time, he was no longer in a hurry to look for it, but frowned and meditated.

"The smell of chaos and strange fire disappeared out of thin air because it was separated from Tianlong Yan in an instant! But even if it had wisdom, it could never be faster than Tianlong Yan now, let alone separate it in an instant."

"What's certain is that swallow sky dragon inflammation sensed it. It should also have sensed swallow sky dragon inflammation. The reason why it ran away was that it sensed that it was not the opponent of swallow sky dragon inflammation. This is more proof that its speed can't be faster than swallow sky dragon inflammation!"

"Since the speed is not as fast as swallowing the sky dragon, how can the distance be opened in an instant?"

Lin Chen thought hard. After a while, his eyes lit up: "I guessed that it might be integrated with the magma ocean, so I can't sense it. Then, maybe it can not only hide its own breath with the help of the magma ocean, but also have the ability to transfer instantly in the magma?

Although this is incredible, it is not impossible that this chaotic fire has existed on this planet for millions of years and has some special skills! "

"If it can change its position instantly in the magma ocean, how can I catch it?"

Lin Chen smiled quickly.

As before, he searched in the underground magma world again. This time, for half an hour, swallow tianlongyan was excited again.

Unlike before.

When Tianlong Yan wanted to rush out of his body, he was suppressed by Lin Chen.

At the center of his eyebrows, a picture like a slate flew out, which was exactly the "picture of the holy meteor mountain and river"!

"A picture of mountains and rivers!" Lin Chen whispers.

Invisible ripples flow in all directions from the "picture of meteor Saint mountains and rivers", and the space becomes distorted. The originally flowing crimson magma seems to be suppressed by unknown forces, or it seems to be solidified in space, which is momentarily static, like stagnant water.

At this time, Lin Chen let swallow tianlongyan rush out of his body.

"Lead the way!"

"Roar -!"

The Dragon Yan swallowed the sky and roared excitedly. He rushed to the southeast. Lin Chen followed him.

After less than a minute, Tianlong Yan stopped, turned back and shouted excitedly at Lin Chen, as if he were asking for credit.

Lin Chen looked ahead and his pupils contracted slightly.

He saw a deep red flame, struggling, but it seemed to be bound by an invisible chain. No matter how it struggled, it could not leave.

It seems that Lin Chen and tuntian Longyan are coming.

The crimson flame turned into a ferocious beast.

With a body of sevenoreight meters long, the huge head accounts for almost half of the body, and the huge mouth accounts for almost half of the head. The eyes are under the armpit, and the tusks are like tigers. The body is dark red!

It roared at Lin Chen and tuntian Longyan like a baby screaming.

Lin Chen looked at the fierce beast and couldn't help but be stunned. He just felt that the image of chaos and fire was very much like the fierce beast gluttonous in ancient Chinese legends!

"Roar -!"

Swallow tianlongyan refused to be outdone and roared back, but this guy didn't take the initiative to rush over, but rubbed Lin Chen with his head, as if to say, master, you should kill this guy first, and then I'll eat it. Don't let it hurt your baby!

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