Lin Chen turned his eyes angrily and said to swallow the sky dragon: "you have also swallowed another chaotic fire and many divine fires. Although it has existed for a longer time than you, it is still in its original form and can never be your opponent. What are you afraid of?

Go ahead and devour it! At present, it has been suppressed by the "meteor saint mountain and river map", and with me here, there can be no accidents. "

"Roar -!"

Swallow the sky Long Yan roared happily, nodded very humanized, turned into a black flame, and rushed towards the gluttonous beast.

When the gluttonous beast saw the dragon swallowing the sky coming, he made a sharp cry in his mouth. He struggled desperately and wanted to resist. However, Lin Chen had suppressed all the heaven and earth through the "meteor saint mountain and river map", and it could not resist at all.

The dark flame drowned it.

At the beginning, there was a sharp sound. Soon, everything became calm, leaving only a huge black flame burning and the surface slowly creeping.

After a long time, the black flame calmed down, turned into a black fire dragon again, flew towards Lin Chen, turned around excitedly beside him, and merged into his body.

Lin Chen seemed calm. In fact, he was very excited.

After so much effort, I finally gathered the remnant maps of chaos and fire and came here across countless star regions. Finally, I got the chaos and fire!

He closed his eyes and carefully sensed the change of swallow sky dragon inflammation, but he didn't notice that it was different from the previous one.

"Any chaotic fire is bound to be accompanied by a special ability. I didn't notice the change of swallowing sky dragon inflammation, which shows that the special ability of this chaotic fire can't bring any change to my body, soul and inner world."

Lin Chen was curious about what the special ability of chaos and fire was.

However, he will know this sooner or later, so he is not anxious.

"The chaos fire has been swallowed up. Now, it's time to go back to the Earth City. The time to come out this time is not much different from the expected time. If you count the journey back, you don't even need a year."

Lin Chen said to himself. His body turned into a dark flame and disappeared from the deep red magma.


Xieqingqiu was lying on the hot ground. She was weak and dark in front of her eyes. If she hadn't been an immortal and powerful person with amazing vitality, she would have died long ago.

Xieqingqiu's heart is filled with sadness and guilt when he thinks that he is the only one who went to the original mainland with him, and he doesn't expect to live long. He also thinks of the clan people who are full of expectations towards him at the ancestral star.

She is not afraid of death, but she died on an unknown planet, and even the legendary land of origin has not yet arrived. She is really unwilling!


Just then, a figure rushed out of the lava river.

"The queen is back!"

"Hum! That damned Terran must have died at the hands of the queen!"

"Of course. If the queen wants to kill him, she only needs a breath. No! She doesn't even need a breath. She can kill him by releasing her pressure!"


All the Fei Yan poison spiders present thought that their own queen came back, and they were very excited.

Xieqingqiu's heart sank. She also thought that it was Fei Yan poison spider who came back. In her opinion, Fei Yan poison spider was the supreme. It could not be found if it went to find Lin Chen.

But if found, Lin Chen will never survive!

'we dragged him down. If Liang Haoyu did not bring these monsters, he would not have lost his life! "

Xieqingqiu sighed in her heart and looked over the lava river. As a result, a pair of beautiful eyes stared round. It was Lin Chen who stood high and looked at himself and the Fei Yan poisonous spiders, not behind the Fei Yan poisonous spiders.

"You... Are you still alive?" Xieqingqiu said in consternation.

Lin Chen looked at lianghaoyu's body and was surprised. He knew that they were caught up by Fei Yan poison spider in the process of escaping.

Hearing xieqingqiu's words, he couldn't help saying, "look what you said. Of course I'm still alive. Should I be dead?"

"No... that's not what I meant!"

Xieqingqiu realized that there was something wrong with what he had just said, and explained, "the leaders of these monsters have gone down to find you! I, I thought you -"

"Think it killed me?"

Lin Chen understands what the other party means.

The leader of these monsters has gone down to find himself?

I didn't even notice!

However, on second thought, when swallowing tianlongyan devoured the chaotic fire, I had taken back all my thoughts. The power of the "meteor saint mountain and river map" was used to suppress the chaotic fire. My attention was also on swallowing tianlongyan and the chaotic fire. Even if the monster leader passed by from a distance, I might not have noticed it.

As for the other party's perception of himself?

That's impossible!

Unless its realm is above itself, it will not find itself even if it stands behind it!

Xieqingqiu was pleasantly surprised. Unexpectedly, this man was so lucky that he came out ahead of time without being found by the monster in the supreme realm!

I found a little life!

"Damn Terran imp, although our queen is not here at present, you can't leave alive with us here!"

"That's right! Let's join hands and leave him to the queen!"

"Hum! A lucky dog! Tear off all his limbs first. I'll see how he can run."


Many Fei Yan poisonous spiders came back to their senses, roared one by one, and the leading immortal Fei Yan poisonous spiders rushed to Lin Chen at the same time!

"Are you in such a hurry to die?"

Lin Chen is in a good mood now. If these spiders don't provoke themselves, they won't bother to take care of them.

But if you want your own life, you should give them a ride first!

He clapped several palms in succession, and several flame palms flew out, hitting Fei Yan poison spider who rushed to his immortal realm.

Bang Bang——

Several earth shaking noises appeared, and the violent air waves surged in all directions, shaking the earth and mountains!

Several Fei Yan poisonous spiders in the immortal realm turned into flames at the same time, and then exploded with flesh and blood.

Seeing this scene, the other Fei Yan poisonous spiders who looked at Lin Chen with a ferocious look all showed a frightened look, and continued to regress, giving people the feeling that Lin Chen in front of them was a peerless beast many times more terrible than them, and some of them were scared.

When xieqingqiu saw Lin Chen, who looked calm, he suddenly showed a look of ecstasy. He couldn't help but be stunned. What's the situation? Is this man actually a violent maniac who likes killing?

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