Xieqingqiu has seen Lin Chen easily kill the Fei Yan poison spider in the immortal realm. He thinks that Lin Chen is the top of the immortal realm, and even the super strong man in the immortal realm. Therefore, it's not too surprising to see him easily kill several Fei Yan poison spiders.

But when Lin Chen killed these monsters, he showed a look of ecstasy, which made him feel a little scary.

It's like a pervert who likes to kill, which makes people shudder!

The reason why Lin Chen is ecstatic is not that he gets pleasure from killing, but that he gets strength from killing

Swallowing dragon Yan, who burned several immortal Fei Yan poisonous spiders to ashes, flew back to him. With the fire, the pure energy contained in the fire merged into the inner world of Lin Chen!

After a while, these energies were transformed and absorbed by Lin Chen and became a part of the power of the world in his body.

These forces belong to the immortal realm level. Lin Chen can easily judge that they belong to the immortal realm Fei Yan poison spiders that he has just killed!

He remembered the crimson sphere he had seen before.

These forces are essentially the same as those of the crimson sphere. Although their forms are different, they are pure energy in nature and can be easily transformed and absorbed.

"This... This is the special ability of the chaos fire just swallowed? Its ability is the power of stars or the power of the world to swallow the stars in other creatures, and then bring the energy back to my master?"

The idea came to mind, and Lin Chen almost couldn't help laughing.

This special ability really surprised him!

Devour the power of other creatures and take it as their own. That is to say, other creatures have practiced for countless years, but in the end they just make wedding clothes for themselves?

If so, this special ability is much more powerful than "eternal fire" and "Assassin"!

If the special ability of chaos fire can be divided into different levels, Lin Chen is sure that the special ability of chaos fire that has just been swallowed is definitely the top rank.

"No wonder, when swallowing this chaotic fire, Tianlong Yan is so afraid. Maybe it is because the special ability of this chaotic fire is too frightening. It is afraid to be swallowed by the other side in turn?"

Lin Chen thought carefully. It's really possible. "However, just like the supreme artifact, the power can go against the sky, but it often has its limitations. The origin of chaos is fair. Even chaotic fire can never go against the sky, and can devour the power of all creatures in the world! This special ability

Should also have its limitations? "

Lin Chen recalled that he had previously held the crimson sphere in his hand. The crimson sphere wanted to devour the energy in his body, but it was absorbed by him instead.

It suddenly struck him.

"If I guess correctly, the reason why I easily swallowed the power of these Fei Yan poisonous spiders is that their realm is far below me? If their realm is higher than me, I probably can't swallow the power of the stars in their bodies!

That is to say, can only devour the power of creatures whose realm is lower than mine? What if they are on my level? What's more, can it only devour the power of creatures who understand the law of fire and those who understand other laws? "

While Lin Chen was very excited, questions came to mind.

He can't wait to know the answer!

He turned to look at the other Fei Yan poisonous spiders.

The Fei Yan poisonous spiders, whose bodies were many times larger than Lin Chen, were scared back like a tide when they saw Lin Chen, and their eyes were full of panic.

Lin Chen glanced: "you guys, you are all fluctuations of the law of fire, and your strength is low. I am too lazy to kill you!"

The power of those immortal Fei Yan poison spiders just now was absorbed by him. However, the strongest one was just the peak of immortal.

The gap with Lin Chen's realm is too big. After absorbing their power, there is no significant improvement in Lin Chen's realm. It can only be said that a little is better than nothing.

Xieqingqiu sees Lin Chen in a moment of ecstasy, a moment of frowning, a moment of bewilderment, and a moment of lightness. She just feels confused and doesn't understand what the other party is like.

It looks like I'm sick

She suddenly thought of something. She turned pale and shouted to Lin Chen: "it seems that the leaders of these monsters will soon be aware when they die under the hands of the immortal realm.

It may have found the situation here and is coming here! Let's leave quickly, or when it comes, we will all be finished! "

"The queen of these guys?" Lin Chen looks at her.

Xieqingqiu nodded hurriedly and looked frightened: "it is a monster of the supreme level. The degree of terror is far beyond your imagination! Let's hurry up - er... What's the matter with you?"

Before xieqingqiu finished, he found that Lin Chen had another look of ecstasy. He couldn't help being silly.

She wondered if the man was mentally abnormal despite his strength?

I laughed inexplicably before, but now I laugh so happily. Is it a happy thing that the leader of these monsters is a supreme?

Shouldn't you panic and run for your life?

She also plans to ask Lin Chen to take her with her when he runs away!

Xieqingqiu wanted to cry without tears: "what are you laughing at? Do you think of anything good? However, now is really not the time to be happy. Let's leave here quickly?"

"Late!" Lin Chen said.

"Late? What's late?"

Xieqingqiu was puzzled. The earth shook violently, and the magma in the river rolled violently. A huge thing flew out of the magma and rose into the sky!

It is the queen of Fei Yan poison spider!

Xieqingqiu's legs softened and he sat down on the ground, looking at the Fei Yan poisonous spider whose eight eyes were full of evil spirit, and whispered, "it's over! It's over! There's still no way to live."

The cruelest thing in the world is to give hope to a desperate person and quickly smash her hope!

Xieqingqiu, who was already in despair, thought he had a way to live when he saw Lin Chen. However, with the appearance of Fei Yan's poisonous spider, in her opinion, there is no doubt that she will still die!

Strong as she was, she couldn't help crying at this time. Her eyes were full of despair and unwillingness.

She looked at Lin Chen sadly, and found that Lin Chen's eyes fell on the back of Fei Yan poison spider. Then he was ecstatic and smiling. He was almost ready to laugh.

"..." xieqingqiu was so stunned that he couldn't care about his sadness.

She gritted her teeth and was so angry that she said, "this guy is really crazy. Can he laugh at this time? Or does he have no idea what the supreme being is?"

The ignorant have no fear! It was the only explanation she could think of.

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