Compared with xieqingqiu's despair, those Fei Yan poisonous spiders who were retreating were all overjoyed when they saw the Fei Yan poisonous spiders. Among them, there were several immortal realms. Tell the Fei Yan poisonous spiders what happened just now and ask them to avenge their dead companions.

After Fei Yan poisoned the spider, he heard them say that several people in the immortal realm had died and were indifferent. Now, he only cares about another thing.

His eyes stared at Lin Chen coldly, and his voice said sharply, "the crimson spheres in the magma have disappeared. The only explanation is that the chaotic fire in the inner earth magma has disappeared. Kid, is that chaotic fire in your hand? It's mine. Give it back to me quickly!"

Compared with chaos and strange fire, the lives of several subordinates are not worth mentioning at all.

It stayed here for tens of thousands of years, but eventually chaos and strange fire fell into the hands of others. It was almost mad.

"Chaos and fire..."

Xieqingqiu whispers, wondering what kind of treasure it is that makes the other party care so much?

Lin Chen said calmly, "it's a strange fire. Those who are destined to get it. You have stayed here for countless years, but you haven't got it. You can only say that it is destined to belong to me!"

This is undoubtedly an admission that chaos and strange fire did fall into his hands.

The empress of the Fei Yan poisonous spider's eyes flashed fiercely, and she said in a cold voice, "I'll give you a chance to return the original flame of the chaotic fire to me, and I can make you die a little happier!"

Lin Chen smiled lightly and said, "it has been swallowed up by me. Even if I want to give it to you, I can't help it."

Fei Yan's poison spider was stunned.

The picture seemed to solidify, and a terrible breath erupted from it. The space in all directions became distorted, setting off an amazing storm, and the terrifying power enveloped the world!

"Is this the power of the supreme?" Xieqingqiu's heart trembled. At this time, she felt like an ant in the rough waves. She had no ability to resist at all.

This power has exceeded her cognition!

At this moment, she realized how small she was.

It's ridiculous that if you think you have become immortal, you will become a first-class strong man in the world. It turns out that it is all your imagination. At least in front of the supreme strong man, you are still like an ant.

"You! Should! Die!!"

The back of the Fei Yan poison spider looks crazy. The chaos and fire that it regarded as the object in the bag eventually became someone else's. The feeling of the cooked duck flying almost made it mad.

It opened its mouth, and the emerald green flame surged out, turning into a huge flame spider web, and headed towards the forest cover.

Lin Chen's body flashed and disappeared.

The flame spider web is empty!

Lin Chen appears in front of Fei Yan's poisonous spider!

His figure was not even as big as one eye of the queen of Fei Yan poison spider. However, at the next moment, the power that erupted in him made the queen of Fei Yan poison spider's hair stand on end.

The dark flame danced around Lin Chen. He said coldly, "since you want to kill me, it's reasonable for me to kill you."

The space behind him was distorted and stars appeared. For a moment, xieqingqiu felt as if he were somewhere in the sky.

"I am the world? Supreme! Are you also a supreme?" The Fei Yan poison spider screamed sharply in its back mouth.

When xieqingqiu heard this, he trembled and looked at Lin Chen in disbelief.

Lin Chen didn't answer. He stretched out his palm and patted the head of Fei Yan poison spider!

"Roar -!"

After the Fei Yan poison spider, its mouth roared wildly. Eight eyes burst out eight bright flames. The space was shattered where it passed, producing a deafening explosion sound.

Behind it, stars with emerald green flames appeared.

Its first two feet, like a peerless weapon, cut into Lin Chen's body and set off a fierce and blazing fire wave.

However, its speed, relative to Lin Chen, is still too slow.

Lin Chen clapped it with one palm. The dark flame surged out like a burst River, turning into a huge palm, and knocked the eight emerald green flames away. Before Fei Yan poison spider's two feet penetrated his body, the flame palm had already clapped on Fei Yan poison spider's head!

"Roar -!"

The Fei Yan poison spider screamed sharply in its back mouth.

Lin Chen grabbed his right hand, and the Xuanyuan gun appeared in his hand.


The Xuanyuan gun wrapped in black flame, like a string arrow, shoots at the back of the Fei Yan poison spider, and instantly penetrates the back body of the Fei Yan poison spider.

The Fei Yan poisonous spider screamed again, and then fell to the ground with a roar.

At the same time, the 96 stars behind it suddenly appeared a black flame. The black flame was like swallowing the emerald flame. Soon, all 96 stars were wrapped in the black flame.

Finally, the stars and the origin of the world disappeared, turned into a pure black flame, and flew back to Lin Chen.

"Although this monster was in the early days of the supreme realm, its fighting methods were somewhat clumsy. Compared with the many methods of the elder Cang Yu's family, they were not the same."

Lin Chen guessed that the Fei Yan poisonous spider was born somewhere in the universe. Its growth process was relatively smooth, and it did not take too many detours and hardships.

It's a step to the present by the blood and luck of terror.

But this also led to a lack of fighting means.

Of course, this is the conclusion drawn after comparing it with the supreme of the original continent. If we compare it with the immortals, it will be much stronger!

The black flame, just like the ebb tide, returned to Lin Chen's body.

A pure and huge energy emerged in Lin Chen's inner world!

The power of the world in Lin Chen's body runs wildly, absorbing and transforming this external power.

There are 99 stars in the inner world, and the black flames are leaping. It gives people the feeling that this external force has already been integrated with the dragon swallowing fire. Therefore, it is very easy to be assimilated and absorbed by Lin Chen's inner world before long!

Lin Chen's face was more cheerful.

Although this force is not enough to make him break through to the later stage of the supreme realm, it has made his realm greatly improved, which can be said to be a big step!

If you practice by yourself, it will take at least tens of thousands of years to have such an obvious improvement!

"As I guessed, the special ability of the devoured chaotic fire is the power to devour other creatures. It gives back to me as the host!

Even if I can't swallow the power of creatures higher than me, this ability has become extremely abnormal! It's so strong!

In other words, I wish I had more enemies in the supreme territory! "

Others hope not to provoke too many enemies, but Lin Chen is eager to have more enemies in the supreme realm.

Thinking of the picture that the stars behind Fei Yan's poisonous spider were swallowed up by tianlongyan, he said to himself: "in that case, the third special ability of tianlongyan is named... 'star eater'!"

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