Seeing Lin Chen's face full of ecstasy again, xieqingqiu never doubted that there was something wrong with his brain. Instead, he doubted that there was something wrong with his eyes?

The monster in the supreme realm, who made himself feel hopeless, was simply killed by the other party?

No bones, no soul?

How many breaths before and after that?

She seemed to have lost her soul. She stared at Lin Chen in the air like a stone carving. She didn't know how to express the shock in her heart.


the earth trembled and the mountains swayed!

It was those Fei Yan poisonous spiders who saw their own queen killed. When they came back to their senses, they all ran for their lives.

They dare not have the slightest idea of revenge!

Even Fei Yan's poisonous spiders were killed in the twinkling of an eye. Even if they all went together, it is estimated that they are not enough for people to warm up.

"Hurry! Run! This man is not only a supreme, but also above the queen. Let's split up and run away!" A Fei Yan poisonous spider made a sharp cry.

Flames flew from Lin Chen's fingertips. After a while, all the Fei Yan poisonous spiders in the immortal realm were burned to ashes, leaving only the black flame, which flew back to Lin Chen's body.

As for those Fei Yan poisonous spiders under the immortal realm, Lin Chen had no interest at all and let them go.

"What are your plans next? Do you want to go to the mainland of origin?" Lin Chen looked at the absent-minded xieqingqiu.

Xieqingqiu's eyes were complicated. She thought that she had met Lin Chen before and regarded him as an aborigine. Although she didn't look down on each other, she felt a faint sense of superiority in her heart at that time. At this time, she felt very embarrassed and ridiculous. There was also a strong sense of frustration.

On the planet where she was born, she is the peerless pride worshipped by countless people!

However, before she got to the mainland of origin, she already knew that she was not a top power. Let alone compared with the immortal supremacy of Lin Chen and Fei Yan poison spider, any immortal monster could deal with her.

She bit her lip and looked at Lin Chen with firm eyes: "I still plan to go to the mainland of origin. This experience makes me understand how weak I am.

If I want to be strong, I have to go to the original continent! If you can, can you give me a ride? "

Speaking later, she was a little nervous.

When she realized how terrible the strength of the person in front of her was, she simply could not keep an ordinary mind.


Lin Chen nodded. "Anyway, I just want to return to the mainland of origin. It doesn't matter if I take you along the way."

Xieqingqiu's face was full of joy. Even though she felt a strong attraction enveloping her.

"Don't resist. I'll take you into my space treasure. I can travel faster than I can with you!" Lin Chen said.

Xieqingqiu did not make any resistance when she heard the speech, and let the force pull her to Lin Chen.

If the other party wants to be unfavorable to himself, he doesn't need any nonsense at all, let alone lie to himself, so he doesn't need to worry about anything.

Xieqingqiu turned into a flash of streamer and flew into Lin Chen's eyebrows!

Lin Chen's body turned into a black flame. The flame dissipated, and he also disappeared in situ!


When xieqingqiu was released from the divine prison tower, she was keenly aware that the Reiki concentration of this heaven and earth was more than ten times stronger than that of her ancestor star and the star where Fei Yan poison spider lived previously.

On her left, a thousand meters away, is a huge city.

At the gate of the city, which looks like the mouth of a giant beast, there are a flood of people coming in and out, which is very prosperous and lively.

Xieqingqiu thought of something. He took back his eyes and looked at Lin Chen in front of him. He said excitedly, "master, is this the original continent?"

"To be exact, this territory belongs to a supreme divine realm in the western part of the original continent. That city is the divine city of this supreme divine realm!

Your strength, even in the original continent, is actually a strong man. If you still want to make progress, there is no need for many immortal dynasties to go in the past. Such a sacred city in the supreme realm is more suitable for you.

Of course, there are few opportunities available in such places. On the original continent, there are many opportunities, most of which are in remote and desolate places, and that place is accompanied by huge risks! If you want opportunities, you need to find them yourself, and you need to be prepared for adventure! "

Lin Chen had a faint smile on his face. Looking at Xie Qingqiu, who had just come to the mainland, he seemed to see himself.

Xieqingqiu didn't expect the other party to bring her to a holy city in the supreme divine domain, and she also said so much to herself. She was grateful and bent her knees to kneel down for Lin Chen.

As a result, an invisible force shrouded her, making her unable to kneel.

Lin Chen rolled her eyes. "I said that you all have this problem. If you feel you owe me a favor, then go and get stronger. After becoming stronger, you can repay the favor. Don't kneel down to me. I don't like this."

"I am sure that I will become a strong man. I will repay you for your kindness in the future."

Xieqingqiu nodded heavily, hesitated, and asked, "can you know where to go if you want to find an elder in the future?"

"You don't need to know. If you are destined, you will see each other again." Lin Chen shook his head.

Xieqingqiu was disappointed. She knew that the other party didn't want to have too much to do with her. She was also very knowledgeable. She didn't ask any more questions. After saying goodbye to Lin Chen, she turned and walked towards the city not far away.

"With the strength of your predecessors, you are definitely a famous strongman on the mainland of origin! As long as I become strong enough to enter his level in the future, I will certainly know his relevant information. At that time, it will not be too late to repay the favor. "

With this thought, xieqingqiu's heart suddenly opened up.

No more thoughts in my heart, only the desire to become stronger!

Lin Chen watched Xie Qingqiu disappear in sight.

The place he chose is the nearest holy city to the Earth City, so it doesn't take much time to return to the Earth City from here.

Speaking of it, the domain master of the supreme god domain went to the earth city to show his kindness, and he was very nervous.

Obviously, he is afraid that Lin Chen wants to expand the territory of the Earth City and has the idea of the supreme god territory.

That guy offered a lot of cultivation resources. He was relieved until Lin Chen told him that he didn't want to expand the territory of the global city.

Just when Lin Chen was about to tear the space away, he saw a figure and walked out of the city gate not far away.

His eyes could not help freezing.

It was a young man. Lin Chen had never seen this man before, but his appearance, snake tail body and handsome face immediately reminded him of the same snake tail body and beautiful demon God Cassia!

The young man's face was beaming. It seemed that he was in a hurry when something good happened.

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