"Boy! Who are you? You are also thinking about green clothes and silver blood grass?"

The old man pushed his legs, disappeared from Lin Chen, and appeared on the branches of another huge tree. His eyes stared at Lin Chen darkly, thinking that Lin Chen was here for the same purpose as himself.

"Do you know our queen?" The young man looked at Lin Chen with a surprised look on his face, but immediately thought about it, this man knew that his majesty did not mean that he really had any friendship with his majesty.

Maybe this guy is a man of too many gods.

It's no surprise to know her Majesty's name!

Perhaps he is pretending to have friends with her majesty and wants to get her Majesty's location from his mouth!

At this thought, he looked at Lin Chen's eyes and became cautious again.

Lin Chen didn't know many thoughts in his heart. He turned to the old man and said, "don't compare you with me. As for who I am, you don't deserve to know."

The old man was immediately furious.

"Arrogant boy! You are looking for death!"

The old man shouted, and the aura within hundreds of miles rioted again. His figure disappeared, leaving only a terrible storm, like a mountain torrent and tsunami, sweeping away towards Lin Chen. In an instant, countless giant trees were uprooted and rolled into the air!

The young man's face brightened and he ran away while the two guys were fighting.

No matter who wins or loses in the end, it will take some time for them to decide the outcome. Although their strength is not as good as theirs, they may not be able to catch up if they give themselves a little time to escape!

The idea came to mind, and he immediately put it into practice. He turned around and turned into a streamer, and was about to flee to the far sky.


"Ah --!"

As soon as he turned around, he heard a loud explosion behind him. It was the sound of flesh and blood bursting, and then there was a scream.

The restless wind tends to be quiet, and the sound of the wind disappears with it. The needle drops behind him. It is eerily quiet.

This kind of dead scene makes the youth feel creepy.

"In such a hurry to leave?" Lin Chen's voice sounded behind him, very close to him.

Young people have a feeling that as long as the other party slaps them, they can smash their own heads.

He turned around stiffly and saw Lin Chen standing behind him. The distance between him and him was less than one meter. As for the old man, he had already disappeared, leaving only the bloody smell in the air.

"You... Who the hell are you?" The young man swallowed his saliva. The other party killed the old man so easily. At least he was also a monk in the immortal realm. He could not deal with it by himself!

It's impossible to leave in front of him!

If he asked himself about her majesty, he would not tell him.

But if he takes advantage of his little attention and controls his consciousness, he can still know everything he wants to know from his mouth!

Now, it is impossible to bring back the materials in the space ring!

But at least not to expose her Majesty's position.

If his soul explodes, he will never get any information from his mouth!

His eyes became firm at the thought.

"Are you listening to me? Your mental activities seem to be a little rich?" Some helpless voices were heard by the young people.

The young man recovered and stared at Lin Chen with an alert look: "what did you say?"

"I said, I am an old friend of your Majesty the queen! Some time ago, I went to Yunlan prairie to look for your snake Kui tribe, but I failed. Can you tell me the exact location of your tribe?"

Lin Chen can only repeat what he just said.

Sure enough, he wanted to inquire about the whereabouts of her Majesty the queen... The young man gave a cold hum: "do you think I would believe your words?"

Seeing his performance, Lin Chen was more sure that the snake Kui tribe was in some trouble at present. Otherwise, this guy could not be on guard to this extent.

He thought for a moment and took something out of the God prison tower.

On his hand, there appeared a palm sized crystal boat, which was carved with complicated lines. It was obviously not ordinary!

"This is the only star moon ark of our Shekui tribe. How could you have it?" The young man was shocked.

"Your Majesty the queen gave it to me, to be exact, to everyone on my ancestral star." Lin Chen answered with a smile. If the other party recognized this thing, it would be much easier.

The young man frowned and said, "Your Majesty, why did you give the star moon ark to everyone on your ancestral star for no reason?"

Lin Chen simply told the story between cassia and the earth. After hearing this, the young man was surprised and said, "earth! Is your ancestor the earth?"

Lin Chen looked happy. It seemed that Cassia had told her men about the earth. In this way, it would be better to do it.

He nodded and smiled, "that's right."

"Hahaha! So you are from the earth. When her majesty came back, we asked her where she was these years, and she told us something about the earth."

The young man laughed and relaxed.

The details Lin Chen mentioned just now are consistent with what cassia and them said at the beginning. If Lin Chen were not an earthling, he would never know those details.

Lin Chen said with a smile, "now you can tell me where your snake Kui tribe is?"

"Yes, you can. However, if you describe it orally, it may not be so easy to find it when you go there. Moreover, even if there is no one to guide you, you can't go in. Now I'm going back. Why don't you go to Yunlan prairie with me?" The youth suggested.

Yunlan prairie.

Sure enough, cassia is still in the middle.

"OK, I'll go with you, but before that, I must go home and talk to my family so that they don't worry."

Lin Chen thought for a while, nodded his head and asked tentatively, "have you met any difficulties now, snake Kui tribe?"

The young man thought that the other person was a man of the earth, so naturally he would not have anything to do with the Taiyi divine realm. He said: "I have really encountered trouble, and it is still a big trouble!

At present, our queen is seriously injured and needs to take a supreme holy pill called 'Bodhi jade clear pill' to heal the injury. The green clothes and silver blood herb that the old man wanted to seize just now is one of the ingredients for refining 'Bodhi jade Qingdan'

"Who was the one who was seriously injured? Besides, you said that the Shekui tribe was in big trouble. What was the trouble?"

Lin Chen frowned. He guessed that Cassia was also the supreme power. Ordinary people could not hurt her at all, but could hurt her existence. Undoubtedly, they all had a lot to do.

An idea came to his mind. What does this have to do with the ancient Xuanyan tree Cassia is looking for?

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