The young man was a little embarrassed and said: "it's not that I doubt you will be harmful to our snake Kui tribe. It's just that the secret of our tribe is involved. I can't tell you too much.

If you really want to know, you can ask her directly when you see her majesty. If she is willing to tell you, then you will know. "

Hearing this, Lin Chen stopped asking.

He chatted with the young man again and learned that the young man's name was Phelps. Then, with the consent of the other party, he put the other party into the God prison tower, and then returned to the Earth City.

The speed of his own journey was naturally much faster than that of taking the other party. In less than half a day, Lin Chen returned to the main mansion of the global city.

Everyone was overjoyed to learn that he had returned.

Lin Chen called everyone to the hall. First, he told them about the harvest of this trip, and then he told them about cassia and the snake Kui tribe.

After hearing this, the people looked at each other in silence.

From what the women know about Lin Chen, they can tell that Lin Chen wants to go to Yunlan prairie again to see if he can help Shekui tribe solve their problems.

Cassia is kind to the people on earth. Lin Chen wants to repay this kindness and help. Naturally, they are supportive. But on second thought, Lin Chen once told them that Cassia should be a supreme.

As a result, cassia was badly wounded. It can be seen how powerful the enemies of the snake Kui tribe are!

Lin Chen may have a lot of risks when he goes to Yunlan prairie.

After all, they are willing to repay Lin Chen, but they don't want Lin Chen to take risks.

In the end, yeyi said: "since you have made a decision in your heart, go. Remember to be careful not to have an accident."

Linmingyuan said in a deep voice: "it's just the so-called love of a drop of water. At first, she helped us a lot, but now she is in trouble. Xiaochen, you really should go and have a look. If you can help, you must help. Even if something really happens in the end, at least you won't feel uneasy. At least -"

"Shut up! What's an accident? Can you talk, Lin Mingyuan? What's an accident? How can my son have an accident? What a person, old man, can't even talk?"

Chenlanzhi was reluctant for Lin Chen to take risks, but she also understood that at the beginning, people had helped the earth, but now they are in trouble. It is really unreasonable not to go to see it.

She was depressed. Naturally, the beautiful daughter-in-law was hard to deal with. As a result, Lin Mingyuan's words almost hit the muzzle of the gun. Her hands were on her hips and she was furious.

Linmingyuan shook his hand and said, "I'll just say it! You can't change your temper, can you?"

Chenlanzhi raised her eyebrows: "yes, it can't be changed! Since you dislike my temper, from today on, we will sleep in separate rooms. You won't be bothered if you can't see it!"


Linmingyuan immediately counseled him and said with a laugh, "who says I don't like your temper? If you have a good temper, I don't like it. I like your straightforward temper the most!"

"..." Lin Chen thinks that his thick skin is mostly inherited from his father.

Chenlanzhi gave him a white eye and said to Lin Chen, "son, if you want to go to central China, mom won't stop you. In fact, mom knows that you will only stay for a period of time this time, and then you will go to central China after all.

However, do you take the snow scar with you? With her by your side, mom will feel much more relieved! "

Chenlanzhi wants Lin Chen to bring the snow trace, not because she prefers the snow trace, but because she already knows something about the scepter of "goddess's embrace" and knows that the snow trace can play a big role in Lin Chen's life at a critical moment.

Snow scar heard the words and said: "I'll go with you!"

Although her words were brief, her eyes were as firm as a rock. Obviously, she had to follow Lin Chen. She was also afraid of Lin Chen's accident, but she was not good at expressing her feelings in words.

The rest of the women also opened their mouths and asked Lin Chen to bring the snow marks.

Linqizhi, Xiao Wu, Lin Panpan, and others also followed suit and asked Lin Chen to bring them along.

Lin Chen thought for a while and decided to take the snow mark with him. Although he was confident, he was not sure whether he could help Cassia with his current strength.

In any case, there is a snow mark beside us, so it is an additional guarantee.

As for linqizhi and Xiaowu, who followed the coaxing, he refused, and told the girls not to run around by themselves. When they came back from central China this time, if they went to central China next time, they would consider bringing them all together.

In this way, several girls are satisfied.

There was no more stop in the global city. In the early morning of the next day, Lin Chen put the snow mark into the Shenyu tower, and then set off for the middle part. Only when he reached Yunlan grassland did he release Phelps from the Shenyu tower.

Next, Phelps will lead the way.

A few days later, Phelps took Lin Chen to a desolate grassland full of weeds, surrounded by low mountains less than 100 meters high.

"Here it is!"

After telling Lin Chen, Phelps went to the front of a low mountain, bit his fingertips and drew an ancient symbol on the mountain wall.


The symbol ignites a weak flame, blooming more and more bright light. Finally, the whole mountain, shaking slightly, becomes illusory.

"Follow me!"

Phelps said to Lin Chen and walked forward into the low mountain, just like walking into the clouds, without any obstacles.

Lin Chen followed him and walked into the low mountain.

I just felt that it was dark in front of me, and there was a roaring wind around me. There were bursts of spatial forces tearing his body. Of course, such levels of spatial forces could not bring him any pressure at all.

Soon, the scene in front of me suddenly opened up!

Green mountains and green waters are like a paradise. In the distance, there are some simple houses. In the middle of many houses, there is a towering palace built of rocks.

Around the palace, there are huge stone pillars, on which Python totem is carved!

"This is the independent space of our snake Kui tribe, which has lived for countless years. Come with me, and I will take you to her majesty now! She is in the palace."

Back home, Phelps looked excited and walked quickly toward the palace in the distance.

Lin Chen followed him. In his mind, he saw Cassia's gorgeous face. He was looking forward to it. He wondered if she would be surprised to see her now?

She probably never thought she would see herself again.

I never thought that I would become a supreme master when I saw you again?

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